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The Blessing  by Pearl Took 12 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/18/2007
So sad, and yet so full of hope. Pippin's determination is a wonderful thing to behold. I'm glad he's back to himself in that way, at least. In some ways, I hope there is a miracle so he can be totally whole again, although I realize that's not realistic. But I can hardly bear to think that Pippin has been changed so greatly for the rest of his life. He's so young.
This story certainly continues to be a gut wrencher, Pearl!

Author Reply: Thank you so much Cathleen :-)

No, we won't be having a miracle cure as we're going more for realism. Not that miracles don't happen in RL, they do. I do see Pip as the sort who would come out on top of things, at least in his attitude.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/17/2007
Wow! It's always a good idea to read reviews before you write one yourself. The reviews you already received are very interesting, especially Dreamflower's!

I also recognised that Pippin has much more self-control now and is able to understand Merry's real intentions! Mother-hen, an appropriate description, which is also true for Frodo ;-)

I loved the conversation between Frodo and Aragorn about Pippin and how he should be treated. I think Frodo understood very well how important it is to retain one's dignity and freedom. He had enough experience in this matter himself.

Taking into account what will happen in the Shire later, Pippin's lessons in swordplay are very useful.

But like Beregond and Dreamflower I'm a little afraid of what will happen if Pippin really has to fight against the ruffians.

I'm looking forward to reading more!

Author Reply: LOL I usually avoid reading the other reviews for stories I read.

Tolkien has Pippin grow up an awful lot by the end of the books and I like to have my Pippin do the same. He can still play the fool, but he's not a child any more.

Yes, Frodo understands a lot of what they are all going through, though sometimes his own troubles will blind him as happens to all of us.

We'll have to see what happens. All of you have stirred up the hornet's nest and now I'm thinking ahead. LOL!

Thank you so much Andrea :-)

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/17/2007
I was very glad that Pippin got to see Mallefinnros again and thank her! So she was a wizard? Sent with no less purpose than Gandalf's it was just a little more personal. Saving the world one hope at a time.

Things are going to be difficult for Pippin but it seems he is more prepared to cope with it now. I am really glad for Sunshine. She will be quite an asset to Pippin and those around him as well I should think. I liked the way Strider handled Frodo's worry, it will be hard but he understands. Although perhaps like Merry old habits die hard.

Thank you for two lovely chapters! This story is so very touching, thank you!

Author Reply: You are most welcome Hai!

He is getting a better handle on things, yes. I'm sure there are still problems ahead though.

I'm glad to know we are touching your heart.

Thank you :-)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/17/2007
This is an interesting chapter--I loved Pippin's encounter with Merry, and Merry's defense was so true: he's *always* worried about his cousins, and this has just given him something else to worry *about*! I think now that Pippin's more stable, he can recognize this truth about Merry as something he's always known, and be able to put aside any small setbacks in Merry's behavior towards him as his "Merry-ishness", LOL!

I liked Gandalf getting a glimpse of Mallefinros' true nature, and Elrond's recognition of the power of Gimli's stones.

Pippin's setback as a being able to take part in a battle worries me. The Scouring is coming, whether they know it or not, and in canon, Pippin had a significant role, which I'd hate to see taken from him. One of my favorite canon moments is the one where he confronts the Ruffian over the insult to Frodo--I found it *very* significant that it was *Pippin* rather than *Merry* who did this! It seemed to me to set a seal upon his future as the Thain. How will this new development affect the Scouring? Will Pippin have the confidence he needs to undertake his part in it? He's got a mad dash cross-country to the Great Smials to bring back the Tookish archers--will he doubt his ability to accomplish this mission? Will *Merry* hesitate to allow it, knowing he might have a "spell" on the way?

And, not knowing how far you plan to take this--how will it affect Frodo's decision to leave? Won't he feel guilty sailing away to seek healing, when he knows there *is* no true healing for Pippin? Might he decide to stay after all? He might think that if Pippin can adjust to his disabilities, he might find a way to adjust to his own...

You have me mighty curious as to how you will deal with all these questions! So far you have answered quite a few, and raised new ones--so I am eager to see your solutions to these dilemmas...

Author Reply: Wow, Dreamflower, you wrote a novel :-) Thank you so much!

We shall see. We do plan to take them home and I do plan to have the Shire being occupied (book version as usual for me :-) )

I do know I won't have Frodo stay, in large part because I don't know what I'd do with him and I wouldn't want to have to give over much of this story to dealing with establishing a different path for him.

How do you read a story and see all of this? :-)

Thank you again m'dear!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/17/2007
I do like Pippin in this more positive and assertive frame of mind; essential in someone with a chronic illness.

