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Walk No More in Shadows  by anoriath 2 Review(s)
FeliciaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/29/2006
Wow. You mastered the change in tone flawlessly, and your characterzations were perfect.

Must run, but thank you for another well-written story!


Author Reply:

Thanks! Hee! Just couldn't resist the idea of Faramir and Eomer meeting each other.


vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2006
I really liked this story: even though I am terribly partial to certain elves, Eomer is probably my favorite human in the LotR trilogy. This one definitely does him justice...

Author Reply:

*g* Well, if you are partial to particular elves, then I am doubly pleased to have convinced you to wander about in mortal lands for a little while.

Thanks for the feedback!

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