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Mardil Goes A-Courting  by Le Rouret 7 Review(s)
eucalyptusReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/25/2008
Brilliant twist there near the end -- one I did NOT see coming (I had to reread this just to observe how you executed the plot). I find Legolas' views of love very interesting, especially after My Dear Bandobras. He has clearly spent many hours contemplating himself and his previous involvement with Laustaire to have come to these very precise views on the difference between "to love" and "to be in love". There seems to be some bitterness underlaying his motivations here, as though he disdains himself for having been so foolish and yet now thinks he understands how it all works. I don't believe he was being foolish -- there is plenty of evidence that those events were far from his own making -- but I do believe he comes across as a little too smug and knowing. And I'm not sure he understands love as completely as he boasts, especially for someone who has never rightly had a true love.

Poor Mardil for having been subjected to the Green Knight's manipulations, even if things worked out in the end. This was a charming, sad and funny little story. Bravo.

KarenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/24/2007
So, having read all of the fics posted here in the space of a week... *rubs eyes*

I love this universe. Legolas is just as I imagine him to be -- clever, wicked, kind -- and his friendship with Faramir and Eowyn, Aragorn and Arwen, and nearly every child in Gondor are so much fun to read about. I also really admire your writing style; there are certain excerpts that sound just like Tolkien. The original characters are also really fun, especially the elves. Galas is my favorite. I love how he seems so carefree and irresponsible, but he was actually quite old even at the Last Alliance. Bandobras is adorable, and Tamin is just so cute. I hope you write more with him. Do you think you'll be writing more Lord of the Rings fanfiction? If you do, I think a lot of people will read and enjoy it.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/1/2007
Poor Mardil. The only - but by now very happy - sucker.

And Legolas plays the game of dowries as one born to it! Good thing he is wealthy enough to indulge his hobby of making his friends happy.

Dúrfinwen strikes me as being a very dangerous elleth, though! Breaking legs, throwing shoes, fostering plots, biting off Legolas's head! Knocking out keystones ... Ruthless young lady, that one!

Hirilcúllas and Meivel are sorted out, though. Although Bandobras would be better left seeking his own bride. Perhaps Legolas should get to work on finding a wife for Gimli.

Beruthiels CatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/20/2007
Loved this! Serves himself right for meddling, lol...I'll vote Yea for the sequel, I'd like to see Legolas "think" he's falling for Durfinwen, but she has her eye on someone else...or at least pretending she does! (teaching him a lesson, maybe?)


Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it! I'm knocking around a couple of ideas for a sequel, but I've got to get through Dragon*Con first ... I've signed up for AC Crispin's Writer's Workshop and need to get a workable manuscript together for her. Eep!

So, that's a vote for Durfinwen, is it? Poor girl ...

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/20/2007

Can you see me bowing, Rouret? I have a huge smile on my face and I'm still laughing at the machinations of both Elwen and Legolas.Everything went to plan after all and Legolas did not end up out of pocket.He's very wicked, as Faramir says! Bravo, Le Rouret.I loved every word of this story.

Durfinwen is very spirited, to say the least.Her revelation that she broke two of Araval's legs, not one, by mistake,had me laughing out loud.Her temper was like a whirlwind and she actually managed to hit her lord with her slipper! Now that all of Legolas' closest firnds seem to be paired off it seems a shame that Durfinwen will still be single....and she won't wed Galas.

I'm sad that this exceptional tale has finished.You are planning another story I hope?

Take care and get those plot bunnies busy ;D


Author Reply: Thanks, Ali! Your reviews have been so encouraging.

I am indeed planning another story, but as I'm attending a writer's workshop in September and need to get my manuscript finished by August, I don't think it's going to happen this year! You never know, though; I might get tired of my story and start paying attention to those little plot-bunnies that have been nibbling at my ankles.

Don't tell me you want Durfinwen to marry Galas?! Can you imagine? There wouldn't be a spare bit of crockery in their house by the end of the honeymoon!

WimseyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/19/2007
Applause as the curtain falls. Well, you fooled us all, and perhaps we heaped too much scorn on poor Legolas’ head. Although I am quite certain the Green Knight does nothing unless he truly wants to. I think it is very clever to have made little Elwen the instigator of the whole scheme. You very cleverly led us astray as to her real feelings. Almost as well done as Agatha’s little plot device in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Are you planning something between Dúrfinwen and Legolas? She is definitely no milquetoast. I snorted so loudly when I read she was the one that broke Araval’s legs that I believe all my coworkers were worried I may be having a fit of apoplexy. Considering I am a librarian the snort did disturb the quiet ambience of the library setting. All I can say again is well done, very well done indeed. I did notice, however, that Legolas made out very well from the whole endeavor after all.

Author Reply: Thank you, Wimsey! Your allusion to Roger Ackroyd made me laugh - I can remember reading that when I was in junior high and thinking, "Wait - what? No! But ... " And then going back and reading it AGAIN, this time with the eye of knowledge, and realizing how cleverly Christie had manipulated her words to fool us. If you re-read Ch. 3, "The Lovelorn Maid," you'll see I attempted to do the same thing. It was tricky and I ended up scrapping and re-writing the chapter three times.

I like the character of Durfinwen - like Galas and Bandobras, her dialogue is fun to write, and though GreenKnight!Legolas has Noldor blood in him, I can't imagine his mother would object to a Loriquendi that much. And you're right - she's no pushover; any man who married her would know JUST where he got off, but I like to think all that spunk and cheek would make her a fun bed-fellow, too.

Apologize to your library co-workers for me. I did not mean to make you snort!

Le Rouret

tnt2b2Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/19/2007
Excellent! I am only sad that this tale has ended. Can't wait for the next to begin!

Author Reply: Thanks! But you might have to wait a while; I need to work up a manuscript for a writer's workshop I'm doing in September, so I don't know how much time I'll have to devote to fanfic. We'll see!

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