Author Reply: Hi harrowcat :-)

I do too, though I'm expecting this to wax and wane to some degree. He needs to have positive moments as well as challenges :-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/16/2007
It's a sorry thing for Pippin here, but a necessary one. And he is realizing that things must be done properly now.

Author Reply: Hi Larner :-)

Yes, I think (at least as far as I currently know) that Pip will be trying to behave and take proper care of himself.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/16/2007
What a difficult chapter to read. Leaving Minas Tirith would have been so very difficult for me - yet, you write it very well.

I loved Merry's finding Pip - and Pip's standing up for himself.

I loved Merry's heartache over Theoden - and his loyalty - and Pip's finally understanding.

I loved Pip's realizing that he alone is responsible for deciding whether to live as fully as possible or not... and seeing and asking for help from friends!

Great chapter... *sobs quietly*

Author Reply: Wow, I had no idea this would be so touching to readers! Thank you so very much Agape!

Merry's sorrow will be touched upon some more. It wouldn't be a good Pippin story of this time period without his caring for Merry.

Our wee Took is maturing nicely :-)

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/16/2007
I have been following this story for a long time, and I am surprised and intrigued at the turn the plot has taken in the last few chapters--I supposed it would end as it began in the Houses of Healing, but now we are on the road, and Pippin is finding himself again, at least all those working parts that can be found! But there is a wonderful dignity to him now, despite his difficulties, and a nobility that won't be diminished, I think. I guess it's true: "that which does not kill us makes us strong"!

Looking forward to the continuation; Pippin is just doing splendidly and I am happy for him. Things looked pretty rough there for awhile, and I expect there are more challenges to meet. Thanks for a gripping story with some very important lessons!

Author Reply: Thank you so much elanor, for the kind words and staying with us.

When I first answered Golden's request for someone to help with this story, she hadn't really thought of how far she wanted the story to go, time wise. Mostly, she knew what she wanted to have be wrong with Pippin but not so much of what his recovery would be like. I immediately wanted to take him back home to see what would happen there and she that that would be interesting too.

I'm glad you aren't disappointed that we didn't end it in the Houses of Healing.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/16/2007
Ah. Headed home at last. Will you take this all the way to the scouring of the Shire?

I’m certain I’ll be clucking about after you when we both are grey, wrinkled like raisins and have 20 grandchildren each.
More power to him! I hope he's right!

Sunshine does seem a trustworthy sort, one to keep a confidence.

I loved the farewell to Pippin's magical friend, and the glimpse through Gandalf's eyes.

Ah, Beregond! I LOVE it when Beregond appears in a story! (in canon form, of course, though thankfully those who play fast and loose with canon seem to overlook him) I'm afraid he's right in his estimation of Pippin's chances in a fight.

Pippin's pony must be specially trained, then. I've known a few horses trained so that you could mount and dismount from either side, but if not so trained, mounting and dismounting from the right was a risky business.

Glad I had ten spare moments for reading and reviewing just now!

Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you so much Lin :-)

I think we will go to the Scouring and most likely past.

Sunshine is an angel ;-)

I'm glad you liked Gandalf's POV.

I like Beregond too :-)

Hadn't thought about special training, we'll just say his pony was specially trained.

I'm so glad you had time for a read as well :-)

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/16/2007
Things are starting to move along here.

Merry mother-henning Pippin was quite the moment. I thought for a minute there they were going to have another setback, but Merry always has been a worrier, and not just about Pippin, so that was easily cleared up.

Them leaving Minas Tirith and seeing everyone was very sweet. Bergil a healer, hmmmm.

You know, there has been a part of my mind that has played with the idea that Pippin was left handed. I think it started with that old Bakshi(sp) cartoon of LOTR. If you look real close in that film, Pippin is a lefty. The image never quite left my mind. I've never been able to be brave enough to make it part of my universe.

I know Beregond is trying to protect Pippin by not wanting him to actually try to use his sword-skills, but I sort of hope he doesn't tell Pippin that outright. I think it will do more harm than good. I know Pippin would be at risk in a true battle situation, but I would hope he could come to that conclusion without it being bluntly pointed out to him. Just my hope, you understand.

Now they're homeward bound, and I can't wait to see what is in store for our brave Pippin.

Author Reply: Thank you Garnet!

We'll see what Beregond does, you've given me a good idea :-)

When I sat here reenacting Pippin's stabbing the troll, it made sense that his right shoulder would be hurt and thus his right hand that didn't work afterwards. Wanting him to learn to use his sword left handed is based a bit on my learning to fence left handed when my right hand was injured (from fencing). It is interesting switching someone's handedness.

I hope he has a lot of good, interesting adventures ahead of him :-)

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