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Going Home  by Antane 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/25/2006
Very spiritual. I suspect that Aragorn and the Elves could see Frodo's Light, myself, of course; and now and then a glimpse from others. But together Frodo, Sam, and Gollum did what no one else could.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. I was thinking of those Frodo grew up with primarily and I remember from the book Faramir thinking Frodo had a 'Elvish air' about him, but you are right, of course, that Aragorn and the Elves would see it as well, so I did add a little bit about that. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/24/2006
Oh! Wow! What a chapter! It's so deep and meaningful and full of insite! I love your description of how Iluvatar chose to manifest himself to Frodo, and Gandalf's words about nourishment not just being food or water. And so much more that I can't put into words. I marvel at your ability to capture such depth so well--the simple conversation in To Remember By took a lot of thinking through for me.

Have not forgotten your request, but the muse has suddenly turned against me and is demanding food for thought. Still, I'll try to come up with something and get it to you tonight. :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you, dearest! The 'nourishing' words actually are from Panera Bread/Y-Me Breast Cancer Organization. I thought they were nice there because of course Sam is a very nuturing person. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

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