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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 67 on 4/23/2009
Well - an interesting couple of days.

Author Reply: And it only gets more interesting with the next chapter. *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 67 on 4/22/2009
I can certainly appreciate why Thengel decided that two were enough to judge in one day. Isenbert would be enough to turn anyone's stomach! Yecch! A just judgment, and probably better than he deserved.

Author Reply: I think Thengel had enough for one day and decided he needed a break. *grin* And Isenbert's judgment is probably better than he deserves, though he probably doesn't think so.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 67 on 4/22/2009
Thengel King's judgements are wise indeed, and very fair. I feel sorry for Léodward, but being damaged in mind is worse than anything Thengel could inflict...and yet, better, because as an innocent he will have no capacity to try any other plan against Thengel; I doubt it would occur to him to do so.

Thengel is very kind to the wounded boy and his father; I applaud him there, certainly.

As for Isenbert...*shudder* That man sickens me. I'm glad that Thengel sentenced him as he did. Hopefully Isenbert's heirs, whoever they are (forgive me for not remembering, if it has been mentioned) will not suffer unduly from the loss of their father's titles, assuming they haven't followed in his footsteps. To find out about the blackmailing...*shakes head* Really, Isenbert went too far...

...but not as far as Guthlaf. Thengel King is wise indeed to wait on *that* judgement, and the judgement of the...necromancer. Hopefully all will be resolved as peacefully as possible, though I have a feeling that, for slaying a queen, (no matter how ick she was) they, too, will be slain. *shudder*

Well done! It gave me shivers in all the right places.


Author Reply: Thanks, Kaylee. I'm glad you agree with Thengel's judgments. He is trying to be fair without being a pushover. And some people, like Isenbert, just don't get it and never will. We'll see in the next chapter what fate is in store for Guthláf and the Umbari.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 67 on 4/22/2009
Justice and mercy for them as needs it!
Well done Thengel.
One down two to go.
More please,

Author Reply: Thanks, Lynda. We'll see in the next chapter how Thengel handles Guthláf and the Umbari. It will not be a pleasant confrontation, but I think you know that. *grin*

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 67 on 4/22/2009
A good thing that those who were forced to fight against the king, and surrendered early, were treated gently. And it was _very_ sensible that those who were not leaders in the rebellion and who mistreated and harassed others during were rebellion were not killed, but were sentenced to labour instead. And there are a number of things to rebuild now, so those extra hands will be useful there.
They could not punish Léodward, but then he is hardly a threat in his state.

Then Isenbert: "When you came to the throne with your foreign wife and ways, with your annoying sense of honor and generosity, I knew that unwelcome change was in the wind." Very definitely somebody Thengel wouldn't want as one of his lords. And since he _did_ join the rebellion, the King had a good reason to rid him of that status - and he is also one who probably would start plotting again, given the chance.

Now there remains only Guthláf, who brought in the necromancer, and the Umbari. I suspect that Námo will _particularly_ want to, ahem, _discuss_ a few things with that necromancer...

Author Reply: Thengel is trying to be fair yet not be a pushover, either, and I think that the sentences that he gave were reasonable and pardoning those who were forced into rebellion by their lords only makes sense, otherwise he might find himself facing yet another rebellion. We will see in the next chapter how Guthláf and the Umbari fare. Thanks for your review Sunny. I'm glad you liked the chapter.

Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 67 on 4/22/2009
Great to see how Thengel is merciful to those who were cuaght between a rock and a hard place. He recognises truly that many were forced to fight against him. I am still really enjoying this story and looking forward to seeing where it goes next....

Author Reply: Thanks, Arwen. I'm gald you are still enjoying this story. I have portrayed Thengel as compassion and wise throughout this tale and so his handling of those who were forced to fight against him is consistent with this. We'll see in the next chapter how he handles the ringleaders. Thanks for your review. I appreciate it.

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