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Trolls  by White Wolf 5 Review(s)
NalediReviewed Chapter: 36 on 10/7/2008
Oh no! I was so sure they were going to get away from the trolls this time. I just hope the different troll factions argue over who gets the prisoners for long enough to give our heroes time to escape.

Author Reply: Oh, yes. Never take anything for granted when L & A get into one of their misadventures. That sounds like a good plan. Now, all we have to do is convince the trolls it's a good plan. :o)

SitarayReviewed Chapter: 36 on 10/7/2008
Omg!!! They were so close! Damn your evil muse....*cuddles Estel and Legolas*

Author Reply: They were. It seems that just as they get a taste of freedom, the boom is lowered on them yet again. I think L & A could definitely use some cuddling about now.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 36 on 10/6/2008
Oh, my gooooooodness! i think the rapids just fell out from under them and threw them over the falls! You really are not going to be tired of this any time soon, are you? But yes, we enjoy every word of their plight!

Author Reply: That would definitely be an Oh, my goodness! I have to tell you that the plot nunny is having a ball, and since he knows how much everyone is enjoying his evil plot, he sees no reason to ever quit. *I must rein that little fur ball in.*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 10/6/2008
Do you really like torturing poor Legolas like this? Poor guy! He's been through the mill this time.

Author Reply: Yes, I do. But then, think of how well he gets through the Quest because of these experiences now. (Are you buying that logic?) :o)

LadyLegolasReviewed Chapter: 36 on 10/6/2008
Poor Legolas! Boy..when/if these two ever make it back to Rivendell...*whistles*. I can only imagine the week long lecture Lord Elrond will have in store for them. ;D Come on Aragorn and Legolas! Aragorn...Carrio! Legolas...Tolo dan nan galad! lol Our beloved Elf prince and determined ranger seem to get themselves into the WORST predicaments!! lol

Author Reply: Poor Legolas, indeed. I was thinking the same thing about Lord Elrond and his lectures. Legolas said he would drink a tub of that tea. He may live to regret saying that. :o)

Yes, they do. But, think of all the fun we have reading and writing about it!

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