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Trolls  by White Wolf 7 Review(s)
Twilight HavenReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/17/2008
Oh you tease!!!!!

You realise you have us all on the edge of our respective chairs, our knuckles white as they're gripping our keyboard!!!

As always you have outdone yourself as the mistress of suspense! I eagerly await to see what trials the duo have to undergo before they're given a (hopefully small!) reprieve.


Author Reply: That was a bit of a tease, wasn't it?

Glad I could add some excitement to your reeading pleasure. :o)

Thanks for the compliment. It's always fun to add suspense to a story. I'm sure our guys will have a hard time before they find any peace. That seems to be their way.

NalediReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/17/2008
At least they're out of the river, but in the state they're in it's going to be a struggle for them to get to safety. I hope the horses find them before the trolls do...

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/16/2008
Yeeeessss! They are out of the river...more, please. I hope they are beyond the reach of nasty trolls...those creatures are getting tiresome in their nastiness!

Author Reply: Yes, our elf and ranger are finally out of the river. I also hope they are beyond the reach of the trolls, because I'm sure that L & A would agree that those creatures' nastiness is getting tiresome. They need some peace! :o)

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/16/2008
Wow! A Happy New Year, indeed! Our lads are both alive, and off of the roller -coaster, for now. But why do I think they have left that ride only to enter the Haunted House? I am still holding my breath!

Author Reply: You don't sound like you believe that L & A are out of trouble yet. Gee, I wonder what makes you think that? :o) I hope you don't turn blue. I want you back for the next chapter.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/16/2008
I thought you were dead.”

“So did I.”

Despite himself, a grin broke out on the ranger’s face. “I’m glad we were both wrong.”

And so say all of us!!!!

Author Reply: I think everyone but my plot bunny is happy about that. :o)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/16/2008
At least they're past the trolls--for now, at least! Now, if only the horses would show up--hint, hint, hint.... Heh!

Author Reply: That is definitely one thing to be thankful for, especially if it lasts. The horses do need to show up, don't they? :o)

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/16/2008
I desperately hope they are beyond the trolls.... and very glad they are both alive. What a harrowing ride!

Author Reply: I'm sure L & A are both hoping the very same thing! :o)

That would be a fun ride in a boat but not the way they ended up doing it.

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