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Allee's Odds and Ends  by Allee 4 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/12/2007
Very well written,you crammed lots of angst and excitement into a few words.

Author Reply: Thanks, Linda. I'm glad I got some angst and excitement in there. I love reading angst but writing it is *not* my forte! LOL.


Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/30/2007
Oh my goodness! This was absolutely precious. As the wildfires have just finally been mostly taken care of - finding this tale of fire and its fury was interesting. But I loved the flame of Aragorn's fingertips - the first sentence immediately captured me. And from thereon - it was brilliant.

But most of all - I loved the last lines! You rock!

Author Reply: Thanks so much, Agape!

This vignette was written for the prompt, "Fire." I had *no* idea what I wanted to write about, so I just began with the first thing that popped in my mind: flames coming from Aragorn's fingertips. I just kept going and wrote the whole thing in about 10 minutes until I got to the last line and realized that I was really, really stuck. It took me about 5 minutes to get that one line alone, which I guess really isn't that long, but it felt like an eternity compared to how little time it took for the rest of it. Besides, I usually write last lines first (weird, I know). Anyway, I'm glad you liked it! I rock? Really? Whoo-hoo! *g*


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/30/2007
If the situation were not so dire I would grin at this.

Author Reply: Hi harrowcat,

Oh, go on--grin! ;-) Thanks for the comments!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/29/2007
Ah, to break the tension! Wonderful save there!

Author Reply: Hi Larner,

I just couldn't deal with any more tension. LOL. Thanks for the comments.


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