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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/8/2007
The revealing of fragments of his true-self is inevitable.
And as OHN is one of my favourite Christmas hymns, I'm delighted to see it in Middle Earth.
Thank you!

Author Reply: I think it's a case of "hide in plain sight" with Aragorn, though I suspect that when he goes to Gondor he'll be a bit more circumspect since he'll be that much closer to Mordor.

OHN is one of my favorites too so I just had to put it in Middle-earth somehow. Glad you liked it. Thank you for reviewing.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/7/2007
I loved your story "gifts", for that is what we all try to do.
What a dramatic conclusion!
A moving ceremony for the solstice.

Author Reply: Thanks, Linda. I thought the idea of "gifts of the heart" appropriate for the season. I'm happy that you also liked the Yule ceremony as well. I'm afraid under the circumstances it was rather pared down from what would have been done in Edoras but I don't think it was any less moving for those who participated in it, more so, I suspect, given what has happened. And I simply had to end the chapter as I did, didn't I? *grin*

Selene AduialReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/6/2007
I love Widfara's idea for gifts. And you just made my day ... the twins have arrived ;) (sorry but I'm a bit of a fangirl when it comes to the twins )
More please?

Author Reply: Ah, another Elrondionnath fan! I guess I'm making everybody's Yule merry, aren't I? *LOL* But in truth, the appearance of the twins has always been planned, though the manner of their appearance was not known to me until I started writing this chapter. More chapters are forthcoming.

Shoshana_RoseReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/6/2007
At last! The reunion of the season! Very nice chapter about making meaning without many means (tongue twister...). Cute rendition of "O Holy Night," keep up those translating skills! lol

I wonder what will happen next. I for one, would be interested in seeing if Widfara, with his newly assumed protective, confident mein, might approach a certain elf to find out about his sword brother's lasting illness after their confrontation! (You can tell I'm chomping at the bit to find out what that's all about!)

I'm surprised and glad to see such a quick update! Tis the season for Yule stories, after all. :)


Author Reply: I've been rather neglectful of this story and Wars of the Valar this last month or so, trying to finish up the first book of Elf, Interrupted, so am trying to make up for lost time. *grin*

Glad you liked my version of "O Holy NIght". It was something of a challenge, but I enjoyed it, especially since my Sindarin language skills are not as strong as my Quenya ones.

I'm sure Wídfara will be having his own confrontation with a certain elf about his sword-brother's debilitating attacks. We'll have to see how that works out.

SorrelReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/6/2007
*Sobs* Ohhh... don't stop, don't stop... you can't stop there!
Leaving us all on a cliffhanger isn't nice! *clears throat as everyone stares*
A great ending to an even better story. I hope that theres another one in the works somewhere! I can't wait!

Author Reply: Not sure what you're on about, Sorrel. There is still much more to this tale to be told. This is not the end nor is this the final chapter. I hope to have another chapter ready for posting by the end of next week. I think you're confused by the presence of the Character List. It was posted at the request of several reviewers who wanted a list of the various characters in order to keep them straight because many of the Rohirrim have similar sounding and looking names. I will add to the Character List as necessary whenever a new character is introduced. So please continue to look for updates of this story. It's not over by a long shot, I assure you.

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/5/2007
What a surprise! I had to catch myself from shouting out "whoo hoo!" when the doors opened.

Great song by the way, sounds familiar, can't seem to place it though :-)

Wonderful chapter great timing for the holiday season.

Happy Holidays!


Author Reply: Thanks Idril. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Song sounds familiar, hun? Try "O Holy Night". *grin*

Happy Holidays to you as well.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/5/2007
A wonderful adaptation of one of my favorite Christmas hymns to Middle Earth. And what a wonderful surprise, to have the sons of Elrond return with Gilthael and the other Elves.

You know, for one who in the beginning was not admitting who and what he was, Thorongil has managed to reveal a great deal about himself; and the fact he was raised among Elves could well be of interest to some parties.

Wonderful way to deal with Yule gifts, by the way!

Author Reply: Hi Larner. Yes, it's one of my favorites, too, which is why I thought it would fun to give it a Middle-earth and Elvish twist to it.

As for Aragorn revealing a lot about himself... probably not strictly canon, but there would have been a history of Dúnedain going to Imladris for training, I'm sure, so as long as everyone believes him to be just another Ranger and not Isildur's Heir then his associations with Imladris and the Elves won't be too remarked upon, or one can hope that is the case.

I thought 'gifts of the heart' would be appropriate given the circumstances these people find themselves with very little in the way of material goods, most of which had to be abandoned when they fled Edoras.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/5/2007
A merry Yule indeed!

And even merrier with the advent of the elves and Gilhael -- who I'm sure have many tales to tell (and not merely the sort of tales everyone has been telling so far this evening, but also tales of what's been happening to them in the past few weeks -- or is it months?). And we get to see the Elrondionnath in this story!

I liked your version of "O Holy Night."

Author Reply: The next few chapters will be devoted to everyone telling their "tale" to the company so we'll get to see what was happening in the Westmark during all this and it's only been weeks, though I'm sure for some it's felt more like years. *grin*

>>I liked your version of "O Holy Night."<<

Thanks. I enjoyed writing it.

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 31 on 12/5/2007
The twins are here, the twins are here!!! Yay! I'm glad that the others are back too, but... the twins!

Author Reply: Made your day, did I? *grin*

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