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A Midwinter Play by Alassiel | 10 Review(s) |
Istarnië | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/25/2008 |
Oh this has got me in the mood for Christmas and it is only September! What a lovely tale! I really like the interaction between the characters, especially young Aragorn and Glorfindel, and I was moved by Legolas' song - but what struck me the most is the beauty portrayed in this piece - both in what is viewed, and in what is learnt. Maybe you will be inspired to write something else in this vein this coming Christmas? I hope so. | |
Antane | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 9/3/2008 |
So even wee Aragorn is learning how to become a trustworthy person, realizing his mistakes and accepting punishment, even making it up himself. Love his 'nickname' for Glorfindel and the love the Elves have for him and he for them. What a world for him to grow in. Namarie, God bless, Antane :) | |
Nessa Súrion | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 5/31/2008 |
>.< very nice story! keep up the good work! | |
Ces | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/4/2008 |
How sweet young Aragorn is. And he owned up to partially climbing the ladder - would that more children own up. And he set his own punishment and kept to it. Well done Estel! Great little story! Ces Author Reply: Greetings Ces, This was one of those tales that almost seemed to write itself. It started coming while I was on the bus to work, and when I got home later that afternoon, I sat down and let it flow. I realize that most children would have just climbed the ladder, but, living among elves as he was, I think Aragorn would have understood, even dimly, the sense of honorable behavior. Elves aren't perfect, but those who were his friends had a natural nobility, I think. Thank you for the review. Blessings, Alassiel | |
TithenFeredir | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/2/2008 |
There are so many things I like about this story. The gentle way that Glorfindel handles Estel's little transgression seems intended to nurture his sense of honor. It seems also very in line with Tolkien's description of the Elves' way of dealing with their children. I think it's notable that Estel didn't actually climb the ladder, but his brief intent to do so caused him to feel that he had broken Glorfindel's trust. He is a remarkable child and the influence of the Elves could only have enhanced his extraordinary qualities. You wrote this as a play but your descriptions of things-- Elrond's bath, the hall decorated with greenery and alight with candles, and the quiet, snowy wood, played like prose in my head. I also really enjoyed Legolas' song. Lovely story, Alassiel. ~TF Author Reply: Greetings, I'm so glad you liked my little play. I know that most children would have climbed the ladder, but, living among elves as he did, I think Aragorn would have understood, even dimly, what honor and trust were. I'm also glad the prose worked for you, as my preferred style is a kind of poetic prose. As for Legolas' song, that was pure inspiration, as I am definitely not a poet. In fact, I gratefully acknowledge that the whole play was inspired, as it came almost as one piece while riding to work on the bus. Blessings for the new year. Alassiel | |
Fiondil | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/1/2008 |
I loved this the first time I read it and I love it still. The interplay between Glorfindel and five-year-old Estel is very sweet. You can tell that Glorfindel has taken his role as protector and teacher to ALL of Elrond's children to heart. Very nicely done. Author Reply: Yes, I think Glorfindel does take his role seriously. I think he loves Estel dearly, not only for what he is (the heir of Isildur), but also for who he is. Blessings, Alassiel | |
Neilia | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/31/2007 |
Five-year-old Estel is adorable! Such an honorable little boy. His Nana must be so proud of him! This is a keeper. Author Reply: I wanted to give a hint as to his future character. I suppose a "real" child would have climbed the ladder, but I think, even at that age, living among elves as he was, he would have known, even dimly, something about honor. Blessings, Alassiel | |
Calenlass Greenleaf | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/31/2007 |
Beautiful. I can picture this very well. ~Calenlass Author Reply: I'm glad you could picture what was happening, as, being blind, I sometimes have trouble with visual description. For that reason, and also because I love describing the emotions and such of characters, I concentrate on these aspects of tales. Blessings, Alassiel | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/31/2007 |
Sweet. Author Reply: Thanks for the review. I hope it wasn't too sweet, as in saccharine. I like fluff, but within reason. Blessings, Alassiel | |
Nieriel Raina | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/30/2007 |
I already told you, but have to say it again. I absolutely loved this play! The characters were right on, and Glorfindel being firm with Estel was so parental. I think he needs elflings of his own. *grin* Overall, a wonderful Yule tale with lots of morals and great characters in such a short play. Great job! Author Reply: I'm very glad you liked the play. It came very quickly, while on the bus to work. I agree, Glorfindel does need children of his own. Blessings, Alassiel | |