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Elven Song  by Jocelyn 9 Review(s)
AnkhmarReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 2/28/2017
Elven Song by Jocelyn succeeds in delivering a detailed, longer story, which can stand-up to the expectations of both, the Tolkien readers and the Middleearth or LOTR fantasy roleplayers. A mature, darker, and still authentic, believable story about near death experiences, a worthy Elf, the Fellowship and the background world which gave birth to the globally known saga.

If I wouldn't have been a MERP (Middleearth Roleplaying Game) player before, then this story would have made me one.

Splendid work, thanks for sharing it with the world!

Given that my skill-level (measure of competence as author) is a bit lower, my only inspiration to share is included cost-free here:

"Middleearth - My first modern cinquain on the topic
© Andrč M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved


Paradise Defiled

Ringwar taking toll

Free folks arise anew


EilenachReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 4/9/2007
I really liked this story. You wrote the anguish of everyone when Legolas died well -- especially how Gimli and Aragorn felt. The scene where Gandalf told Aragorn that he could do nothing, that Legolas was gone, and also the scene in the prison where Aragorn tried to take and use the stone were oh so sad!

The whole idea of the stone was great, and the description of how it worked (and was thwarted, in Legolas' case) was very believable. I especially liked the description of the difference Disaran felt when he used it on Numenoreans vs. elves.

And Disaran really did get sentenced to eternal damnation! No less than what he deserved!

Frodo's gift of Arwen's star to Legolas at the end was a wonderful touch. Even though Legolas was glad that he was staying in Middle Earth until Aragorn died, he still suffered through all that time, and I'm glad you thought to give him the star.

songspinnerReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 1/25/2005
Hmmm...I had never thought of that - Frodo giving the jewel to Legolas. It works, though, and seems quite in character here. Nicely done! I like how the dialogue between your characters rings true and tells more than the descriptions.


Agent FisshReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 8/24/2004
Loved it. Write more!

wantanelfReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 7/16/2004
I just loved this last chapter. It's so sweet. The hobbits and Legolas, how can you go wrong. I have really enjoyed this story and am sad to see it end. You did a wonderful job with all the characters. I think Tolkien would approve. I'm looking forward to your future works!!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 3/26/2004
I should have reviewed this long before - sorry! The final chapter and epilogue was so good - Legolas's decision not to sail over the sea was so well described and explained. He finally realised how much he had left in Middle Earth, and how his leaving would affect those he loved. And I especially liked the description of Disaran's fate - the vengeful part of me knows he deserves nothing less.

This was well worth waiting for.


MuinthelReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 3/25/2004
Oh what a great story........!!!!
It kept me a day and a night busy reading and let me forget all my duties for my family!!! To bad it is over...sigh!
So how does it go on with Legolas and Gimli.....and what will happen when finally the time of their departure comes! :)
Superb work!!!!

purrlinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 3/23/2004
Thank you!

My heart feels lightened... the funny thing is that Tolkiens wonderful books have always left me saddened that we never really got to know whether they all met up again somewhere past the cirlces of the world... Your story makes me feel its more than possible that they did.

Thank you again.

purrlin :)

meiielReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 3/23/2004
...and the epilogue. Legolas' visit to the Shire was a nice wrapping up and a sweet ending. Thanks for this roller-coaster of a story! :D

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