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I Will Be Your Memory  by Peredhil lover 9 Review(s)
CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/4/2008
This is one of those gap-fillers that until I read it, I hadn't realized a gap existed that needed filled. But once read, yes, it *doesn't* make sense for Aragorn to go singing through the trees straight away, without having first had a period of adjustment--that's the thing about reading Tolkien's appendices. There sometimes must be a bit of a perceived telescoping of time because of the scarcity of detail, and you've drawn out that telescope in a very plausible fashion. This story is a gem... the interaction between Elrohir and Aragorn is touching, and believable. Elrohir's such a good brother, wise and kindhearted. I really like him. And the line about the pipeweed had me laughing out loud (and getting an odd look from the cat). And Aragorn's tears are so well done. He's not a sobbing wreck, but the reader clearly sees the depth of his emotion. Ahhh. Nice!

Author Reply: Thanks, Cairistiona! I’m glad to know that you enjoyed this one too and that you found the interaction between Elrohir and Aragorn to be believable. I really like Elrohir a lot too, obviously, but I must admit that over the course of my writing, Elladan has certainly wormed his way into my heart as well. :)

You know, I love angst (particularly angsty bonding scenes between hot guys and half-elves!), but I’m always concerned with trying to achieve that very satisfying angst without changing the personalities of these guys in an unbelievable way or feminizing them too much and reducing the scene to melodrama. In this case I thought that Aragorn’s tears were warranted, and I’m glad to know that you found it effective.

peredhil lover

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/20/2007
It's such a difficult situation, isn't it! While Estel always knew he was not an elf and therefore must have had a father and that his father was not talked of, to discover suddenly that the weight of history is on your shoulders ... well, Aragorn would have resented the secrecy. And he's at an age where he would be unlikely to see the wisdom of the silence in which he was raised.

But he is with the best people to help him learn all about his father - his mother, for one, must be wanting to talk for days about her husband and Estel's other kin, while the twins knew not only Arathorn but his line for generations. It'll take time, though, for the talk to go beyond the superficial.

Elrohir's arrival and patience - and his words - would have lightened Aragorn's mood, I suspect. And fate would doubtless have poked her finger in the mix to make him ready to meet the modern Luthien.

Poor Aragorn. He might not yet realise it, but the easy days of his youth are past and the days of trial are about to commence. About 24,000 of them.

Author Reply: Yes, it was a rather difficult situation for all of them. I really don't see how Aragorn, at his age, could not have been at least a little resentful of so much being concealed from him and he would have many questions that he needed answered, in particular about his father. I'm sure Gilraen had plenty to say at this point as well.

Elrohir is always pretty good at lightening Aragorn's mood in my stories, and he helped to get him in the right frame of mind to meet his Luthien.

Thanks for reviewing, Bodkin.

peredhil lover

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/17/2007
I quite agree. If it had been I suddenly learning that everything I ever knew about myself was, if not actually a lie, at least not entirely correct, the last thing I would be doing is running through some wood singing. This is a very thoughtfully worked out "gap-filler" and I like it that it is Elrohir who helps Aragorn to know his real father at last. The allusion to Arwen was clever as well, and Elrohir is going to be one surprised elf when he finds out about Aragorn's love for his sister.

Author Reply:
Thanks for the review, Fiondil. I'm glad you enjoyed this gap-filler and found it believable.

The reactions of the twins to Aragorn's feelings for their sister might make for an interesting story too.

peredhil lover

InarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/17/2007
I loved "Day and Night" very much. After having read it, though, I wondered how would Estel react when he would shortly be told about his heritage. And I loved very much this small sequel which did not let me wonder for long.

I have always thought how hard must have been for Elves who befriended humans to watch their friends die, either in battle or of old age. Elrohir is still mourning the loss of Aragorn's grandfather and father. Speaking of them is causing him pain. But he is willing to endure that pain for the love of Aragorn. And there seem to be comfort for both Elrohir and Aragorn in the sharing. You described all that in a touching manner.

I wonder whether Elladan will now drop his shield and really let Aragorn in his heart... That should be an equally bitter-sweet Elvish experience worth exploring...

Author Reply: I always appreciate new reviews. Its nice to know that you enjoyed "Day and Night" as well as this one.

Elrohir talks to Estel quite a bit about the impact of loving humans on him and Elladan in my first story, "Answers and Questions" if you're interested and you haven't read it yet. You are right, it is painful for Elrohir to talk about Arathorn, but I think that it is very comforting for him as well as for Aragorn.

I do have more in mind for developing further the relationship between Elladan and Aragorn, if I ever get around to writing it!

Thanks again,

peredhil lover

DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007
I really enjoyed this story, Peredhil. Aragorn and El's talk was very touching, and I had to re-read and then giggle about this: “In those rare times he allowed himself some ease, he could be quite the story teller and the spinner of tall tales that kept many a young ranger amused around the campfire. He had a fondness for the ale and the pipe-weed of the Periannath.” Elrohir grimaced at the recollection of the foul-smelling smoke. “A habit, I am glad to say, he did not manage to pass on to his son.

I guess Aragorn didn't start smoking until later in life? And how much did Elrohir's nose wrinkle when THAT happened? LOL :) I hope this story was healing for you like I think it was. And I really like the thought of a physical person "being a memory" of someone else... I really like that a lot. Wonderful story. :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much for the wonderful review, Daynawayna.

I'm glad you caught that and it made you giggle. I do tend to throw in little bits of humour when they are least expected. Of course, lessons in pipe-smoking were not part of the extensive training the elves provided for Estel. I am afraid that Aragorn picked up that bad habit once he joined the rangers. Hmm, I wonder how poor Elrohir and the rest of the Imladris gang reacted to that one! :-D

I am so glad you liked the idea of a person serving as a memory of someone else. I have had such an experience, and as Aragorn says, it is the greatest gift that one can receive. I did gain a great deal of insight from this story, and no matter how much more I may write, I do think this one will always have a special place in my heart.

Thanks again,

peredhil lover

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007
This is a great story! You've captured Aragorn's frustration and hurt very well, along with the somewhat petulant voice of a twenty-year-old suddenly forced to grow up whether he will or no. Elrohir's shadows of guilt over his role in the concealment work very well, as does his offer to help Aragorn integrate his childhood with his true lineage.

I think this was my favorite line of all: “Just speak of him to me, Elrohir. Bring him back with your words. Show me that he did once truly live.”

Author Reply: Thank-you French Pony! I'm glad that you enjoyed this so much.

The line you quote is one of my favourites as well and, believe me, it was very much from the heart.

peredhil lover

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007
How wonderful for all of them that now they can speak of Arathorn openly. Elrohir has lightened Aragorn's heart and probably his own.

Author Reply: I imagine that it would have been hard on Elrohir and everyone else (particularly Gilraen!) to have to have kept this secret for so long. I imagine that Arathorn was a very dear friend to the twins, and, you are right, it probably also did Elrohir a lot of good to finally be able to talk about him with his own son.

Thanks, daw.

peredhil lover

Selene AduialReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007
This may be a gapfiller, but it's a great one. You made tears come to my eyes.
I could feel Estel's grief for not knowing his father, and the picture Elrohir painted for him was so vivid I could almost see Arathorn myself.
I loved the mention of that special loved one that had retuned, it makes a very good link to Arwen.

Author Reply: To know that my writing has moved you is the greatest compliment I can receive. Thank you so much for your comments.

peredhil lover

EnvinyatarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/16/2007
A very convincing vignette, well-told and well-paced.

Author Reply: I'm glad that you found it convincing. Thank-you for reviewing, it is most appreciated.

peredhil lover

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