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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 12 Review(s)
tkidReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/30/2011
Ingwion was the next to awaken about an hour later. He bolted upright and then proceeded to become violently ill before any of the Maiar had time to react. There was a great deal of ‘tsking’ among them even as they helped Tirnotaurion clean him up. Ingwion merely sat there weeping in frustration and shame, but finally he was washed and dressed in a clean nightshirt and put into one of the spare beds while the Maiar dealt with the mess. Tirnotaurion kept up a soothing monologue assuring the ellon that all was well until Ingwion’s tears abated and he fell back into a fitful doze that deepened into true sleep as the Maiar sang a lullaby.

This so accurately describes toddlers I think you must have had five or six of them, or managed an office. I loved this scene!

Author Reply: Never had any kids, Tkid, nor have I managed an office. LOL! I have, however, been in hospitals and based this scene from my own experiences of post-surgical recovery. Glad you are enjoying this story. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

TariReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/7/2008
Separating Beleg’s fëa from Findaráto’s would be such a delicate job. I have no doubt that the Valar are up to the challenge. I hope they succeed, as I am sure they will.

This was another fascinating chapter. How did you create all the names of the Maiar?


Author Reply: In creating names for any of my characters I primarily use Helge Fauskanger's Quenya-English-Quenya Wordlists or DragonFlames' Sindarin Dictionary depending on what language I want the name to be in. So I'm very careful not to 'invent' an Elvish-sounding name like some writers will do. I prefer to use the actual langauges for name formation.

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. We'll find out in the next chapter how the two fëar fare.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/7/2008
Every now and again i help my dad in his garden. lately my job has been to clear the bindweed away from the honeysuckle. Hard to do without damaging the honeysuckle. Harder still if you had to worry about damaging both plants/fear

Author Reply: Now you know what Námo and Irmo face with Finrod and Beleg. *grin*. Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you are able to find parallels between this story and real life. Makes it all the more interesting, I think.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
"He could already ‘hear’ the rather clinical debate going on between Aulë and Ulmo about the method of transference of the Mirroanwi between dimensions and what that might mean for the future" -- Little do they know what lies in store, in just a couple of thousand years!

I can't believe it's not Glorfindel this time who has the problem.... [Yes, I know sometimes it's not Glorfindel -- but the incidents involving Glorfindel are just so much more memorable.... Yes, I know: you give him the best parts because it's his story....]

Loved the Maiar fighting over who got to take care of Finrod and Glorfindel.

Author Reply: Well, Glorfindel's had his fair share of causing trouble, so now it's someone else's turn. lol

Glad you liked the chapter, especially the Maiar fighting over Finrod and Glorfindel. Thanks for reviewing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
Always another complication! Heh!

Author Reply: Of course... nothing ever goes smoothly with these elves. lol

Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
I love this story! I am a bit worried but I have no doubt that you will get it all sorted out eventually. :) what did you mean when you said that Beleg was one of Oromë's and Findaráto was the Fëanturi’s and Glorfindel was Manwë’s? That made me curious. Will we ever know? will the elves ever know? well another great chapter, I'm so glad there are authors like you out there who write such wonderful stories!!!

Author Reply: Thanks. I'm glad you are enjoying this story. As for the various elves 'belonging' to various Valar... Finrod of course is an apprentice to both Irmo and Námo, as described in Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux. Beleg and Glorfindel have been 'adopted' as it were by Oromë and Manwë, respectively (Sador is also Oromë's), though neither ellomn is presently aware of this and in Glorfindel's case he may never be told that for all intents and purposes he is Manwë's apprentice. You may recall in 'Book One' that when Glorfindel was ready to leave the Gardens of the Reborn and move on to Lórien, that it was Manwë himself who sent him on his way rather than Námo or even one of Námo's Maiar which would be the usual procedure. ALso, Manwë cared for Glorfindel personally in the cave when he could have assigned anyone to the task.

I'm glad that you find my stories so wonderful. Thank you and thank you for reviewing and letting me know. I really appreciate it.

HelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
Námo is having a gift for getting in trouble - who would have thougth...
I think by now Nienna as his older sister just knows his ways, so that he get cought. Could it be that even Irmo and Námo underestimates their older sister at times?

The families of the two lost ones as well as of the rescuers will be happy to hear that everyone is safely back.

But the entwining of the feas of Beleg and Finrod doesn´t sound good. I hope the take no damage out of it.

As ever I can´t await too read the next chapter.

Author Reply: i'm sure Námo and Irmo do underestimate their older sister from time to time... families being what they are.

And everyone (or almost everyone) will be very happy to know that Finrod and GLorfindel are back safe and sound (or about as sound as they are every likely to be. *grin*).

We'll see what consequences Finrod and Beleg suffer because of the entwining in later chapters.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
Incredibly good chapter... I can hardly comment because so much of it was profound... and a well needed conclusion.

Needless to say, I've got my fingers crossed for Namo and company!

Author Reply: Thanks, Agape. I'm glad you liked the chapter and found much of it profound. We'll see in the next one just how everything gets resolved.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
Hm, Namo should have no trouble untangling Beleg and Finrod, especially if Vaire has him helping to untangle her threads when she is working on her tapistries, just remind him not to pull on the knots and no giving up in frstration and cutting and knotting them together! Maybe Olorin could give him a hand?!

Author Reply: We'll see just how well Námo and Irmo do with this problem in the next chapter. I don't think helping Vairë is going to do much good here, myself. It's a lot trickier operation than untangling threads. *grin*

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 17 on 7/6/2008
Well, I would say there's something in that broth, but I know there isn't really, meldonya. Now I'm really worried for Finda and Beleg...Will they be all right???

*hugs them* *hugs Glorfi, Ingwion, Laurendil and Sador*

What is it with Sador that everyone keeps commenting on? *still wants to know why he was released early* *grin*

and that bit about the Reborn existing on a slightly different plane than the Once-born is still hard for me to figure out, lol.

Excellent chapter, meldonya! Just creates more questions, though, lol!


Author Reply: No.. there's nothing in the broth... it's just broth. *grin* WHat these ellyn experienced was draining both physically and spiritually and they need to regain their strength.

We will eventually see what the Valar are hoping for from Sador later in the story... much later. *grin*

As Oromë explained to the Four Hunters, everything in Eä resonates with an echo of the original Song that brought the universe into being. That included the fëar of the Children. When one of them dies and undergoes Judgment, something in the frequency changes and they are no longer resonating on the same leve as the other Children but on a lsightly different frequency. Even the Valar are unsure what that means; they've simply noted the difference.

Not all questions are meant to be answered... or at least not immediately. You will just have to be patient and wait. *grin*

Glad you liked the chapter, though. Thanks for reviewing.

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