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The Blue Wizard Blues  by GamgeeFest 4 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/20/2007
Inoculating them against the greater evil to come, is he? I feel sorry for him, and am glad he gave the vision of the happiness Beren and Luthien knew at the last.

Author Reply: This wasn't the way Sauron wanted to go about doing things, but it worked, much better than he could have hoped. And Rick truly has had a humanizing effect on him, for him to show his doubts and to have given that last vision to Sam, to undo the damage done as best he could. Thanks so much for reading!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/19/2007
“Mr. Frodo and I, what with all we went through in Mordor to destroy your Ring, we got off rather easy it seems,” Sam says. “I thought that was the worst possible thing as could happen to a person, but I was wrong. I was wrong about you also. You’re not the same person now as you were back then. It’s just, I didn’t really know you then, so I couldn’t see the difference that Mr. Frodo sees.”

Wow! Those images very terrible! But through them Sam saw that Sauron has changed completely. And if even Sam trusts him now (more than Frodo, it seems), I won't disagree ;-)

Both hobbits are prepared now to face the Blue Wizards! And Frodo is able to protect Sam, if need be!

So, let's go on :)

Author Reply: Sauron really didn't hold anything back, and though it may have frightened both of the hobbits at the time, it truly was for the best, in ways that they can't even fathom right now. Frodo will come around, once he calms down and realizes that Sam hasn't been permanently harmed by this, and knowing that he will need to protect Sam from such a torture in the future will help Frodo be more focused.

Thanks for reading!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/19/2007
If you did them harm last night, it was only to save them from greater harm later on.”

Like having to cause more pain in order to heal someone eh?

I think that you are getting the tone for Sauron just right. Remote and distant and frightening at times but it helps to see the vulnerability and self-recrimination too.
Not unlike some aspects of Gandalf I feel.

Author Reply: Exactly like that. In this way, I dare say, he was more courteous than Gandalf, who let the hobbits walk into everything blind.

Sauron is still learning how to interact with people. The more time he spends with Rick and the hobbits, the less remote and cut off he will be. He's already showing his self-doubts to Rick, which makes up for sometimes forgetting to tell him The Plan. ;)

Thanks for reading!

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/19/2007
Whew! Well, those visions did seem cruel, terribly cruel (except the last one, of course, that was nice), but what a wonderful outcome. Something tells me things may be easier from now on, at least in one respect. Marvelously done, GF!
God bless,

Author Reply: Sam really didn't understand how truly evil Sauron was once upon a time. He needed to see with his own eyes, so he could see how Sauron has changed. That last vision of Beren and Luthien only proved it to Sam, for the Sauron of old would not have even considered comforting someone.

Thank you for reading! I'm so glad you're enjoying this!

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