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Halflings  by Elemmírë 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2007
We do learn from experience, don't we? Poor lad!

Author Reply: *coughs* yes we do learn from experience *coughs*

You can bet that Frodo (and myself) never did that again and now think twice when curiosity tries to get the better of us. (although thinking twice still doesn't always work ... even now, as an adult)

You can also be sure that Frodo made darn sure that Merry and Pippin never tried disproving that particular old wives' tale, either!

Thanks for reading and leaving a review, Larner!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2007
LOLOL! That reminds me of the movie "Christmas Story", *giggle*!

Poor Frodo! But I like Bilbo's advice!

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower!

Yes, it's very reminiscient of 'A Christmas Story' however, I had never seen the movie until after I had tried the validity of this particular old wives' tale myself. If I had seen the movie first, I don't think I would have let my curiosity get the better of me. LOL!

While searching for info on metallurgy regarding freezing iron and sticking tongues, I came across some sort of religious site where the priest or whoever had a "sermon" comparing the freezing flagpole scene in the above mentioned movie and life. I enjoyed reading it so much, that I paraphrased the advice/conclusion at the end of the it to be the main body of Bilbo's little speech to Frodo.

Thanks for reading/reviewing and I'm glad you got a kick out of Frodo's (and mine) youthful mishap!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2007
I do agree with Bilbo that we all need some adventure in our lives, but I don't even want to think about doing this or Frodo doing it - painful! :(

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Hi Antane!

Bilbo's words to Frodo were paraphrased from a Christian website I came across when researching specifics of the wet tongue on freezing pole theory. It may have been Catholic, but I'm not really sure. I was looking for specifics on the metallurgy involved with the freezing pole and one of the hits was on this page where the religious leader had a journal/sermon of some sort posted. It was a good read and I really loved the end of it, so I paraphrased it into Bilbo's speech. If I come across the site again, I'll email it to you.

Believe it or not, but the tongue doesn't really hurt until afterwards because the freezing cold pole numbs it. I, like Frodo, am curious by nature and this was just one of those things I'd heard a hundred times but just had to test out on my own to see if it really was true. Also like Frodo, I was smart enough not to place my entire tongue against the pole, but just the very tip in case I did get stuck. LOL!

It's funny because years later when I revealed what I did all, I was met with such disbelief that a smart intelligent girl would have done such a thing. But curiousity can be a powerful thing at times.

Hannon le for reading/reviewing!



LilyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2007
Another January-baby! Happy birthday!!

Poor Frodo... and poor you. It must have hurt terribly.
I was told the same thing and I was always enormously curious but never had the courage to actually try it out. I was rather afraid of my tongue since people not only told me that my tongue would be stuck but that all my taste buds would be gone if I tried. And I was always one to enjoy taste hobbit that I am :)

Author Reply: Hi Lily! Aren't January babies just the best?! ;)

Actually, it didn't really hurt until after I ripped/yanked it off the pole because the freezing pole and the cold winter air made it numb. I had only placed the very tip of my tongue on the pole (I wasn't that stupid in case the old wives tale really was true). It hurt after through and it did bleed.

Sometimes I'm just too curious for my own good and that was one of those times. I, like Frodo, had heard this "warning" many times but wanted to know if it was really true. I mean, whoever was the first to discover this anyway? I've never heard the tastbud bit--it would make sense, but they do grow back.

Thanks for reading and thank you also for the birthday wishes!


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2007
Oh *grin*. I have to admit to being a secret ice-cruncher. I have glued my lips to pieces of ice! Skinning your lips REALLY hurts! *blushes and slinks back off to the freezer*

Happy birthday as well!

Author Reply: Thank you, Harrowcat!

I used to crunch on ice too, until I some major dental work done and I was on a soft food diet for over a month; that broke the habit for me unfortunately.

I totally agree! I've done that too with ice cubes!

Glad you liked it! And thank you also for the birthday wishes!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2007
It may hurt a little," (and here the old hobbit winked)

Sounds like Bilbo did the exact same thing in his youth!

Happy, hobbity birthday to you! Thank you for this sweet mathom.

Author Reply: Thank you, Shirebound! I'm glad you liked it and found it to be sweet.

Ermm ... Bilbo may have possibly tried that in his youth. Then again, he was a predictable, boring Baggins just like his father who never did anything unexpected or went on any Adventures ..... until he was 50 at any rate. On the other hand, I can't entirely discount it either. :D (maybe Belladonna was one of the lasses who did)


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