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The Blessing  by Pearl Took 10 Review(s)
PipMerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/15/2007
Oh, poor Pip, it's tearing my heart out!

I have a brother who, along with being mentally handicapped, has epilepsy as well, and has had grand mal seizures quite often while growing up. Medicine has it pretty much under control, but this story reminds me of him and all that he goes through. Makes my heart go out to him even more.

Author Reply: Oh my! Hug yourself and him for us.

If you are reading this and not shaking your head at us, well . . . thank you isn't strong enough. But that is what we have - Thank you :-) I hope we keep doing a good job.

Thank you, dear PipMer!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/15/2007
And all he wanted to do was to prevent his feeling nauseated, angry. He only waned to be his old self. Poor Pippin! I can't blame him; I hate feeling sick to my stomach or moody. I suppose now Pip's learnt his lesson, but at what cost?

Eagerly awaiting more... Excellent chapter!


Author Reply: Thank you, Dear PF :-)

I don't blame him either. I think I would also lose my patience with it all.
Hopefully more soon :-)

DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/14/2007
Holy Cow! Can we do anything MORE to the poor boy? Poor Pippin! I'm reading the 'best parts' to hubby and he said he might have to hunt the two of you down for doing this to Pip! LOL! But he's not sure he could take both of you. ::giggles wickedly::

I hope they can get Pippin to understand how long this could take and that they're really just trying to help him. I also hope he doesn't have lasting damage from this last spell! :( Can't we just have Gandalf wave his staff and heal him? I thing we've built enough extra character to last the boy a lifetime! Pleeeeeeaaasseeee???? :)

You ladies are killing me, but I'm loving this story!


PS: I think my very favoritest part EVER is with Shadowfax. That horse ROCKS. :)

Author Reply: I fear he has a bit more to go through, Daynawayna. He and the others. Just keep in mind I don't like depressing endings . . .

I don't know if he could take Golden. OTs are usually pretty strong. I spend too much time on my rear writing to be too much of a threat. ;-)

He is a most excellent horse!

Thank you and hang in there :-)

Oh, thank you for reading this to your hubby, we're honored.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/14/2007
Oh dear!!!

I had not expected that it would be that bad!

I hope Pippin will be able and willing to tell what he did with the medicine! Time is precious!

And I loved the scene with Merry and Pippin, escpecially the last sentence:

He had Pippin’s sunshine back in his life.

They were both so happy that night. But when Merry returns, what will he find?

Please update soon!

Author Reply: Hi Andrea :-)

There's a hard road yet to walk, and lessons to be learned. I'm doing my best to cover it as it needs but not drag it on too long.

There will be happiness again . . . eventually.

Thank you so much :-)

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/14/2007
Agh! Rock bottom--and by his own hand! Not a good place to be--though it can inspire new ideas and attitudes, in a bone- and brain-rattling sort of way. :(

My responses to your chapters seem to follow an evolutionary process. In the beginning, I so hurt for Pippin, and wanted to fold him up and protect him from both fate and possibility, to make up for it all somehow. Then came a plateau where it seemed possible he could, with a clear eye, rise to the occasion and help himself, and so should be allowed the freedom to do so. But as he steadily became his own worst enemy, I began to realize with a sinking heart that he would have to experience the whole miserable journey before he would have the insight and the patience to suffer what needed to be done to find his way back to his life. It's so unfair--he did nothing to deserve this--but often of terrible adversity come shimmering spirits that transcend the ordinary. And he is in good company!

A thoughtful, emotional work, and handled with tremendous care and respect. :)

Author Reply: Thank you, dear elanor!

He has taken the hard road, that is for certain. Hard on everyone including the writer. There will be light again - I promise.

We are both doing our best to handle this all with care. We're glad it shows :-)

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/14/2007
Wow! I hadn't expected an update this fast. In fact, I misread the update alret and thought I hadn't deleted the last one.:)

This was a VERY hard chapter to read. It must have been heartbreaking to write.

Pippin has really done it now. He's made things even worse than they were to start with with hes switching the herbs with worthless substitutes. I just hope that when he is coherint again, he confesses what he did so that they can make things right. At least that should get Parsow to try a new medicine.

Oh, I hope the next chapter comes as quickly as this one did. It is so hard to leave him like this while waiting for an update.

Pearl, you and Golden are doing fantastic on this one. Keep up the great work. We're all waiting as patiently as possible.:)

Author Reply: Aw, thank you so much, Garnet :-)

This is all being *very* hard to write. They all have a lot of working things out and it will be hard on them all.

Just remember, I like things to work out in a positive way :-)

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/13/2007
Yikes! Oh, Pippin, he should have known better than to think that anyone would have kept him sick on purpose! Now he may have done himself worse harm! Oh dear! I'm all a dither now. *sigh* Maybe he needs to see Shadowfax more, that seemed to help him clear his head a bit. Poor Merry, he thought he had his Pippin back now for this to happen. Maybe Pippin needs a dog? That wouldn't help the fits themselves but it might help him to have an animal about. I saw a program ages ago about dogs that could "feel" seizures, anyway. Looking forward to more! You two always end in the worst places! Can't wait!

Author Reply: Thank you, Hai :-)

We do seem to go for cliff hangers.

Interesting that you should mention a dog . . .

This is all going to be hard on Merry, poor lad.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/13/2007
Oh - I've been sick, Pearl and didn't get a chance to review the last chapter... though I read it and feared. And now the fear has come true... I'm grateful these chapters were close together - but mostly I'm hoping we won't have to wait too long - PLEASE???????????

Author Reply: Hi Agape!

I'll do my best. I've finally got a bit ahead on this story (15 was actually ready to go when I posted 14 and 16 is actually ready) so I'm wanting to try to keep one chapter ahead of what I post. We'll see if I can do it though. I'm hoping to get started on 17 tomorrow but most likely won't finish it as I've a few RL things going on tomorrow. I'm aiming for Monday or Tuesday :-)

Thank you for being an anxious reader :-)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/13/2007
Oh dear! Pippin's really done it now.

In a way, though, I'm glad that he was able to enjoy Aragorn and Arwen's wedding day--it's a horrible price to pay, but at least he didn't disgrace himself at the wedding.

Author Reply: That was my feeling when writing this. I hated to think of him missing the wedding or being in such poor shape (headaches, upset stomach, aggressive) at it either. So I was generous. Tolkien let him off with no problems at all, I let him have a great day for Strider and Arwen's wedding :-)

However, you're right, he's made a huge mess of things in the long run.

Thank you, Dreamflower :-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/13/2007
A high price to pay today for yesterday's clarity. And he's spent a good deal of his strength as well.

Now for the next round of treatment.

Author Reply: Exactly! It wasn't at all the easy answer, even though it seemed to work at first.

He has the best Middle-earth has to offer there to get him through it.

Thanks so much, Larner :-)

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