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Children of Iluvatar  by Antane 5 Review(s)
AdrianneReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/25/2007
This is such a beautiful, magnificent rendering of a story we know so well. I love the song you included in this chapter. But the dialogue between Eru and Elrond is so exquisite and so profound and it rings so true.

"How could he have done that? Elrond asked in admiration. Oh, Ada, they are such marvels. I have never seen the like.

He did not carry his brother alone."

Just wonderful. Thank you, Antane for this story of faith.


Author Reply: And hannon le for your review! I am honored by your praise and enjoyment in my having the gall to write in God's voice, but perhaps it is not me writing at all.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/25/2007
Yes, I recognized the Lady's hand in the poetry.

That moment of defiance and the love that lifted Frodo and found the burden so light--I remember how much respect I felt for the two of them from the very first reading oh, so many years ago now. And I feel it the more the older I get.

Author Reply: Isn't she wonderful? :)

Speaking of growing respect, I just bought a used book that is a series of postcards done by various professional artists. There is a marvelous one of Frodo and Sam crossing Gorgoroth that is truly moving, Frodo is crawling and Sam is supporting him. I am going to put up in my bedroom and when I think I have it bad, I will think of that and it will put everything in prespective and I will keep going, knowing my trouble are nothing. I don't know how well you can make them out but here's a picture of it I found on the web - it's by Ted Nasmith - I love his work!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/25/2007
Wow, this chapter is very powerful!

I know you are with them, Ada, but how can any parent bear to see their children suffer like this?

It is not suffering so much as it is love, my child. The loving will suffer anything for the sake of their beloved and not count it as such. Sam’s heart
encompasses his master as a warm cloak and Frodo’s encircles all of Middle-earth.

I love this.

And thank you for the honor of the song! As always you show true talent for putting them just where they would naturally fit--something I have yet to learn, though I do write so many.
God bless,

Author Reply: God knows about suffering and love all right - some thousands of years in the future He will watch His Son die because of hate and out of love. So glad you are enjoying, ammelda!

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/25/2007
I could feel the agony. You remind me of the song 'He 'aint heavy, He's my brother.'

Are you taking this right to Frodo and Sam's eventual deaths? I hope so.

Author Reply: Indeed the saying is very true for these two. I've even given a donation to Boy's Town in honor of them.

I wasn't intending the story to get that far, but since you asked so nicely... :) It would help Elrond too I think. *watches plot bunny blink its cute little innocent eyes at me*

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/24/2007
Each time the Elf lord could feel another tear in his brother’s fea as it fought off the assault and tear would close but not completely. It was bleeding in so many places now. Elrond wished to cradle it, but he knew not how to staunch such a great number of wounds. ...... his fea having received the balm it needed to make it through another night. It was then that he truly noticed that it was through the wounds that the light shone through and it was growing brighter.

What imagery! I especially liked this line, loving will suffer anything for the sake of their beloved and not count it as such. It's very profound and also very true; it's reminiscient of a parent that will do/suffer anything for their child. I personally think that we are all supposed to live with some degree of suffering in our life. We suffer now for His suffering was for all of us and then, after our suffering is complete we may move on to Heaven where the Light is and Peace.

And what a beautiful, peaceful song! I just knew it had to be one of the Queen's :) She's got such talent in writing lyrics. I can just picture Elrond singing Frodo to sleep with those words either in Minas Tirith, in Rivendell, or even in the Blessed Realm.


Author Reply: Is that another plot bunny I see blinking its eyes at me? First harrowcat and now you, dear! Hmmm....

The queen is talented, isn't she? :)

I can't take the credit for sacrifice is not sacrifice but love - that's from Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Very true, isn't it?

I love the imagery myself that it was through the gaps and tears made in Frodo's body that his soul shone through. Hantanyel for enjoying that too! :)

Have you read the end of Love Endures since you were my inspiration to continue it in the first place? I would be anxious to hear what you think. :)

Namarie, God bless, Melinyel, Antane :)

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