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Mardil Goes A-Courting  by Le Rouret 5 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/7/2007
First, Le Rouret, I love your Green Knight universe! I love the imagery and the language and Lassah! LOL This story has been a revelation, though, from the beginning. Legolas' character has changed as he has lived and grown older in Ithilien and you show it so well!

I went back and reread "My Dear Bandobras", Le Rouret, because I wanted to refresh my memory about Legolas' reaction to the Infant and her eventual and untimely death. He was so crushed by so many things there - I don't know that he really loved her - it seemed more infatuation to me, but the promise of it was there, if she had just been a more mature, wiser person. He was hurt by her actions and then by his perceived failure to keep her safe. It seems like he has hardened his heart to the gentler emotions and come hell, or high water, he's going to order the lives of those he loves, whether they like it or not.

Tsk, tsk, Lassah! I wonder what he would do if he lost Mardil's friendship because of his plots? And he seemed most callous in his treatment of Elwen - which of course drove Mardil into her arms. LOL I'm not saying it is a bad match, and it looks like Elwen is more than willing (and like she said, her mother is 19 years younger than her father).

But Lassah seems very brittle and hard in this story at times - and he may be immortal and wiser, but one wonders what his human friends (and Gimli and Bandobras) really think of his manipulations. He just kind of ran rough-shod over everyone's opinions and ideas.

Yes, Lassah needs a lesson, Le Rouret! I vote Yay! with the others - he needs that heart of stone returned to its original state and those opinions of his on love revised! And make him work for it, by Eru! :-) Wonderful chapter! I'm not sure if any of these ramblings made any sense at all - I may be entirely off base here - these were more my impressions as I read, I suppose. (One does love to consider the poor, wounded elf hiding his hurt behind that cool, I-know-what's-best facade and hope for someone to heal his owies! LOL) Forgive if I am wrong!


Author Reply: Thank you, Linda! It's nice to get such a thorough review. (Especially one without misspellings and web-speak; some of my fics on other sites get the variety that start out, "OMG i so ttly luuuuuv ur fics omglololol!!!!!11" UGH!) I had "My Dear Bandobras" in the back of my mind the entire time I wrote this fic. I left it up to the readers to decide the reason behind Legolas' melancholy - Laustaire, or Nardane? The loss of a physical woman, or the loss of the concept of wife and children? - and to force him to retreat into a brittle casing seemed to me to be the most logical permutation of either end. It's a natural reaction, a defense mechanism against further heartbreak, and I can't imagine an Elf would be immune to that any more than a mere mortal.

I agree that he ought to work for a maiden's heart, for as prince he pretty much gets what he wants just by snapping his fingers; it'd do him good to have to put a little effort into it, and to suffer the pangs of fear that his sentiments might not be answered. But am I the writer to pen that tale? Not sure yet; I'll let the plot bunnies germinate a while, and see what happens!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/7/2007
That devious, sneaky, plotting, manipulative Lord Lassah! I hope Elwen wasn't in on it - I'd hate to think that the only poor sucker there was Mardil! (Although he seems to have been won over. He may become suspicious later, but, just at the moment, he is left without anything to say.)

When you do decide how Legolas falls, don't, whatever you do, make it easy for him! He is far too inclined to think he can wangle everyone to do his bidding and he really, really needs a wife who flatly refuses to be manoeuvred. An equal - who might just look him over and turn him down!

I hope Deniel really did wish to marry the man who serves tripe for breakfast. (I can't imagine why she would!) Because I'd hate to think of her as no more than a tool in Legolas's ruthless ordering of everyone of his acquaintance according to his idea of what is best for them.

And how many were in on this plot? Everyone except Araval and Mardil? Or is the bridegroom the only innocent?

The whole chapter leaves me breathless - and very wary of the elven matchmaker.

Author Reply: Devious, sneaky, plotting, manipulative ... yep, that's him, all right. And "poor Mardil" may be a sucker, but don't worry, all ends well for him.

If I do eventually write a Legomance, I will definitely NOT make it easy for him. I love GreenKnight!Legolas, but he's rather spoiled and cocky; taking him down a notch or two might prove amusing.

I hope you like the conclusion!

TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/6/2007
That deliciously wicked DEVIANT!!!! ;) I had innocently thought he was incapable of such manoeveuring, but here I am proved entirely mistaken. He planned every little step of this didn't he? I suppose I shoulda known better :P

Just for that, I would very much like to put forth my vote to see Legolas utterly confounded by one of feminine wiles, just to see him all flustered and deliriously bewitched and have Mardil and Cirien and Faramir and the rest of them revenge themselves upon him! :P (in a nicest possible way of course) So yes...add another "yea" to the tally!

Author Reply: Yes, Legolas was in on every step in this! And as you will see in Ch. 9, he is not quite so heartless as everyone is accusing him, but there's a definite callousness in his decision to order Mardil's life for him.

I'd like to see Legolas "utterly confounded by one of feminine wiles" too, but I'm afraid any further fic-writing on my part will be delayed by a writer's workshop I'm attending this year, at which I must present a manuscript which - naturally - I have not yet completed. We shall see! Maybe one of my readers will take up my slack and write it herself ... ?

WimseyReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/6/2007
So Legolas has his way after all. Why am I quite sure that he arranged this to the very minute detail himself? I must say I am a tad disgusted with him. I am sure that in his infinite and immortal wisdom he was sure that he was doing his best for two people that he loved. And to be fair he is no doubt correct in his estimation. However, as a mere mortal my self I would be rather upset to be manipulated so, even if it was for my own good. I have no doubt should the tables be turned and the same mechanics applied to the Green Knight, upset would be a mild term to use for his reaction. Perhaps there you have your love story; I would love to see someone manipulate him so masterfully. All beings have faults and I perceive that one of Legolas’ may be that he is always sure he knows best, and usually he does. What would happen to him the one time he discovered he had made a cock up of it?

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/6/2007
Oh dear! I'm laughing so much that I can't really formulate a proper review.This was one of your best ever chapters and I loved every word, every raised eyebrow and cutting aside from Gimli.Wonderful ending, too.

I'm glad you're responding to your fans' demands(pleas) for a 'Legolas in love' story.I know that I'll be waiting patiently for whatever scenerio you come up with :D


Happy Easter!

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