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The Wars of the Valar  by Fiondil 12 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 40 on 5/17/2009
And the Lights of the Two Lamps were forever extinguished.

So sad. And the way you set this sentence apart makes it very poignant, like a drumroll of doom.

I feel so very sorry Aulë at Aulendil's betrayal (and knowing what is yet in store re: Curumo). What could it be that he couldn't see it? Does he immerse himself so much in his many works that he doesn't have enough concentration to spare to leading his people? Can't he imagine that anyone devoted to working as he himself is would want to destroy? Is it such a "hands-on", directly manifest power that it tempts more than other kinds of power?

However weak the light of Amanaphelun was, it was more than the rest of the planet received, for the Ayanumuz spent all their energies in beautifying their own continent and paid little heed to anything else for a time.

I'm curious to read on and see whether you plan to explore this topic any further!

Go, Uinen!

I liked the insight in the scene between Manwë and Tulkas.

Author Reply: Aule seems to have no luck with his Maiar, but whether the fault lies with him or with them, is something no one, not even I, can safely say. I think it's sad that Aule suffers betrayal, not just once, but twice, though, we know that he is not the only one, since the Blue Wizards also apparently betrayed the Valar.

I'm glad you liked the insight between Manwe and Tulkas (the eldest and the youngest of the Valar).

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 40 on 12/1/2008
I just noticed something in this chapter. I was doodling a little map of the placement of the mansions of the Valar around the street: Manwë and Varda's mansion on one end and Námo and Vaire's on the other. On Manwë's end we find what I might call the "hard sciences" department, on Námo's end we find psychology, psychiatry and general medicine. Oh, and history.
In the middle we find Tulkas and Nessa's mansion on one side of the street, on the other side is Oromë and Vána - military science and Art?

Did you plan this out, or did it just happen?

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Wow! That's very astute. I actually didn't realize this myself until you pointed it out. I didn't consciously plan it this way but obviously the muse had something else in mind. I modeled the city on the Aztec ceremonial city of Teotihucan. Because Manwë (as Calamando) and Námo (as Morimando) are the chief Judges of the Valar, I placed them on opposite ends of the Avenue connecting the mansions. It simply made sense that Nienna and Irmo would have their mansions next to Námo's and that Aulë and Ulmo as the chief scientists among the Valar (according to Tolkien) would naturally be grouped with Manwë. Tulkas and Oromë would then fall somewhere in between, not necessarily belonging to either the 'hard sciences' or the 'soft sciences' but perhaps belonging to both depending on circumstances. The thrones at the Máhanaxar are set up in the same pattern, though I doubt if the Elves of Aman understand the significance.

TariReviewed Chapter: 40 on 11/4/2008
Poor Eönwë. This was definitely not the time to have to worry about writing down oaths. He must have felt like a split personality being pulled in all directions.

Miserable piece of slime? That is much to kind. There are no words to describe how despicable Melkor/Satan is. Manwe couldn’t ask for a better ally then Tulkas. I feel the strength of the Valar is growing though they may not see it.


Author Reply: Well, we know that Eönwë grows into his job and learns to handle things better and the Valar are growing in strength to where we see them in the Silmarillion though they may not see it as yet. After all, when did any of us realized we were truly adults? Certainly not immediately or perhaps even because of a particular event; we simply were there and the same is happening with the Valar as the time of the Children nears.

ThalaneeReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/20/2008
I love that story!
after reading the first chapter I just couldn´t stop and kept on reading until i reached the last chapter (this one). There are many scenes I´ve read again and again since the first time, but one of my favourites is the appearance of Tulkas.
I really enjoyed reading your story and I´m looking forward to the next chapter!

Greetings from a fan! ;-)

Author Reply: Hi Thalanee. I think the appearance of Tulkas is many people's favorite scene. THanks for letting me kmow how much you enjoye reading the story. I will be updating regularly so you won't have to wait long for the next chapter.

EarlindeReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/19/2008
I am quite possible one of the worst fans of this story that you have. I have read this chapter so many times and kept putting off reviewing! I'm really sorry! I loved how you portrayed the conflict within Manwë with "Sometimes I do, too,." It made me realize what a difficult position he's in. He is fighiting his elder brother. Like you brought out he is charged with protecting what he can and leaving what he can't. Truly a painful and difficult job.

