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Fiondil's Tapestry  by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
LisselindeReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/27/2008
I hadn't thought about how Findarato might feel to have returned without scars. Your observations are well made here. The scars I bear, both the visible and the invisible tell the story of my life and the lessons I've learned. Findarato knew this, and Arafinwe came to understand it also. I was once told by a dear friend that a scar is nothing less than a special reminder of God's healing. For that reason, I, too would feel lost without them.

Author Reply: I've never heard that about scars being a special reminder of God's healing, but certainly that is one way to look at it. I think we define ourselves more by our wounds (both physical and emotional) than anything else and I wanted to explore that bit of human psychology in this little tale.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/30/2008
I truly loved this one, Fiondil. Humorous, yet deep. It's amazing how we mark our lives by our scars - even the invisible ones. Nicely done!

Author Reply: Thanks, NiRi. When I first saw the prompt I had this sudden image of Finrod standing in front of the mirror trying to find his scars. I think we define ourselves by our scars (visible or not) more than we think. They're almost like badges of honor or at least a testament to the fact that we've lived.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/27/2008
Very moving. It would be strange to have a new body (though right now I must say I would like one!) without all the marks upon that you know should be there... things that showed your life and all that you had done. And yet, it is the invisible scars that really can cause the most heartache to a person and that really define you in ways that outward things never do.

Very well done!

Author Reply: Thanks, Radbooks. I imagine it would be very strange and like you I wouldn't mind a new body right about now. *grin* And the invisible scars are the ones that really define who you are and the ones we speak of the least even to ourselves.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/27/2008
Hm, hadn’t truly thought about this before, but it has to be a bit disconcerting that the Reborn don’t have their scars any longer. They are the same elves as before and yet not exactly the same – if that makes sense?

I see why it was such a trying time for Arafinwë and his family. How can one react to things like that? Particularly as he has missed so much of Finrod’s life, knows probably not much more than the bit others may have told him about his son’s experiences which certainly changed Finrod. That Finrod is only recently reborn and emotionally rather unstable can’t help at all. It can’t be easy to find the right words. Arafinwë managed admirably under the circumstances. And I suppose talking about their war experiences will help both of them to heal.

Author Reply: I'm sure that the conversation that Finrod and his atar had here was repeated in one form or another across Aman as more and more Reborn were released from Mandos and had to face the fact that the 'scars' of their old lives no longer existed and wondering how to define themselves now. Unfortunately, I suspect that for some, they did not have as sympathetic an audience as Finrod did with Arafinwë. And how does one react to such things? It has to be most disconcerting to listent to such litanies as Finrod gave listing the scars that he accumlated over the four and a half centuries he lived as King of Nargothrond. Sharing their stories, though, will help both Finrod and Arafinwë to heal from the wounds that are indeed invisible to all except themselves.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/26/2008
I think that this is the best of these bits of tapestry so far. This glimpse into Finrod's second life brings out some very intriguing issues that I hadn't thought about before.

One would think that having scars, which are normally defined as a defacement of a person's body, removed wouldn't be an emotionally traumatic thing, but when one's memory is not trustworthy, the lack of a physical sign of the events that occurred to oneself can be very uncomfortable.

But what I liked best in here was seeing Arafinwe and his son connecting in a way that we didn't see in Elf Interrupted. Learning to live again is a lesson that both of them had to do--even though Arafinwe never passed through Namo's halls, he essentially had to readjust to his life after he returned from the War of Wrath, just as Finrod did after his re-embodiment.

{And you managed to get yet another naked elf into your collection of tales *snicker* I'm sure some psychologist would have fun trying to interpret something significant from that...)

I really liked this piece. :)

Author Reply: And I purposely did not use the word "naked" in this piece, if you noticed. LOL

Anyway, much of what you say here is very true. We are seeing Arafinwë and Finrod very early in their "new" relationship. Finrod has only recently been released from Lórien and I think having his son returned to him has brought up some memories that Arafinwë thought were long buried if not totally forgotten. That they at least have this to share between them is a starting point in re-establishing their relationship. It won't be the same as before, it might not even be better, but it will be different and they both have to come to terms with that and with themselves. Thanks for reviewing.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/26/2008
Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! poor Finda...not having his scars and missing them and wanting more. Arafinwe is SUCH a good Atto!!!!!!! Big thanks to my anyaro oselle JoAnn and her husband who let me on their laptop while I'm visiting them...without that I'd have had to wait ALL WEEKEND for this!!!! *hugs Findarato*


Author Reply: Well, perish the thought! A whole weekend! LOL I'm glad you have such an understanding osellë to let you on her laptop. Glad you liked this one. Thanks for letting me know.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/26/2008
I think I can understand Finrod's concern, his scars are a visible reminder of who he was. Being in a brand new, unblemmished (sp) body, may make him wonder if it really happened, or was it just a very bad nightmare? His Attar is correct though some of the worst scars are on the inside, talking about them will help.
More please,

Author Reply: Exactly! And I'm sure Finrod wasn't the only Reborn who had to deal with this. Unfortunately I imagine not everyone had someone as sympathetic to what they might be feeling as Arafinwë is towards his son and therein lies the real tragedy of these peoples' lives.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/26/2008
THis is one of your deeper and more thought provoking pieces. They both do carry an abundance of scars indeed!
loved this part:

"Now that I have a hröa again, just think of all the new scars I can accumulate."

"Your ammë would not approve,"

well done!

Author Reply: Thanks Ellie, I'm glad you liked this piece. I wasn't sure when I first started it where it might go but I'm pleased with the way it came out.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/26/2008
Yes, some things it's probably better that mothers shouldn't know. But I can understand the feeling of loss at finding himself in his now unmarred body, wondering where the signs of his former life had gone.

Author Reply: My thoughts exactly, Larner. At least his atar understands and seeks to help him accept that his old life is over and he now has a new life to look forward to.

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