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The Blessing  by Pearl Took 15 Review(s)
pippinsgirlReviewed Chapter: 20 on 9/16/2007
Lol don't worry about me Missing what my class is about. it's free time. But I mean if this became a book I'd beg my mum for the money and demanded to stay at the book store until I had a copy in my hands (kinda like I do with Harry Potter lol...) but I mean this story is very good nonetheless and I've been wanting so badly for my other friends to read it and they haven't gone to this site yet and I'm like "You lazy goons you HAVE to read this story!!"

there not really goons they are just goofy hobbits....

Author Reply: I'm so sorry pippinsgirl! I thought I had responded to this and just now saw that I hadn't.

I hope you friends give it a try and thank you so much for recommending it :-) Wow, such wonderful compliments! Thank you!

pippinsgirlReviewed Chapter: 20 on 9/15/2007
hi again!! ok so I just read chapter 20 and I simply adored it! well I was at school and I saw that there had been a new chapter and I hurried to start reading it and then class got over and I was like "NOOOOO I DONT WANT CLASS TO BE OVER I WANNA FINISH IT!!!!" but I did now

for the record I am considring this a book and I am putting it on my 100 book challenge thing......

Author Reply: Wow! We're writing a book!

Thank you for the compliment pippinsgirl :-) I hope you aren't missing what your class is about.

I really am glad though that you are finding this so irresistible.

cathleenReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/31/2007
Pearl, an awesome chapter and well worth waiting for! I think Merry's forthrightness with Pippin was just what the lad needed at that time. And of course I loved the way you wove in the references to the mysterious Took faerie blood. I think Pippin is a very sensitive and insighful hobbit and showing his openness to the feelings of others, particularly those he is very close to, is just perfect for the character. I am so glad Pip is finally recovering - this tale has been a true emotional roller coaster! Loved the addition of the dog, too. Perfect!

Bravo to both you and Golden on a wonderfully compelling tale! Will be eagerly awaiting more, but with *total* understanding of how RL gets in the way of writing. Never fear, stories like yours are always worth the wait.

Congrats to your daughter and to the happy couple!

Author Reply: Thank you so much cathleen :-)

I do so need to hear that our efforts are worth the wait at times like this! Glad you are enjoying the faerie blood references and Sunshine.

Thank you for the congratulations :-)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/31/2007
A wedding AND this story Pearl? No wonder you are getting stressed. Happy thoughts for the next two months!

Author Reply: Thank you, harrowcat. :-)

Wedding, remodeling my livingroom and this story and challenge stories. Yeah, life is interesting :-)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/30/2007
p.s. Congratulations on the wedding! Bet they'll never forget their anniversary.

(Makes me think of the midnight wedding I went to last year. Beautiful candlelit vows, but hard to stay awake through.)

Author Reply: Oh my! If they did that, they'd have to keep nudging me! LOL

I'm sure they won't :-) Mine is on Valentines and my husband has always been very grateful for such an easily remembered date ;-)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/30/2007
Whew. Talk about tough love.

That Sunshine is really something. (And so's Merry.)

Author Reply: Pip couldn't be allowed to try such a trick again and Merry knew the right approach.

I'm so glad you like Sunshine :-)

Thank you for reading Lin!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/29/2007
Oh! I was pleasantly surprised to see a update! I'm glad Merry said what needed to be said yet it ended with him and Pippin having an understanding of sorts and now things at least relationshipwise seem to be working out quite well.

I loved your description of Frodo and Pippin's contact there for a few moments. Pippin understood Frodo in a way he didn't expected. Poor Frodo. Anyway, a wonderful job as always thank you to you and Golden!

Good luck with your daughter's wedding, how very soon! I'm helping to plan a wedding three days before Christmas and they can be quite stressful affairs!

Author Reply: Weddings are stressful, more than I realized as I let my Mom plan most of mine - LOL.

I've often felt Pippin would have a lot of insight into other's feelings and fears. He's a good lad :-)

Merry knows Pip well and knows when he needs tough love!

Thank you for everything Hai!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/29/2007
Great chapter!

I'm right proud of Merry! He knew exactly that the situation afforded to be stern with Pippin and to treat him like an adult. Frodo's approach would have made things much more difficult with less effect on Pippin.

Merry was a bit surprised himself. If Frodo had only known that it was his own stern look that Merry was using on him.

LOL! He learned it from the *master*!

Last but not least I'm also proud of Pippin who will try very hard to live with his illness!

P.S.: My congratulations to your daughter's wedding, Pearl!

Author Reply: Merry learned it from a master indeed! Pippin was needing someone to set him straight.

Thank you, Andrea, for responding to the story and for the congratulations :-)

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/28/2007
A very satisfying chapter! I especially liked Merry taking charge and putting his foot down and Pippin responding to the challenge of behaving like an adult. Nice work! This story continues to be so compelling; I get a thrill every time I see it go up!

Congratulations on the wedding! I can totally sympathize with how rites of passage wreak havoc on a quiet writer's liefstyle. I have one daughter presenting us with our first grandchild next month, and another planning a wedding for next summer! Where is the life that late I led... :)

Author Reply: Indeed! *sigh* They keep us busy at every stage of our and their lives :-)

Thank you so much elanor! Such wonderful compliments. I owe a lot to Golden, she's a dear and a good writer/editor :-)

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/28/2007
*Wow* Awesome chapter, Pearl! Yes, and you, too Golden. :-)

I just loved the interaction between Merry and Pippin, our beloved duo. I liked how Merry took the stage and told Pippin how it was going to be from here on out. I think Pip needed that firmness.

There indeed were a few light moments that broke up the drama, and I enjoyed them. :-)

Take your time, dear friend -- I'll be here for each update.

Author Reply: Bless you and thank you, Pippinfan. Between your encouragement and Golden's patience I might make it though this ;-)

It was time to be tough and forthright with the lad, and to remind him of who and what he is.

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