My question to you however is, Manwe's nature is a forgiving one because we all know from Tolkien that he cannot fully understand evil and hatred. But in one chapter you said that Melkor embrace Namo with a dark desire that was nameless even to him. Do you think that Melkor feels nothing but hatred for his brethern or is there some underlying dissapointment or pain or sorrow for his actions?

Author Reply: Writing this chapter was not easy. I'm glad you saw that Manwe's position is almost untenable but he has no choice but to lead and to make the hard decisions for the benefit of all. Not an easy task, and often thankless.

As for Melkor... I think whatever underlying disappointment, pain or sorrow he might have felt was buried under his hatred and self-loathing, for evil ever and always hates itself even as it hates others.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/10/2008
Meldonya, this was a very sad, moving and thought-provoking chapter and it has taken me several days since reading it to find what I wanted to say about it. As usual, you excelled in your wordcraft and style and kept me glued to the computer screen until I reached the end of the chapter (despite the attack of a hungry and irritated cat on my ankles). I was walking back to the office after Latin class today and I finally figured out what has stayed in my head since first reading this. We are beginning to translate passages from the Vulgate Bible and today I was working on the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden so the concept of original sin was in my head (please be patient whilst I try to explain where I'm going --or coming from-- with this).

In a way the incidents and acts in the last couple of chapters could be seen as leading to a rough equivalent of the Expulsion form Eden, as the Ayanumuz and Máyar were forced from the paradise of Almaren by Melkor's actions. I am not saying that events in Arda are perfectly following the events in Genesis but that I see parallels. The loss of Almaren and the Lamps hit me inside in the same way that the loss of Eden did when I read Genesis and was old enough to really comprehend the magnitude of the consequences of Adam and Eve's actions. The difference of course is that Adam and Eve were the ones acting and having to pay the penalty, while here Melkor was the one acting and the the Ayanumuz and Máyar were suffering the consequences.

Also, the following paragraph has been nagging at me:

"Even with the mountains raised, I doubt Melkor’s taint will be kept out of Amanaphelun," he opined. "I saw him briefly during the war, though he was too far away for me to capture him. He has changed, Námo. I hardly recognized him yet I could tell that in hröa he was weaker than he once was."

"What do you think it means?" Námo asked, intrigued in spite of himself.

Oromë shrugged. "I am not sure but it seemed as if he had allowed some of his native power to leave him."

Námo gave his fellow Ayanuz a surprised look. "Why would he do that?"

Again Oromë shrugged. "Did you not notice how the earth answered to his commands during the fighting? We were hard put to keep the worst of the damage under control. I think perhaps he has imbued some of his power into the very earth itself."

Those paragraphs instigated the following idea:

Melkor putting a portion of himself into the very fabric of Arda (what I see as the second of the three parts of the Marring of Arda--the first being his Marring of the Song and the Third being his attack on the Trees/Theft of the Silmarils) seems to parallel Satan's acts of manipulation that brought "original sin" into our world. A portion of Melkor’s power and evil are now imbued in the environment. Over time as the continents shift and mountains rise and fall, I can see "pockets" of his evil lingering, creating places that provide shelter and eventual sustenance to evil creatures both mortal and immortal. Just as nuclear fallout, chemical spills, and other pollution change our environment and the way living creatures respond to it, these pockets of evil will encourage bad decisions and actions in the beings that live in or encounter them (hence the "fact" that Angband and its environs are still considered unclean and evil places even into the Fourth Age, and Mordor as well).

I hope this isn't just a babble of utterly incomprehensible rubbish, meldonya. I probably should have waited to review until I could be truly coherent in my explanation but , I was afraid that if I waited that long, you'd never see another review from me. The main thing is that I'm making connections between what you are writing, what Tolkien wrote and ideas and beliefs outside of the fic and novels.

Lastly,the final section was a wonderful addition. You could have ended the chapter with Námo’s considering Oromë's observations and it would still have been a great chapter but I liked the reiteration that each of Atar's creations is a being of free will and has the right to do as they wish (and also have the right to face the consequences of their choices). The argument between Manwë and Tulkas and the making up afterwards was very positive and reassuring after the stress and fear of the earlier events.

Excellent job! Take care and Atar bless!


P.S. Yes, I know this is almost as long as the chapter! I hope it makes up for the short reviews I been doing recently.

