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The Blessing  by Pearl Took 10 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/11/2007
Darkness indeed. How well put!

Author Reply: Yes, unfortunately it is never really that far from us.

Thank you, Cathleen :-)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/2/2007
I didn't realize I had missed a chapter until I went to read the latest one, and soon figured out I had missed something.

This is really worrisome--Pippin has clearly had some sort of brain injury of one kind or another. It's bad that those who are worrying about him are not comparing notes--they'd very soon realize somethin is seriously wrong.

It looks as though Pippin's having some seizures...

Author Reply: And I missed this response :-O I'm sorry.

You have made some interesting guesses - we'll have to see if you're right :-)

Thank you so much, Dreamflower!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/30/2007
Oh dear - the forgetfulness and moments of absence are a bit worrying. Pippin's physical problems are probably easier for his kin to deal with than anything more ... brain-related.

Although it'll give Frodo something else to think about and might actually help his recovery.

Author Reply: Hi Bodkin!

Hehehe hopefully it will distract the good Mr. Baggins eventually :-)

Problems of the mind/brain that cause odd behavior are the ones most likely to be avoided, I think.

Thank you!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/30/2007
I absolutely HATE it when people see something wrong and, either it doesn't register, or they feel it's not their 'place' to say anything - and poor Pippin is worsening!

This was a beautiful thought - 'It was easy to accept their limitations, for all about them were soldiers with similar conditions.'

Author Reply: Hi Agape,

Unfortunately that happens all too often - we even do it to ourselves. We think we might have something wrong, but put off going to the Dr. Or we choose to not see the obvious.

Thank you. I felt that even back in Minas Tirith it would be as comfortable as it had been in a camp full of soldiers who had been through the battles.

I'm so glad you're reading and enjoying this.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2007
Small seizures, or transischemic attacks? I hope the former, as they are usually far less damaging in the end.

And this would be confusing for those who aren't accustomed to seeing such things.

Author Reply: We shall soon see. Very confusing indeed, and what's hard about it is they keep getting upset with him.

Thank you for being here, Larner :-)

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2007
Awesome, Pearl! This is progressing *nicely*! I'm getting anxious as to how everyone will eventually find out what's up with sweet Pippin.

Waiting eagerly for everything to come to a head soon...! :-) Very well done!


Author Reply: Hi m'dear :-)

It will, and I think they will do well eventually ;-)

Thank you so much and glad you're enjoying it!

GoldenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2007
I am very happy, just like Pearl, that you girls like the story! :D
Pearl is doing a great job with writing it! *HUGS*
And even I know what is coming, I can´t wait to get the next Chapter into my hands...well or into my mailbox. *runs checking*

@Andrea: Are you from Germany?


Author Reply: Hi dear Golden!

I hope you still think I'm doing a great job . . . *anxiously biting my nails*

You are a great person to work with and are helping me to stretch my writing.

Thank you!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2007
His cousins had said nothing . . . Sam decided it wasn’t his place to say anything either.

And that decision will prove wrong, won't it? Oh my, sometimes I wished I could have a talk with Sam and tell him that he should forget about classes. They are friends now, and friends can tell each other everything. Or they should! But Pippin's cousins have also their difficulties.

I can understand them, though! If I wanted to characterise myself, it would be a mixture of Merry and Frodo, I think :) I love plans, but on the other had I tend to brood over things! So, my reaction would probably be the same.

Let's hope someone recognises the signs and helps Pippin to fight whatever evil memory is paining him! That's what I think it is.

Great chapter! I'm looking forward to reading more!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Andrea :-)

They all need each other and will get over their problems soon, I think.

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2007
This chapter is amazing. You capture so many moments in such a short span of words.

I loved your presenting the time they spent in Ithilien as utopian. It wasn't until they returned to Minas Tirith that they suddenly realized they were going to have to start living in the real world, where people weren't always understanding and helpful to those who were different or couldn't always do for themselves.

Your description of morning breaking on the White City was beautiful.

There is definitely a problem. Merry, Frodo and Sam are obviously seeing changes in Pippin, but they are not talking to each other about it. I get the feeling that Pippin even realizes something isn't right, but he's to frustraited with the situation to tell anyone. Merry's annoyed because he's one of those people who just gets on with things, he sucks up his pain, shuts his mouth and just keeps doing what needs doing. Frodo has this fixation that all things can be relearned and he's determined to see to it that he and Pippin both succeed, with or without Pippin's help. Sam, who probably sees this situation the clearest is too stuck in his ideas of class and propriety to speak to anyone about what he's seeing. At this rate, they're headed for disaster.

You are doing a wonderful job, you and Golden both.

Looking forward to whatever comes next.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Garnet, for your generous praise :-)

I think many of us do those sort of things, try to deal with the issue by avoiding it. I know I'm that way with politics.

They are heading for a rough time.

Golden is stretching me, which is good - I need it just like our hobbits do ;-)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/29/2007
Oh dear, I'm starting to get very concerned! I hope somehow there is great healing ahead -- inside as well as outside -- for all of our dear hobbits.

Author Reply: Me too!

I'm glad you're along for the ride on this one. Thank you so much :-)

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