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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/3/2007
At last the ISP from Mordor has allowed me on long enough to actually get to this!

I remember my few days on crutches after I broke my food--thankfully they gave me a walking cast once the swelling went down, so the crutches didn't stay with me too long.

Thengel's advice is wonderful, as is Thorongil's tale of too much Dorwinion wine in Thranduil's keep. Now, to see to the proper Yule for the children within Dunharrow; and the adults, too, need this reassurance, even if they don't feel there's that much to celebrate.

Author Reply: I, too, broke my foot one summer and before I was given a walking cast, I used crutches and that was terrible, especially as my apartment was on the third floor and there was no elevator. Not fun.

Thengel is a wise old bird and Aragorn could do worse than to listen to him and learn from him.

I think the children will help put the adults in a more festive mood. They may not entirely understand what is happening, but they are looking upon what has happened to them as an adventure and Yule is Yule and no child is going to NOT be excited about it, however thin the decorations or lack of real ceremony.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/2/2007
I love your Aragorn,so caring about the welfare of others. I wish someone would look after him for a while.Widfara is lucky to have such a friend. I also love wise King Thengel. Every chapter of this story is sheer delight.

Author Reply: Hi Linda. Glad you're still with me on this story. I needed to finish up Elf, Interrupted first, but will now be concentrating on this story and Wars of the Valar for a while.

As for looking after Aragorn... Wídfara is doing his best *grin* and so is Thengel.

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