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Dawning Hope  by Radbooks 8 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/15/2007
Yes, some stories do take on a life of their own, don't they? We've all felt that.

Love the joy that Eowyn is able to find as Theoden tries to anticipate what will help her to adjust best to her new surroundings.

Now, to find out the story of Eomer and the nursemaid. That I'm waiting for, I find.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner! Yes, they certainly do. I've really been enjoying writing children lately. I had several in my 'Brothers at Heart' story and enjoyed writing them and so writing Eomer and Eowyn at such a young age has been fun for me. Well, when Eomer or Wynleas tell me their story, I may pass it on. :) Mostly, I think, it's a case of a rambunctious boy and a nursemaid trying to rein him in a bit... but if there is more to it then that, they'll have to tell me. *grin*

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/15/2007
Good point, Eomer! I suspect there's a decided lack of clean dresses in your room ...

And Sometimes adults said the strangest things.

How true! I don't think Eomer's quite aware of his relationship with Wynleas being on the level of friendly sparring, though. Perhaps he's not quite as grown up as he thinks!

How nice of Theoden to organise both Wynleas's arrival and a room where she can be close to her nurseling. (And save Eomer from having to sneak into his sister's room.) It's not surprising that Eowyn seems to have offered him her instant devotion. He will make a very good substitute parent for his niece and nephew.

I don't know that the magic woodpile will be able to provide one of the Mearas, though. But worth a try!

I'm glad to see Eowyn settling down to life in Edoras. It will take time - but she has her brother and Wynleas and an affectionate cousin and uncle. She'll do! Such a delightful look at them all.

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing, Bodkin! Eomer is really not sure about Wynleas right now. He's somewhat afraid that she might take him in hand now that his mother is dead and on a certain level he probably would like that... at least the motherly affection she might provide. But as an 11 year old boy he'd never admit that!! It might take a little while for him to understand that she shows her affection for him by the 'friendly sparring'. :)

Eowyn is fortunate to have the extended family that she does. They are certainly caring for her very well in an extremely difficult situation. I'm sure there will be rocky times ahead, but at least she is starting to feel like she can trust her uncle and cousin.

Thanks again!

mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/15/2007
I have recently discovered an interest in the Eorlingas, particularly Eomer, both pre-and-post LOTR, so am delighted to see that this is part of an arc.
The thought that Theoden is only beginning to see the strength of Eowyn's personality makes me grin, and that it is pre-Grima means we will see how devastating it must have for Eomer to find himself banished.
Thank you - looking forward to the next story!

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. This is set about 12 years before Theoden starts falling under Grima's influence so Eomer and Eowyn have a nice long time with their uncle and cousin before things start going downhill.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/14/2007
I'm so glad Eowyn got her nursemaid back and is learning to trust her uncle.The poor child needs something familiar. I'm pleased there will be more of this, though Aragorn remains my first love,but I think this is a new and interesting area to explore and you do it well

Author Reply: Thanks, Linda! Yes, Eowyn definitely needed something familiar in this new place where she's living, she's had so many changes and so much heartache that she needs Wynleas with her. So does Eomer even if he doesn't realize it yet. Aragorn remains my first love, too, but I find I'm really enjoying writing children lately.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/14/2007
Delightful chapter. I had so hoped, upon reading Ch. 3, that Theoden was brilliant - and he was!

But it's good that the children know they can go to Theodred too!

Delightful tale altogether - and very glad that the characters are bugging you to write more! Well worth reading!

Author Reply: Thanks so much! Yes, Theoden was a wise and thoughtful man. He knew that Eowyn especially would need someone from home to help her adjust to the enormous changes taking place in her life.

MistyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/14/2007
Awww, that was a sweet ending. I'm glad that Theoden did everything he could to help Eowyn feel at home. I love the line from Eomer about now not having to sneak into Eowyn's room and sleeping on the floor. That was cute. Good story.

Author Reply: Thanks, Misty, glad you liked it! I just knew that once Eomer knew how scared she was to sleep in her room he wouldn't leave her to sleep alone... he was too protective of her.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/14/2007
Nice conclusion, Radbooks. I'm glad Theoden took Eowyn's needs seriously, despite how busy he must be with disaster looming and his people to care for. Sometimes adults dismiss children's needs too easily.

Author Reply: Thanks, Daw. Oh, yes, adults do dismiss children and their needs far too often. I see that quite often in the school where I teach and it's very sad. The books - LOTR and Unfinished Tales - are pretty clear about how he came to love them as a father and how he loved their mother so it seemed to me that he would take her needs seriously in spite of how busy he was.

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/14/2007
Ah, NOW everything is better. I love the nurse; SHE understands perfectly. Her relationship with Éomer is funny; I'm sure he thinks he has the upper hand! :)

And while this is The End, I hope for and look forward to more. I'm also going to suggest this story to a little group of young (middle school) LOTR fans I know. I think they would love to read more about their favorite Eorlingas!

Author Reply: Thanks again! Glad you like Wynleas, she'll be a good mixture of love and gentle discipline for both of them. I don't think Éomer thinks he has the upper hand with her, he's uneasy around her at best. Not quite certain if she'll take him in hand again not that his mother is gone. I'm honored that you'd share my story with a group of middle schoolers, I hope they enjoy it.

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