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Land of Light and Shadows  by Thundera Tiger 7 Review(s)
elf-girlReviewed Chapter: 36 on 9/12/2004
It was a really good chapter and I liked specially the part of Legolas and Gimli, it was really charming.
I don't know why but when I see the movies of the lord of the rings, I just want that some characters like Legolas die... I like Legolas and all but, Legolas dying, I really want to see something like that, so please, update soon.I am wondering what is about to happen.

Author Reply: Thank you very much for the review! Unfortunately, I can tell you that Legolas is not going to die in this story as I'm not going to swerve AU. At least, not THAT AU. So Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Eomer, and Imrahil will all survive. I can't promise anything about the other charcters, but those five will definitely live to see the end of the tale.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 36 on 7/7/2004
How did I manage to miss this story? (Well, have gone a long time without reading, but have a bit of reading time today...)

Intricately woven, multilayered, and as excellent as I remember your writing to be.

You have such a deft way with Legolas and Gimli, but that is not all there is to the story, by any means. Somehow you have woven all these threads together and managed not to confuse the reader.

Very nice job.

Author Reply: It relieves me to no end to hear you say that I've kept confusion to a minimum. Wow. That...well, it made my day when I got back from vacation and read your review. Thank you. Thank you very much! It's what I struggle with most in this fic, actually. I try to make it somewhat clear, but the point of the beginning is that Khurintu has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes, so it's supposed to be confusing. Ah well. I tried. Anyway, thank you so much for your comments, and I'm glad you like the interaction between Legolas and Gimli. They're quite obviously my favorite duo, and it makes me very happy to hear that other people enjoy them, too.

Estel_Mi_OlorReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/14/2004
*Stares at computer screen in wide eyed wonder.* "Wow." Thundera, you know your stuff. I mean, your fic has a seemingly complicated plan, which actually works. Another wow. And perhaps Aragorn doesn't have a plan, but you certainly do. My congratulations. Ever considered writing professionally? Not necassarily fiction, but say, the re-telling of some great war? Alright, I'll stop making sugesstions on how you should live your life, and get to my comments.

The scene between Gimli and Legolas was very touching. I was wondering what had happened to them. Gimli is a wreck, of course, but Legolas sleeping with his eyes closed? For some odd reason, that is probably more disturbing, and to Gimli as well. Their friendship is so beautiful! Especially Legolas's singing of the song of the sea, risking himself like that. Good thing it worked. It is sad that they are going to seperate, but I have come to realize, like the both of them, that that is their only chance of survival. Good luck Legolas, and Gimli, for as I recall Khurintu was coming after them in the last chapter...

Ah, the unraveling. I love that. And what a story! Amazing how the pieces fit together so smoothly. And isn't blackmail fun? Aragorn's manipulation of Fastahn was very well done. Poor guy, he is in a tough spot, isn't he? I am literally hanging on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what Aragorn's plan will be. At least the specifics, and what he has in mind for Soltari. I can see that they is going to be a big payday for Khurintu. And all Harad will witness their defeat, how nice! I can't wait! Keep writing! Thanks!

Author Reply: *blushes shamelessly* Pardon me while I glue together some ladders in an effort to snag my floating ego. Thank you so much for your comments! The idea of writing professionally has always intrigued me, but I'm afraid I'm short on connections and know-how. Maybe later in life. I'm young. I've got time. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the scene between Legolas and Gimli. I tried so hard to keep from descending into something sappy and icky, and that became extremely difficult when we got to the part about the song. I considered leaving it out altogether, but then that would have made all the sea stuff at the beginning rather pointless for this fic (though it's still important for another fic I've got planned). Anyway, glad you liked it. I was worried about it. And yes, blackmail is extremely fun, and I took great pleasure in giving Aragorn some latitude in this chapter. As someone already said, he shifted into Eomer-mode, and he had great fun doing it.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/12/2004
Well, it looks like Aragorn's hearing has returned, so it wasn't that serious a case of tinnitus after all. The Good Guys have met to compare notes about who was double-crossed by whom, most of the cards are on the table, Éomer is still providing comic relief, the requisite element of human stupidity in any endeavor has been introduced thanks to Fastahn, and Aragorn has a plan. It's all over but the shouting, and it looks like the shouting's about to begin.

