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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/29/2008
Yikes and Yikes are about all I can say - once because I don't know how I missed this chapter and twice because of Widfara's precipitous actions!

Great chapter - glad it was friend not foe who approached at the beginning.

Author Reply: Hi Agape. I guess 'yikes' just about covers it. *grin* Wídfara is just young enough to be rashly bold or boldy rash (take your pick). Hopefully it doesn't get him killed one day. Glad you liked the chapter.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/12/2008
You had me afraid for Widfara then!I love the courage of the Rohirrim,while I find the Elves rather chilling.A most exciting chapter.

Author Reply: Wídfara will always be one of my favorite OCs. The Elves are... well, Elves and they don't necessarily function on the same moral scale as humans do.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/11/2008
I had suspected that those above were dead. So, what has become of the citizens of the town, then? Are most living and awaiting Thengel where they can join him, or are those above those who would have joined him? Whose side has managed to rule the fate of Upbourn?

Author Reply: The answer to all your questions will be found in the next chapter which I promise will not be as long in posting as this one was.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/11/2008

After taking a few minutes to ponder it, I can think of at least three different explanations for the non-moving sentries.... It will be interesting to see if any of my thoughts come close to the reality that Thengel and Aragorn will find.

The bit that caught my attention most was the interaction between Aragorn and Thandir, where Aragorn challenges the elf. Most young adults chafe at the bit and want to grow up faster than we older ones would like, and sometimes it is very difficult to allow them to go on their way. I imagine that it is something like this that colours Thandir's interactions with Aragorn, particularly considering Thandir's immensely long life, and the mortal's youth. Thandir has spent most of Aragorn's life protecting him, and I suppose that even for an elf, 20 or 30 years makes for a habit that is difficult to break. *grin*

I'm so glad to see Widfara again, and it was good to finally see Hilderic appear to support his uncle.

I look forward to the next chapter, where, hopefully, we'll get some answers to our questions. At least this story is from Aragorn's POV, so we oughtn't to be bouncing to another place or group of characters, extending the cliffhanger!

Author Reply: It will be interesting indeed to see how close your suppositions come to the actual reality that Thengel and the others find.

Thandir is concerned not only about Aragorn as an elder is towards a youngster, but he knows full well that Aragorn's destiny lies elsewhere and if he gets himself killed in this war it will be the end of everything that the elves have been hoping for since the destruction of Arnor. But Aragorn's arguments are correct... Rohan is an ally and he has a duty to help them if he can, for a time may come when he (and Gondor) will need their aid... and we know that actually will happen some sixty-odd years later.

We'll see in the next chapter what has happened in Upbourn and why.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/11/2008
Oh, meldonya! I am glad that it was indeed Hilderic and Widfara, and other Riders who came!

Thandir, Elladan and Elrohir are leaving? No! I don't want them to leave! *sigh*

And yes, where on Ennorath is Gandalf, anyway? *wry look* Do not meddle with the Ithryn, I suppose...

And oh...poor Widfara...finding out that the men on the ramparts seem dead and no one else is there! How did that come about?


Author Reply: Hey Kaylee! Well, it was inevitable that the elves would leave at some point, but we will see if they actually carry out their threat to do so. *grin*

The mystery of Upbourn will be revealed in the next chapter.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 51 on 11/11/2008
Fewer guards on the ramparts of Upbourn: that sounded promising, until they turned out to be dead....

Author Reply: Well, that's Wídfara's thought, but we won't know for sure until the next chapter.

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