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Fate and Destiny  by PIppinfan1988 7 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 19 on 2/5/2007
A lovely ceremony! Now Degger is official in every way. The family is restored again. I am so glad that Degger will no longer but considered as a servant but as an official member of the Took family. Bravo! Now, if only another chapter would magically appear. I am caught up and have nothing to read! LOL I shall await more patiently.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/30/2007
“I am happy...we talked about my presentation ceremony, but I don’t remember us talkin’ about me bein’ adopted.” The tweenager smiled wide, “I’m part o’ a real family now.”

Congratulations to Degger Took-Greenhill! Finally, he has a *real* family! And congratulations to Pippin who fulfilled his job as "presenter" (almost) perfectly ;-)

And now I'm looking forward to the feast!

Author Reply: Thank you! Yes, I thought becoming a Took would help Degger feel like he belonged somewhere--all young people need that. I, too, liked the idea of Pippin doing his part--and Merry, also. :-)

Thank you for reading!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/29/2007
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Well done, Pippinfan :-) I love it, he's a true Took now, in name as well as bloodlines.


I loved your formal ceremony :-)

Author Reply: Thank you, dear Pearl! Yes, Degger is a true-blue Took; I used Sackville-Baggins as my example. ;-) So Degger is a Took-Greenhill, and likewise, is the head of a certain branch of the respective families.

As for the "formal" ceremony, Paladin did that off-the-cuff, but I would think that with more forethought it would be something really nice. I'm sure Degger will remember it for the rest of his life. ;-)

Thank you for all of your encouragement--and thank you for reading!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/29/2007
Ah, this is nice! "Diggory Took-Greenhill" indeed! Now of course, he will be even more related to Pippin, LOL!

I do love the way your Paladin has handled everything--a mixture of both surprise and of preparation ahead of time! I look forward to the party!

Author Reply: Yes! And I really ought to put up an A/U "warning" in the story summary, lol. :-P At the beginning I was walking a tight rope while trying to keep the story clean and free of Alternate Canon musings. However, when Degger officially became Paladin's foster son, I fell off and got in ankle deep. Then I thought...what the heck? This last chapter I dove in head first, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :-)

Why, thank you! I wanted to think there'd be an 'oh, darn!' moment somewhere in there for Paladin--he ain't perfect. :-O

Party?? Party? Uh-oh.... Just when I thought I got away with something.... Well, I suppose we could delay the Epilogue for just a wee bit... :-)

Thank you all your encouragement--and thank you for reading!


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/29/2007
Can't wait for this to be continued.... So Diggory is going to be a new family-head. What a distinction.

Author Reply: He's the head of his own branch of the Took family and nothing more...however, if you notice, I didn't mention anything throughout the story about Degger ever becoming the, that gets covered in part II of this series (later this year). ;-)

Thanks for reading!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/28/2007
Aha! At last! Pippin has a near-brother of his own, and Degger has a family indeed. Good thing that Ferumbras isn't more with it, I think, or he'd be a monkeywrench in the works, I'm afraid.

Lovely moment, seeing the induction of Degger into the Tooks at last.

Author Reply: Well, I hate to say this--well, almost, but I imagine that Merry will always be Pippin's soul-mate (after Diamond) although it is Degger who has latched onto Merry *and* Pippin as if they were replacement brothers for losing his own.

LOL, oh, Ferumbras is a long story, but yeah, you're right--he would be the obstacle to ruin the day. I thought I hinted at his memory as being the culprit, and I imagine that it is, but I thought it would have really slowed the pace of the story if I went into more detail than I did.

Thank you so much for all of your encouragement--and thank you for reading!


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/28/2007
The end of this chapter was especially sweet. I'm really glad Degger got his forever family.

It was also nice the Pippin and Merry were allowed to be witnesses, and that Pippin got to be Degger's presenter. I would have assumed that they would have been too young only being in their teens and tweens. Glad they weren't too young.

I'm babbling so I'll stop now.

Keep up the good work.

Author Reply: Since they were "there" from the beginning, I thought it would be nice if Pippin and Merry got to be a little involved.

For this sort of ceremony, I didn't think they were too young; Pippin really just squeaked by at 14. I figured that since the courts consider 12 or 13 year-olds old enough to declare which parent they wish to live with in a divorce, Pippin and Merry were mature enough to be witness to Degger's story, even though it was mostly formality rather than anything as grave as witnessing a crime. For something like that, it might have been a whole different matter.

LOL, and no, you're not babbling! The Epilogue got a little long, so to keep from deluging folks, I decided to post that one tonight. Well, off to work I go... Thanks for reading!


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