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Fate and Destiny  by PIppinfan1988 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/9/2006
And--so the first Took to truly take note of this is Pippin, eh? Now, that is an interesting sidestep here.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/20/2006
This is wonderful!! Huzzah! Paladin shall be getting the help he needs :-) Good job, Addie!

I'm glad the medicinal worked so well.

Why ever did Diggory Took change his name? Hmmmm . . .

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it! Paladin had help all along, I think he just needed to hear it.

I'm glad the medicine finally worked out in the end. Thanks for being my sounding board!

Well, lol, you know I can't reply to that last bit, although the answer is burning a hole in my tongue! Oh, I want to tell-all so bad!! LOL, I'm writing as fast as I can and updating as soon the chapter is ready! I can keep my secrets for only so long before I burst at the seams. :-P

Thank you for reading and for all your encouragement!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/20/2006
Oh my! What a surprise for Pippin! I wonder if he will question his father or wait and talk to Merry and Frodo about? Or, in a curious mood, ask Degger? This could get even more complex than it already is. I am glad that Paladin now has help but I do think he is in for more trouble before this one gets straightened out. Great story and I am enjoying every word!

Author Reply: Well, we shall see in this next chapter what Pippin's reaction will be, and I think we'll all be quite proud of him. :-) Paladin imagined that he was in this all alone, but now that he knows he has some major support, he'll be just fine. Hehehe...but I'm sure I can squeeze out a few situations for example either in this tale or in a side story. ;-)

Thank you for reading and for your encouraging words!


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/19/2006
I saw that ending coming as soon as Tina put that piece of paper on the night stand. Paladin is going to have a lot of explaining to do to his son.

This was a really fun chapter. We got a little Pippinhealing and there were also some really great moments between other characters. I really like the relationship between Palaidn and Adelard.

I am having a great time reading this. There are so many things going on that, if it were a paper book, it would be a real page-turner.



Author Reply: That is so sweet to say!

Well, I didn't think I was being very clandestine with Tina and the paper, lol, but I also didn't want to drag this part of the story on needlessly. We need to get on to the deeper things that are part of the cruxt of the story. :-) Paladin is the other "cruxt" of the story--and I'm glad you liked the meeting of the older pair to resolve an issue close to Paladin's heart: trust.

Thank you so much for all your encouragement!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/19/2006
Oh, poor Paladin! I'm so glad he has a dear friend and cousin in Addie!

And I'm glad Pippin found the paper, since Paladin was too distraught to deal with it, Pippin will make sure he does!

This is going to be very interesting!

Author Reply: Yes, I view Paladin and Addie's relationship much like Pippin and Merry's--although the younger set go a step further and declare their undying "brotherhood".

We shall see what Pippin will do while he is recouperating in the next chapter. :-)

Thank you for reading!


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