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Tâd Edhel a Firion   by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/11/2009
So Radagast taught Elrond the art if healing did he? And then, he called the Lord of Imladris a stupid elf. That was too funny. I’ll be Estel was surprised. And then to have Glorfindel take Elrond to task was probably the last straw. That must have been quite a sight to behold.

What started out so light ended so darkly. (She wonders why Estel’s blood is dark.) Something is amiss, I’m sure. Hopefully the next chapter will hold the answer.

Author Reply: Well, I don't know if Radagast taught Elrond anything, since Elrond was a healer long before Radagast came to Middle-earth. I think he was just referring to the Valar and Maiar who may have taught the elves such skills during their long journey across Middle-earth to Aman. At any rate, I'm sure Estel got quite a earful and eyeful seeing the two elf-lords and the Wizard going at each other. *grin*

The answers to your question will indeed be found in the next chapter. I'm glad you are still reading and enjoying the story, Tari. Thanks for the review.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/26/2008
‚Lord Stupid Elf’? *LOL* Always courteous, our dear Elrond ;)

Ouch. I’m beginning to fear they have lost their manners somewhere during the chase – all of them! First Elrond being nasty to Radagast, then Elrond and Glorfindel shouting at each other, and now Estel isn’t exactly nice to the two elves, either.
And what on earth is Estel talking about?? Elrond wanting to kill him? That’s such a nonsense! Poor Elrond, that was a terrible shock for him.

Uh. *Black* blood? Looks like there was some sort of poison in the wound! *runs off to next chapter*

Author Reply: The stress of traveling and what has happened with Estel has put everyone on edge. They'll become more civilized once things calm down.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/24/2008
Not precisely the most politic things for either Aragorn or Glorfindel to say at the moment. But Aragorn is very ill and weak, and that can lead to paranoia.

Love the birds criticizing the harping! Heh!

Now, to see Estel back on the road to healing once more.

Author Reply: Poison can do that sort of thing to a person. I thought the birds criticizing Elrond's playing a nice touch, myself. *grin* Healing will come; trust, however, may take some time to be regained.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/10/2006
Radagast called Elrond a stupid elf, well I guess when you are a Maia, you can get away with that. Estel what ever possessed you to think that Elrond is trying to kill you off. Now I must admitt Aragorn has had some very bad luck. I will blame it on his dream.

Author Reply: As to why Estel is acting the way he is, you'll just have to read on (hee-hee).

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2006
Well, I thought Estel was making a rather nice recovery, but that was only the wicked author lulling me into a false sense of security! :-) And I continue to love your Radagast - shrewd, kind, and cantankerous all in one! Now Estel's question to Elrond, though! I gasped! To think it is one thing, to actually voice it is entirely different! Poor Elrond, and thank heavens Glorfindel was around to take care of him (I thought the description of him being "shattered" was so graphic). Glorfindel in all his enraged glory was quite a sight, but nothing compared to that poisoned (and I am assuming it is poisoned, as the blood pouring out was black and odorous) wound breaking open! ICK! Once again, Radagast the competent healer takes charge...I hope he can save the situation...not only Estel's life is at stake here. Very tense, descriptive chapter, Fiondel!


Author Reply: Which is why I put the warning label on this chapter and why it's a PG-13 rating. I did try to make it as ungraphic as possible without losing the suspense of the moment.

Glad you like "my" Radagast. He sort of grows on you, doesn't he?

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
wow...i am really enjoying this story! the characterisations are wonderful and i am loving the aragorn angst! i regret that i can't say much more right now as i am in a rush but i can't wait to read on!

Author Reply: Thanks EllyBaggins. I'm glad you are having a great time with this. I look forward to more in-depth comments from you later.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
EEk!!! The descriptions made me sick, but how could you leave Estel dying? More cruel cliffies! I actually enjoyed it(I know you warned us but those warnings always seem to invite me to look to see exactly what it is) I will be waiting on the edge of my seat(with my laptop) waiting for more)

Author Reply: The descriptions made ME sick and I was writing them. This was a difficult chapter to write on several levels and it was emotionally draining. Yet, it needed to be written. And don't worry, you won't have long to wait.

Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
Ouch. Poor Estel and Elrond.
Tempers are running high...I wonder what will happen next.

Author Reply: Yes, things are looking nasty but like they say, it ain't over till the fat hobbit sings.... or something like that.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/8/2006
This story is great!! Talk about suspense, I love it. I truly enjoy your Glorifindel and Elrond. They behave as I always thought close friends would behave, fights and all. Now what in the name of Arda is wrong with Estel!!

Author Reply: I'm glad you are enjoying the story, suspense and all. And I'm glad you enjoy my portrayal of Glorfindel and Elrond and that I have their behavior towards one another down. Friends fight, even close friends, and these two have had millennia to practice.

As for what's wrong with Estel, well....

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