Author Reply: I think you're right about the parallels although I never consciously thought of it that way. They were in a paradisical situation. The Silmarillion even says that the Valar never again achieved such symmetry and perfection as they did in creating Almaren.

I thought the ending was a necessary part of the whole and that the chapter would be incomplete (in message if not in action) without it. I'm glad you approve of it.

Thanks for such a lovely review. You know how much I enjoy them. I am glad that my words give you food for thought.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/8/2008
It's so sad to see the destruction of the world. I know it happened... I've read about it in Tolkien's books of course, but it has much more of an impact now because I know and love these characters so well. Deep sigh. It would have been so hard to go on when all that you had put your hand to has failed... well, not totally, but certainly is not what you had imagined for the children you are expecting.

I especially liked the little side discussions going on - both with Namo and Orome with their concerns about not tracking down Melkor and then the one between Manwe and Tulkas. It's always good for people to see that leaders can't always do what they'd like to do, that there is a bigger picture that they have to consider.

A most enjoyable chapter!

Author Reply: It is very sad to see such destruction and wonder what it might have been like if it had not been destroyed. Certainly the Valar grew weary of it all.

I think it is important (at least in this story) to show that all the Valar are suffering a 'learning curve' as they begin to fit into their respective roles and at the same time they have to realize the awesome responsibility they all have undertaken but Manwe especially, so the aside between Manwe and Tulkas I felt was too important not to include.

Glad you liked the chapter, Radbooks. Thanks for letting me know.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/5/2008
A wonderful way to include the thoughts behind "Morgoth's Ring." I need to get that volume, along with the Letters and The People of ME.

Alas, Melkor has weakened himself at the expense of the very earth itself; and at last Aulendil has shown himself the traitor he became. I find myself wondering what blandishments and promises were used in drawing him away from his proper place and fealty? No--ain't goin' there myself, as it's been all I can do to get a few more sentences at a time added to Stirring Rings--and I've not yet gotten Curumo into Orthanc! Heh!

And we see Osse's own difficulties and wildness used to attempt to seduce him and now invoked as reasons to keep him on a tight leash. Interesting.

Author Reply: Hi, Larner. I wanted to make sure that the thoughts behind "Morgoth's Ring" made it into the story somehow and this seemed like a good place to put it.

I really don't want to know what Melkor told Aulendil to lead him astray... enough to know that it worked.

Of course Osse will always be a bit wild due to Melkor's influence on him so a tight leash is a good idea.

Thanks for your review. I appreciate it.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/5/2008
I'm still really enjoying how you are tying in so much canon and yet making it so much richer and colorful! While it's sad to again see Melkor cause havoc, it's so interesting to see your version of the Valar and how they handle the battle and the changes in Arda. And what an intriguing thought that Melkor was diminished due to possibly pouring some of himself into Arda itself and that is the marring.

Eagerly awaiting more. :)

Author Reply: Hi NiRi. Thanks for letting me know how much you are enjoying this. The idea of Melkor being diminished is of course Tolkien's which he explains in "Morgoth's Ring".

eilujReviewed Chapter: 40 on 10/4/2008
"Everyone instinctively went incorporeal" -- There aren't many stories where that sentence could appear....

Wise words from Námo to the recuperating Máyar.

Despite all I've read, I think this is the first time I've really *understood* how Beleriand came to be destroyed.

A question: if the Valar had mansions, what about the Máyar? [Years ago, I read a series of fics (the last I knew, the final story was still unfinished) partly set in Valinor, where many (maybe all) of the Maiar lived in houses (of a marvelous variety of types and styles) in scattered communities.] IIRC, all we've seen of Maiar dwellings in your stories is Melian's pavilion in Lórien.

'"My husband is a fool," she told Aulë' -- I spose that's only obvious, but it seems weird to call a Maia a fool -- but then the Úmáyar -- and really, it would be difficult to accuse Osse of having much wisdom! Wondering if Uinen and Melian ever got together and discussed husbands....

Author Reply: I have always thought that the Maiar would also live in the mansions of the Valar to whom they have given oath when not engaged in their duties elsewhere in Aman. After all why would even one Valar need ALL that room just for him- or herself?

With regards to the destruction of Beleriand.... you can see why the Valar were reluctant to pursue Melkor until they had no other choice in the matter. When the 'gods' go to war... nothing and no one is safe.

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