Meanwhile, Legolas and Gimli seem like two very unhappy campers. Gimli looks like he'll do okay. He's tough, and he seems to have come out of the worst of things physically, and he's being well taken care of. Legolas is probably toasted an interesting shade of red right now. And a sunburnt Elf is not a well Elf. He sounds like he's pretty much at the end of his emotional rope, though. He really ought to sleep more before he decides on anything to do. It does sound as if separation might be the best option, but they'd best think it through carefully before Legolas goes anywhere. He should have some very clear goal in mind before he sets out, or else the hot open desert and the strain of leaving Gimli behind will reduce him to a crying mess before he can be of much use.

Author Reply: Well, Aragorn's hearing might be coming back, but the effects of losing that hearing are going to influence one or two decisions coming up. And Gimli will be fine as long as he can get some peace and quiet, which really isn't going to happen, I'm sorry to say. Legolas would be fine if he could get some rest, too, and I completely agree with you on his needing more sleep. He'd rather sit and brood, though. Stubborn elf. Ah well. Makes for an interesting desert journey.

fadagaskiReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/12/2004
*applauds* Another brilliant chapter! Between the re-emerging banter of Gimli and Legolas, and Aragorn's final transition into desert politics, I could barely keep up with the pace of things! But I managed, somehow. *grin*

My personal favourite phrase of the entire chapter was "caught between a Balrog and a charging Glorfindel". Hehehe. It's like an insider's joke. Perfectly geeky, but I love it.

It's amazing how you describe Gimli's dizzy spells. You really put across how confusing and surreal it is for him, without actually losing track of what's going on. And poor Legolas! It was a great step to make him sing of the sea to ensnare everyone. And he's suffering so much. *beams* I love angst.

Aragorn's abrupt shift into what I affectionately call Eomer-mode is very good, not least because it's actually still in character for him. At least for the reasons you give. His injuries, I think, are the final straw. And I don't blame him for being not a little harsh to his companions (and enemies, one hopes). That little line that they were "looking admiringly" at him (or something) - very sly, but it really sets the mood. You can tell that he's back in his element, though he can't hear worth a damn, and that things are finally looking up for the northerners and their friends.

Hooray for new chapters!

Author Reply: I've been eagerly waiting to give Aragorn a chance to cut loose, and he's been asking me about it for a while, too. He's still holding back a bit, but once things really get underway, he is more than willing to take his frustrations out on a certain tribal leader that will soon be coming back to Haradhur. I like your description of "Eomer-mode." It's not something I would have thought of, but it does give an interesting perspective to the situation. Yeah, watch for more Eomer-mode Aragorn in the future. And watch for Eomer to go beyond Eomer-mode. He's getting a little antsy. As for Gimli, I'm immensely relieved that the dizzy spells came off well. I basically wrote them in the same style that I used when Legolas and Gimli escaped, because that was also told from Gimli's perspective. It makes for a more harried, surreal vision of what's happening, and I wanted that in there to mesh better with Aragorn and Eomer's section. Glad it turned out!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/11/2004
Thank you for getting back to this - I really want to know how they all get out of it - and poor Legolas and Gimli have been suffering in the cave for a long time! Look forward to the next instalment.

Author Reply: You're very welcome, and I'd like to know how they all get out of it, too. ;) Actually, I don't, because I already know how, but I've love to see it written out in final form, if you know what I mean. I'll work on getting the next part out soon!

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/10/2004
"of man caught between an angry Balrog and a charging Glorfindel"
That is a great quote. It brings a very definite picture to mind. Great chapter. Things are starting to come together now. I can't wait for more.

Author Reply: The funny thing about that quote is that it came to me after all the edits and rewrites were done. I was about to post the story and was reading through it one last time when I got to that part and decided that I should insert something from Aragorn's past. I first came up with a Balrog, and then I thought that something from the Rivendell part of Aragorn's past should be in there, which led me to visions of an angry Glorfindel or an angry Elrond. Then I thought, "Let's include them both!" And that's what happened. Kind of funny, actually. And the really funny thing is that it seems to be the most quoted part of the story. Strange how things work out...

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