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Frodo's Exciting Day Out  by Llinos 5 Review(s)
MarigoldGReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/22/2006
Pippin’s lack of tact while dangling from the talons of a giant eagle is wonderful! And I love that eagles hate to stop and ask for directions. I also especially like Gandalf worrying so about the time.

My favourite lines from this chapter are: “…That, and I was on my way to the Prancing Pony, but it can wait."

"Or we could all go to the Prancing Pony!" Pippin suggested hopefully. "You know, just to get acquainted over a pint or two."

"Aragorn this is Peregrin Took, Peregrin Took, this is Aragorn. How did that need a pint?" Gandalf made the rest of the introductions, "now left or right at the next mountain?"

And as I have told you several times already, and can’t say enough, I think that the dauntless Uruks plunging mindlessly into the River is terrific!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/17/2006
I love Boromir's indignation at having his horn taken away. Legolas with elf myopia and being led astray by Gimli is inspired. The hobbits rifling through Boromir's things was so very hobbity. I'm sure Meneldor will be happy to get rid of Merry and Pippin. The Uruk-Hai were never very bright, were they. :)

Author Reply:
Hello GamgeeFest Glad to see you're still here!
Yes - all those things! Boromir is an indignant kind of guy, that's why I always admired Prof Tolkien's nerve in killing him off! I would never have dared do such a thing!

Elf myopia is a sad and strange affliction, I'm thinking of starting a fund. And can you honestly say you have never been led astray by a dwarf? Can you? Huh? Don't answer that - I don't think I want to know.

Meneldor loves M&P secretly, he just likes to maintain a burly, macho image. He and Boromir should get on famously. Uruk-Hai! What can you say?
See you soon

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/11/2006
I'm laughing myself silly reading this. Really funny!

Author Reply: Hello Surgical,
You? Silly? Never!
Thanks for checking in!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/10/2006
Oh my! This is freakin' hysterical, Llinos!!!

Can't wait for the rest of it!

Author Reply: There's nothing I like better than making people hysterical - my work here is almost done! Except there are several more chapters to post.
Thanks for reviewing Elemmírë!

Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/9/2006
Oh, huzzah. *grins ridiculously*

Btw, this bit: "The piercing sound echoed across the desolate land of Hollin, hit Celebdil the White and ricocheted off Cloudyhead, totally missed the Dimrill Stair and doubled back round the Redhorn Gate to bounce off Caradhras and went skimming across Hollin, where it hit a flock of crebain and put them to fright and flight" reminded me especially of Terry Pratchet, which is a Good Thing, in my book.

More, please!

Author Reply: Oh dear, and I was trying to sound like Laurence Durrell! Yikes I must be suffering from passive Pratchetism! I do read him, but try not to inhale.

Glad you like it though!

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