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Rohan's Future  by Madeleine 7 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/29/2008
As usual, a most satisfying chapter! Poor Amrothos backed into a corner by 3 small nephews! It's almost like a sequel to the Dol Amroth trio, only this time they're blond instead of dark-haired. Adored the crayfish scene! It's really nice to see that Eomer and Lothy had grown very well suited to their roles after only 10 years of ruling.

Adored their reaction to having their uncle replace their tutor! He's definitely reaping punishment for his past sins.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/21/2006
I'm sure the boys would love to build a catapult.It seems their uncle is learning to understand them at last.They remind me of William Brown.
Surely the dog can't have such a dreadful diet?It quite put me off my supper !

elizaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/12/2006
As a mother of twin boys and a single (boy also). I am getting a lot of pleasure anticipating all the lovely ways Amrothos is going to regret this little venture.
Thanks for this story, it is great!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/11/2006
Oh NO!! Nonononono!!! This is so not good and on so very many levels at that!! Even a small size catapult in those three's hands....

I can't wait!! :oD

This is beyond hilarious and so true too. Looking forward to what fresh hell the three Princes of the Mark will come up w/this!! :oD

JuliaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/11/2006
Uncle Amrothos, I don't think letting these three little hellions build a weapon is such a good idea--they might use it on you when they get done! I just hope he can survive the four days left until Lothi and Eomer come home, and he can leave, hopefully with all limbs intact.

In response to your last review reply, I have no problem with practical jokes, but the three little monsters take theirs way too far. I worked in child psychology for many years, and I have seen where the children of such permissive parents usually end up, and it's usually juvie then jail after they are 18. This is a story, so you can have them turn out to be heroes, but believe me, if this story was real, they'd be lighting fires and torturing small animals by now (or maybe they've already done both of those and Lothi convinced Eomer they were just being "clever.")

As for Huey, Dewey, and Louie, I know all about them. I relegate them to the same category that I do The Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy--too stupid for a person with any education to watch. Though I do have a soft spot for Abbott and Costello, I admit.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/11/2006
I have a sneaking suspicion that Amrothos and his nephews should get along like a house on fire. Although he would be very wise to continue excessively wary! This is a project that should work. Maybe not quite as well as Master Innon's - but then, Amrothos has less experience in dealing with the recalcitrant young. (I wonder what all Amrothos's ex-tutors are doing now ...)

And it sounds as if cleansing the dog-monster should wear the three princes out for now - and I'm with Amrothos. I'd inflict the creature on the other dogs, too! At least until its tastebuds could be retrained to prefer a more delicately scented diet.

I'm intrigued by Eomer's fascination with building - and the shipbuilding text. And that he has managed to find a way of dealing with Lothiriel's ... literalness ... without engaging in endless debate!

Amrothos's plan = brilliant. The project he has chosen? I sense danger. But fun. For the reader at least.


KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/11/2006
Schön, daß Du so schnell updatest!

Hm, also war Amrothos doch ähnlich schlimm wie seine Neffen? Bisher kenne ich ja eigentlich nur seine freche Klappe und die enervierende Tendenz, immer dann aufzutauchen, wenn man ihn am wenigsten brauchen kann. Naja, es sieht so aus, als ob ihm die eigene Erfahrung zumindest einige Ideen gegeben hat, wie er seine Neffen im Zaum halten kann. Ich bin sicher, daß die Jungen von der Idee begeistert sein werden, ein Katapult zu bauen. Nur - hat der gute Amrothos eigentlich auch bedacht, was man nach Fertigstellung damit anrichten kann?? Insofern bin ich nicht ganz sicher, ob die Idee wirklich so gut ist.

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