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Lighting Fires  by Gwynnyd 27 Review(s)
LisaGReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/12/2010
Excellent "growing up" story! I just adore brother fics and this one was especially fun and interesting. I love the way Elrohir managed to convince Estel to study harder, not just learn fighting disciplines. But then he also learned a lot about his little brother and that they were restricting him to severely. I would love to read more brother stories!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/7/2008
Incredible tale. I am sending a private email, but had to put publicly that this was incredible.

Incredible *goes away shaking her head in amaze*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 10/6/2007
Excellent notes as well.

Education isn't always easy, I know. But it appears Elrohir has managed to get the fire at least smoldering, and Estel is already proving himself very responsible.

Sorry it's taken me to long to read this.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/6/2007
He hasn't met or slain the right dragon yet? An interesting explanation! But it has Estel thinking, at least. Wonderful!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/6/2007
Hmm. Geometry and trigonometry he doesn't wish to bother with, eh? Hmm, Estel my lad, you have a lot to learn.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/6/2007
So, the boy is very serious about this, and Elrohir finds himself teaching his own lessons to ease the distress. Good.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/6/2007
The boy is game--I'll give him that! Marvelous training exercise.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/6/2007
Excellent beginnings here.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/6/2007
Hmm. Change the type of lessons, perhaps, to teach the child the need for those lessons they seek to give him.

Interesting premise, and excellent writing.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/11/2006
Delightful tale, Gwynnyd, from the light beginining to the serious developement and ending. I think Erestor needs to revise his teaching techniques. ELrohir showed that he is a wonderful teacher apart from warrior. His was a lesson in easing the learning process, Erestor would do good in taking notice..and in being proud of his former student.

Apart from the always intersting reflection on teaching and learning techniques, I really liked your obvious knowledge of open air techniques (or deep research? ;-) It gave the whole piece a sense of reality that was very much needed in a lesson like this. Elrohir was a great big brother, taking his responsiblity so seriously and finding a way to boost the boy's interest in his studies without betraying the secret. And Estel did learn a lot of lessons here!

And I cannot help thinking that Estel being 11, this could almost be considered as an informal pre-test for some kind of rite of passage he would soon have to pass..;-)

A lovely, deep tale in many levels. I enjoyed it very much

Author Reply: Poor Erestor probably feels very harassed trying to keep up with Estel.

And it was all 'deep research'. I am such a city girl, but I know how to use Google!

I had not thought about a 'rite of passage'. I'd love to read a story you wrote on it, though.


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