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Legacy  by jenolas 3 Review(s)
FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/31/2003
So now we see how Gimli was asked to join the Fellowship, and I do love your vision. I also like how you have portrayed Gloin, not too brash, knowing full well what lies ahead, and acting as his age and leadership have taught him. I look forward to read about the others!

Author Reply: Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/29/2003
Ooh, I really like Gloin in this! He seems at the very least respectful of the elves and made an honest attempt to smoothe over the argument between Gimli and Legolas. It was interesting actually that Legolas seems to have started that particular argument - it certainly doesn't bode well for the quest.
Gimli is hilarious! He picked the wrong place to go insulting elves - at least Elrond seemed more amused than annoyed!
I also love the relationship between Gimli and Gloin - Gloin still seems to have a lot of control over his son, even answering for him and rebuking him but such pride in his son is wonderful to see. And Gimli in turn standing up for his father was brilliant - “If that is an accusation, then make sure it is directed to the real culprit. My lord father does not snore, I do!” LOL!:)

Author Reply: Thanks for the review. I thought it high time the Dwarf father and son were paid a little attention.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/29/2003
What a lively chapter! The dwarves are rendered very well by their dialogue. I like Gimli. He more complex here than he is in many fan fics.

Author Reply: Thanks, I think there is more to Gimli than meets the eye.

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