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The Blessing  by Pearl Took 10 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/18/2007
I had the feeling that there was a lot more to Mallefinnros than met the eye. How appropriate, that a supernatural little being should visit Pippin to help him through his woes and nurture him. She saved his life that day. Loved all the things Pip found out as he searched for her!

Author Reply: Hi Cathleen

Not your average Gondorian child ;-) She did save him. Alot of the goodies he found out were from Golden's imagination. Thank you Golden!!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/14/2007
Awesome chapter, Pearl and Golden! I loved the fact that there is yet another "guardian angel" watching over folks in Arda besides Gandalf. I knew Mallefinros was special when I first "saw" her. :-) And I love her mission.

And our beloved Knight is an absolute sweetheart! (as always!)

Author Reply: Hi PippinFan!

Tolkien said there were quite a few beings like Gandalf involved in Arda and I'm glad there was at least one very busy helping folks in Minas Tirith :-)

He is a dear lad :-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/11/2007
I read this first last night, but again the ISP from Mordor made itself a pain in the behind.

So, indeed, we have a sister of Gandalf here. And now she has new clothing for both her dolls. And so well beloved now by all within the city she's becoming. How very wonderful! Yes, just right as she sends Pippin along his own way, now recovered enough to do what needs to be done. Blessed indeed has he been.

Author Reply: Thank you so much Larner! It is a comfort to know there are those watching out for us even if we don't always know they are there.

Dear Pippin is very blessed indeed :-)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/10/2007
Wow! I knew there was something special about Mallefinnros! I think I did call her "an angel" before. That's what she would have been called in our world.
In Middle-Earth she is more like Queen Galadriel or Gandalf or even Tom Bombadil. Old and wise and powerful! A fascinating person!

I'm glad that Pippin was able to bid her farewell and to thank her for all that she did for him. And I very much liked the presents.

Now I'm looking forward to reading the remainder! Dull and boring? No way :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much Andrea :-) Mallefinnros is very special indeed. Thank you for your words of encouragement :-)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/9/2007
What a lovely chapter! Not only are my suspicions about Mallefinnros confirmed, but it was good to see Pippin able to go about the City on his errand with little or no difficulty!

Author Reply: Yes, well . . . I didn't think of that. Perhaps he shouldn't have been able to but the writer was distracted and as often happens to her when there is a lot to keep track of, things often go astray.

I'm glad you enjoyed it Dreamflower :-)

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/9/2007
Very interesting chapter. I knew that couldn't be an ordinary child. She is so much more. Pippin is blessed in so many ways. He not only has met someone who truly helped him, but he also met someone who could reach him on a lever that no one else could.

Hope this comment mekes sense. There is so much in the short chapter that I don't think I'm giving it the justice it deserves.

Looking forward to what comes now that they are heading home.

Once again, great job Pearl and Golden.

P.S. The blind woman reminded me a lot of my late mother.:)

Author Reply: I fear the remainder will be dull and boring - but then, I'm always fearing that.

Mallefinnros was not ordinary, and at first that almost destroyed this chapter. Golden's common sense saved it :-)

I hope the memories it stirred were good ones.

Thank you so very much Garnet.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/9/2007
First - I must see this chapter is a blessing...

The line 'his mind had not yet returned to him' is very well-written. I very much like the idea it brings forth - the time of horror for Pip & his friends... but to have truly 'lost' one's mind... hideous.

I cannot believe that there are SIX orphanages in Minas Tirith!!! Horrifying thought - but one that should definitely be considered. Did they all come about because of the last battles? Nay, I think not. Gondor had suffered for two generations and then some... I'm sure the orphanages were already full. Thanks for bringing this thought up. It is not told by Tolkien, yet we must realize they were there and FULL. How very sad - the thought of all those little ones' lives changed forever.

And the blind woman's thought about the fathers who were lost were definitely soldiers... and because of that the children were aware, on a daily basis, of the structure of Gondor's army. Another disconcerting thought!

Enough of that - for, as I said above, the chapter is a blessing. I love Pip's kissing the old woman's hand and Sunshine nuzzling her other hand! I loved the phrase 'a voice that seemed to come up from the mountain the city was built upon.' Excellent. I loved her joy at the gift and the sense of hope this whole chapter left me.

As for angels in Tolkien - I, myself, believe it must be a Maia, clothed.

Excellent chapter - As I said before, your Muse seems to have returned in spades!!!!

Author Reply: Wow! Thank you Agape!

I don't know why or how my muse settled on six orphanages. I did feel there would be many, it is a huge city and I know as recently as the early 20th century orphanages were common in large cities.

Again, I don't know where the children knowing the soldier's ranks and proper address came from - other than I know it is true of children raised on military bases.

The blind woman was Golden's muse, her details and the lines you quote were my muse's.

Your belief is sound and it was Golden who "spoke" the word that solved a conundrum that nearly caused me to toss out the whole chapter. How she has managed to work with me is a miracle in and of itself. I think she is a Maia.

I do think both my muses are doing fine :-)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/9/2007
Ah, woven with much love and skill. As the search was progressing, I began to suspect, as I had from time to time, contemplating whence that marvellous dog came, what Pippin was yet to learn... and I was right. But you left just enough doubt to make the wonder complete, in the end, and not absolutely predictable.


Author Reply: Thank you so much Lin!

It could be, in part, because I wasn't sure myself until after the chapter was written and had some needed re-writing. As so often has been the case, Golden shined the necessary light on the matter.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/9/2007
Aw just a beautiful, beautiful chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you so much harrowcat :-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/9/2007
“No gift is ever amiss and Mallefinnros is as much who I am as any other guise I’ve taken. What is your gift to me?”

“You gave from your own joy and love. An innocent heart never forgets the blessing of toys in the life of a child.” Mallefinnros kissed his forehead. “Go with my blessing upon you and those you love. Face your battles with the joy that is in you. Serve your king and kin well.”

Oh, what a lovely, dear, wonderful chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you :-) 'Twas short and sweet this time. So very glad you liked it!

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