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Trolls  by White Wolf 5 Review(s)
kayteeReviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/5/2007
Another great chapter. I have been on vacation for the last three weeks. The weather here has been very nice. Hot, sunny and dry. Which was good as we were camping. If you can call camping in a 28 foot trailer with all the luxuries of home camping.
Now, on to the chapter. Those pesky trolls. Will daylight come soon and take care of them finally? Trolls, river, cliff, storm, injuries, what's left, orcs!? Hopefully the horses are at Imladris and help is on the way. At least to patch these two up. They need it. A helpful dragon would be good.
Keep the updates coming.

Author Reply: Your vacation sounds wonderful. I've spent more time camping while staying in a cabin than I have in a tent. Very different experiences, but both are fun.

Those trolls are indeed pesky. Daylight has dawned already, though things look gloomy because of the storm. I can tell you there will be no orcs. I can't tell you yet if there will be a rescue. No dragon either, I'm afraid. :o)

I will update as soon as I can.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/26/2007
Don't think just DO! What a wonderful, if hard-won, relationship these two have. Baited breath is being held.

Author Reply: I agree. I think that ability to do and not think has saved them many times. I hope you don't turn blue holding your breath. :o) I'll update as soon as I can.

NalediReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/25/2007
Now let me see: they've lost the horses, they're injured, they're being chased by trolls, they've got to contend with a raging river, rocks and an unscalable cliff...and now the lightning! You don't believe in giving our heroes an easy time, do you? I'm just hoping that the combination of lightning, water and silicon trolls will result in some interesting glass formations :-)

I enjoyed the banter between Legolas and Aragorn. I hope they find time for more of that, in between being fried by lightning and pummelled by trolls.

Author Reply: Well, you've managed to sum up the mess they are in quite nicely. No, I don't. Look at it this way: The bigger the challenges, the bigger the triumphs. And think of the character they are building. :o) Interesting glass formations. That's funny. We can but hope.

I always try to include some humor between those two. They just seem to bring it out in each other. I'm sure there will be more of it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/24/2007
And now lightning to add to the situation! Hopefully it will have more effect on the trolls than on Ranger and Elf. And good they have such a long association to work from.

Author Reply: Well, I thought rain, a raging river and trolls weren't quite enough. :o)

Yes, we can certainly hope for that. I think their friendship will be a big factor in what ends up happening to them.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/24/2007
Whew! The what behind him is "just" his friend. And even if they had found their horses, I do not think the horses would have liked sliding around those rocks! Wonderfully vivid description of the rocks, the river and the storm.
Lightening, hum. Very tall, wet trolls standing in the river looking for them? This may be trouble for the trolls? I would not have thought of the standing on the rocks bit. Does that insulate them from the ground so that the lightening does not have a complete path through them? I can see that this story is not going to become boring any too soon! I like the bantering between them. It seems to look toward the skill he later practiced with another who became a life-long friend, that stubborn dwarf.

Author Reply: I didn't think too many people would guess it was "just" Legolas behind Aragorn.

The rocks wouldn't have been an option, if they had found the horses. They would have just had to make a run for it past the trolls, although that didn't work the first time they tried it.

I'm glad you liked my descriptions. I try to make the imagery vivid for my readers.

Yes, lightning, and yes, it may be trouble for the trolls. Yes to your question, besides they were standing in water from the rain. I hope it doesn't become boring at all! :o)

I'm glad you liked the humor. I think those two can be very funny together, and Legolas and Gimli are even funnier.

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