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Tâd Edhel a Firion   by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/26/2008
The Lord of Imladris is moping? *grin* But who can hold that against him after all that has happened, save Glorfindel, of course?

The first look at Thranduil was interesting, to put it mildly – our good king isn’t allowing his manners to get in the way of his honest opinion *grin* He must be quite intimidating, particularly for someone who doesn’t know him and whom he doesn’t like. And it’s pretty obvious that he is not a fan of Isildur. But Legolas was great :)

Author Reply: Thranduil is an interesting character, rougher around the edges than Elrond, his bark is worse than his bite. I never thought of him as 'evil' but certainly he's not the most polite person in Arda, although he's a good king and we see this in subsequent chapters.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/24/2008
And we see the growth of the relationship we see in the films. Thranduil is a bit--intense! Heh!

Author Reply: Thranduil is less refined than Elrond or Glorfindel, but he's not evil, and I wanted to show that.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2007
Just to let you know I am continuing to read, mostly during lunch when I don't have access to a computer - wish I could write down responses on each chapter - but I can't. I am most enjoying this tale. I find it interesting that poor Aragorn gets beat up on such a regular basis - but you write it well enough to make it seem plausible.

Only one problem I am having - your chapter titles, though probably meant to be tongue-in-cheek, detract, for me, from the greatness of your writing. The chapters themselves are wonderful to read, full of tension, excitement, angst, joy, and about 14 other neat emotions - but, after the first chuckle, I becme distracted by the titles. The work you have created here, IMHO, deserves better.

Author Reply: Well, you could always ignore the titles. *grn* Since, for me, the entire story is tongue-in-cheek, the titles are appropriate to the level of humor intended. I carried the idea forward to the "sequel" to this story, "Elladan and Elrohir's Not So Excellent Adventure". Titles are meant to convey some idea of what the chapter is about, but could just as easily be left off, I supppose. At any rate, I'm not about to go back and change the titles to something more serious when the entire story is meant to be anything but. *raises eyebrows and grins*

In spite of the distraction of the titles, I'm glad you are enjoying the tale and look forward to reading any further comments you are able to leave.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/15/2006
I think Estel has found a friend in Legolas. To bad his first meeting with Thranduil did not go to well. I like that part about Elrond and Glorfidel have gone and lost Estel again.

Author Reply: Well, Thranduil likes to act tough but I think you will find that he has a soft heart if you read further in the story. As for Elrond and Glorfindel... their track record has much to be desired, doesn't it? And you notice nothing bad happens to THEM! I may have to write another story where something bad does happen to these two elves, just to balance things out a bit *grin*.

ireneReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/12/2006
Now I've read so far only to find another Rude!Incompetent!Thranduil fic. Bye!

Author Reply: Then I'm afraid you haven't read far enough. I don't believe Thranduil is either rude or incompetent. I do think he is a bit rougher around the edges than someone like Elrond and more willing to speak his mind. That doesn't make him imcompetent or even necessarily rude, merely fun to play with. And frankly, this story isn't about Thranduil anyway. So why don't you give the rest of the story a chance. You might be surprised.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/11/2006
Whew, that was a packed chapter. Legolas has had a full day, first he rescues Estel then he picks a fight with his Adar. Your going to have to remind him that parents rarely like to be corrected by their kids, no matter how right they may be. ( a fact I am finding out first hand as mine become young adults)
I hope Thranduil and the rest of the Mirkwood elves aren't always this rude!

Elrond, Thranduil and Glorifindel together should really be interesting, wish I could be a proverbial fly on the wall for that one. (oh well I'll have to wait for your next update)

Great chapter as usual.

P.S. I am putting all the blame on you if I am humming "Meet me in St. Louis" all weekend.

Author Reply: Yes, parents rarely like being corrected by their children, but sometimes even parents need a wake-up call, don't they? And I wondered how many people would recognize the reference to "Meet me in St. Louis"; I was hard-pressed to come up with an appropriate title for this chapter. I guess we're both showing our age, aren't we?

fawlenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/11/2006
Poor Estel how much more can he take but as the saying goes what does't kill us makes us stronger.I love Galadhor and Laslaerion so funny!and Thranduil just blew me away with his attitude but he is a king after all and Legolas standing up tho him like that GO LEGGIE LOL.I can't wait for Elrond to appear as i think there will be some strong words from all parties,thanks for updating so often it brightens my day Fawlen.

Author Reply: Thanks Fawlen, I'm glad you're having such a good time with this story. One or two people have felt that my frequent updates have been too frequent, but personally, I hate having to read a story in dribs and drabs, with sometimes weeks or even months between updates; you tend to forget what's happened before. Stay tuned for more.

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/11/2006
Go Legolas! stand firm! I liked this chapter also, can't wait for Elrond to arrive and I also can't wait for Estel to find out why he is there.

Author Reply: We all want to know why Estel is in Mirkwood, don't we? LOL I promise though that all will be revealed soon. Keep reading; it only gets better (IMO).

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/11/2006
This story is a lot of fun, and I can tell you're having fun writing it. I can't leave a review that would do it justice at the moment (and your posting schedule is killing me) but wanted to let you know I'm enjoying it and I'll sit down and re-read it at a more leisurely pace when I can. Love the embedded references.

Author Reply: Sorry about the posting schedule, but it's a bit better than giving you the entire story all at once, now isn't it? Anyway, I'm glad you are having so much fun reading it, as I certainly did have fun writing it and was sad to come to the end. I look forward to seeing a review from you when you've read (or re-read) the story in it's entirety.

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