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Dead Steward's Gift  by Stefania 8 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/28/2008
Just found this and am delighted. I loved your '13th Birthday' so I'm really looking forward to this. I quickly read the first half of this chapter at work and thought - very nice. I loved the rest... once I was able to finish chapter 1.

As for your disclaimer - very glad you put it in. I do not usually read movie-verse stuff. But since I am forewarned, it makes it easier to 'put aside' nitpicking and just enjoy.

Your portrayal of Denethor, at least in this chapter, is welcome for its lack of attack!

Author Reply: Hi Agape -

I'm glad you're having a look at "Dead Steward's Gift." It is a bit more Movieverse than "13th Birthday," because it assumes that Denethor dies by hurling himself off the Embrasure. So I appreciate your hanging in with me.

Don't worry, you won't find nasty, abusive Denethor in anything I write. I like to think that in his younger days he was an admirable. heroic fellow. I hope to write more about him. Like yourself, I am an unrepentent Steward-ist.

- Steff

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/16/2007
An interesting beginning. As always I love the kitten. I'll be interested to see what you do with the palantir as it was left out of the film.It's creepy enough in the book with the image of the withered hands!

Author Reply: Hi Linda -

This story is indeed a gap filler for the LOTR films, in regard to Denethor's palantir. I had thought about having Faramir discover the Anor stone with the image of withered hands on it at first. Really creepy, but not really appropriate since movie Denethor did not burn with the palantir in his hands.

Isn't the kitty fun :) Sadly, last night I had to say goodbye to my ailing black cat, upon whom Cirri is partly based. ZouZou was female and very feisty, loud mouthed, and fun. So I am dedicating "Dead Steward' Gift" to her memory.

- Steff

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/15/2007
An interesting beginning. I love Faramir and it would be good, as this story hints, if he knew that his father loved him also as his gentle heart suffered much from that lack. Interesting Denethor would give Faramir the secret of the palantir and not Boromir - and the words Faramir heard sneaking about that day so long ago. I look forward to more.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Thanks for reading Antane.

I'll post the second chapter here after US Thanksgiving. There's a lot more of Faramir's issues with Dad coming.

- Steff

BMReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2007
This is a absolutely wonderful start! I simply love your characterizations--you bring your characters to vivid life and I find myself emersed deeply into your stories--so deeply, that when I quit reading, I'm a bit startled to find myself sitting at my desk! And the start to this story is no exception. It sounds like a wonderful adventure with tons of suspense, and I can't wait to find out where you are going with this! Not to mention that it's a grand adventure with my favorite character :D I am really looking forward to more of this and hope you can post lots more chapters soon!

Author Reply: Hi BM:

Thanks for your lovely note. Aw shucks, as they used to say in the old West.

I just finished my third chapter, but won't be able to post the second chapter here until after Thanksgiving. The second chapter is already posted on the LOTR Community GFIC yahoo group.

So hang in there. More already exists of "Dead Steward's Gift."

- Steff

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2007
An intriguing beginning; I'm looking forward to more. Excellent introduction and description of the old, retired Captain; and I loved the attack of the kitty-monster!

Author Reply: Hi Raksha !!

Gotta love those kitty monsters. I suspect you'll enjoy most of this. It's all Faramir, Denethor, and some o.c.s. And I've already written three chapters, so I'm more than halfway finished.

BTW, the story will be scarey but not horrifying. It's G-rated, after all.
Full of kitty antics.

- Steff

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2007
Ooo. This is a very interesting start. Since I know that your intent is a creepy story, I'm a little nervous about how "bad" it'll get - I'm not normally a big fan of horror. However, I AM a big fan of you, and Faramir, so I'll stick with it. So, one psychological thriller on the menu.....

Author Reply: Hey Chibi -

You found "Dead Steward's Gift." In regard to how "bad" it will get, well, you'll be surprised. I hope it will be scarey, but never underestimate my inclination toward humor. Heck, "Dead Steward's Gift" has a big, gangly tenth month old black cat as a major character. Some people might find big black cats creepy. The author finds big black cats beautiful and huggable-especially her ancient black cat.

Stay tuned. I hope I can continue to do scarey, funny, and G-rated till the end of the story.

- Steff

SarasratiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2007
I'm an idiot, it says chapter one. Looking forward to the rest!

sarasratiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/13/2007
Is this a one-shot, or do you have more chapters? Either way, I love the characterization of Faramir--thoughtful, strong, and with believable emotions. What a creepy letter to receive, too. I like the idea that Denethor would see Faramir as the more likely of his sons to be able to use it, even if he isn't the heir to the Stewardship.

Author Reply: Thanks Sarsrati -

And FYI to everyone. "Dead Steward's Gift" has a second chapter at the LOTR Community GFIC yahoo group and a third under construction. I know what the eventual climax will be, and it shouldn't take more than five chapters at max to end it. So this will be a medium length fic.

- Steff

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