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To Give Hope  by Peredhil lover 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/19/2007
I see I managed to miss this, probably when the ISP was in one of its many bouts of troubles. Yes, there would have been a very necessary period of adjustment they'd all need as they grow accustomed to the new situation.

Sounds as if small Aragorn really needs a booster seat! And his mother needs to work through her grief. But time helps in all of this.

MattReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2007
A nicely done story that captures Gilraen's emotional state well I suspect. Seeing something that focuses on her first without shifting to Aragorn's perspective is nice as there is a limited set of fics in this genre and I definitely hope that you continue your work on this.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for reviewing, Matt, I appreciate it. It is always nice to know that readers are enjoying my writing, and I'm glad that you find my portrayal of Gilraen's emotional state to be believable.

I do so enjoy writing this and I have plenty of ideas in mind for Gilraen, Elrond and the rest, so, with any luck, I will continue!


peredhil lover

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2007
Great chapter - you touched Gilraen's sorrow perfectly. As for the meal - I think this would be one of the many things that would be difficult to do with Elves.... good grief - which fork do I use? Is that water or is it a dish to wash my fingers in? I do not envy the poor woman - and then to have such a litle one sitting there with crytal about... how she kept herself still, I do not know.

Great chapter!

Author Reply: I'm so glad to know you enjoyed my portrayal of Gilraen's grief.

I heartily agree--dinning with elves might not be as much fun as many of us think it would be. And clearly these elves have not had to deal with little ones in a very long time to have fine china, silverware and crystal around!

Thank you for reviewing,

peredhil lover

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2007
Great chapter, PL. Gilraen's grief and fierce love for her son come through, as does the somewhat awkward concern of the elves. Aragorn is a sweetie.

Author Reply: Thank you, daw, I'm glad to know you enjoyed it.

I would agree that Aragorn is a sweetie in this chapter as his character was more than a little influenced by my own three year old daughter, who is quite a precocious, bright and thoughtful child, much as I imagine young Aragorn to be.

Thanks again,

peredhil lover

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2007
This was a very touching chapter. It brought tears to my eyes, but that is a good thing! This week is when I lost my father several years ago and some friends of mine called yesterday that their pet of 15 years died in his sleep. So it was a trying day yesterday and so I think I am more emotional than I normally would be but I think I needed the extra release of tears.

I enjoyed the breakfast, I caught myself sitting up as I too tried to stop Aragorn from reaching for the jelly :-).


Author Reply: Thanks for your review, Idril. I do understand what you mean about needing an emotional release. My father died from cancer thirty-one years ago last week. I was six years old. Needless to say, I did not find it too difficult to get into little Aragorn's head in this chapter--the utter confusion and the total inability to comprehend the absolute finality of death. I must admit, I shed more than a few tears myself while I was writing that part.

And now that I am a mother of young children, I also did not find it terribly difficult to imagine the dining room scene from Gilraen's perspective!

Thank you so much for reviewing. It means a lot to me.

peredhil lover

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