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Extreme Makeovers: Bag End Edition  by Elemmírë 2 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/7/2006
Saradoc shook Bilbo’s hand firmly before enfolding the old hobbit in a warm embrace. “Just make him happy again, Bilbo,” he implored before joining his father and uncle.

“I will try to the best of my ability, Saradoc Brandybuck. That is all I can promise--the rest is up to Frodo,” Bilbo replied.

I just loved that exchange. I have always felt that Saradoc and Esme must have felt awful that they had never been able to make Frodo truly happy, and that Frodo was never really able to feel they were more than just foster parents. And it must have hurt to realize how badly they would miss him--especially Merry. But they're doing what's best for Frodo.

Author Reply: Thank you!

I originally wrote this chapter minus Saradoc's guilt at first ... but it needed something more and I basically had the same thought as you. Although they loved Frodo dearly, Sara and Esme knew that Brandy Hall just wasn't where he was meant to be anymore. They tried their best with him, and Frodo knows this, but I don't really think there were any circumstances under which he could truly love and feel at peace in Buckland. It must have gnawed at him nearly every day ... to know that perhaps if his family hadn't visited that one time, then maybe his parents would still be alive. How hard it must have been to be a happy and carfree child one night, then wake up and suddenly find your entire world taken from you ... your closest family, your home, your heart. Frodo must have felt very displaced and maybe even abandoned by his Baggins family those first few months after his parents' drowning.

Sara and Esme have come to see this and so, can let Frodo go even though they and Merry will miss him dearly.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/7/2006
Somehow I missed this chapter! Wonderful, as all the others.

Saradoc ran his hand over the beautiful desk. His father had been right. Despite all appearances, he had been uncertain about Frodo moving here to live with a 99-year old hobbit, who despite being a lifelong bachelor, inexplicably seemed to be the best solution for Frodo's future in more ways than one.

Isn't it marvelous that Bilbo was the answer to Frodo's future? How fascinating the way it all worked out.

Gosh, I'd love to see a photograph of the finished room. :D

Author Reply: I posted it this morning on 7/7, but somehow it never showed up as such. I tried hiding and reposting, but this chapter kept showing up under 7/6 which already passed. I think there are many others who have missed it too, so I am going to post the next chapter and say that the next 2 are up in my summary and include the titles.

Bilbo and Frodo certainly both needed each other and they were both the answer to the other's problems. Funny how life is like that, sometimes.

Unfortunately, cameras don't exist in Middle-earth. :( However, you will "see" the finished room in the end, so to speak.

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