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Light from the West  by Armariel 3 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 65 on 5/12/2007
Only Rosie's great trust in Sam would allow her to credit the tales he tells! And even then - some of the flights of fancy must be hard to take.

Wonderful to the kids, though.

And even better for Sam, who knows with certainty just how happy Frodo is in the Blessed Realm.

Author Reply: Well, she must have heard some big ones before...but yes, she must surely feel a twinge of skepticism from time to time, and Sam must also be tempted to embroider a bit sometimes for the amusement of the kids.

And I've just always wanted to assure Sam that Frodo is indeed happy, as much as I've enjoyed playing fairy godmother to Frodo.....


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 65 on 5/10/2007
I'm glad they have such a close connection! It must be wonderful for Sam to be able to see his treasure, but as the last sentence shows, still an ache to be so near, yet so far. But at least they are still connected much closer than they would have thought when they said goodbye and realize now that those as attached heart and soul to each other as they are that they are never truly apart. What a joy and comfort to them both. Hantanyel!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes, Frodo's upgraded glass brings them closer together, yet at the same time makes their separation more poignant, somehow; perhaps it's as if you were able to look into a loved one's window yet not allowed to go inside the house. It might be more difficult than not being able to see in at all, at first. But they will get used to it in time, and then their happiness will increase still more as they come to learn patience, faith, and acceptance, and to learn not to spend too much time looking into those windows!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 65 on 5/10/2007
Poor Frodo-lad, so left out as he sees it--left out and displaced.

Gandalf's wedding sounds marvelous! And the swans are such a wonderful touch, particularly, somehow, surrounding Gandalf the White.

Hooray for all, and for Sam's diplomatic (and conjugal) skills! Heh!

Author Reply: Yeah, Frodo-lad was the baby and NOW there's a NEW baby...dang it all! What's a poor middle child to do?

I normally associate Gandalf with eagles, and Galadriel with swans, but it's her palace after all, and seven giant eagles might be a bit much...swans would grace a wedding much better, I'm sure. At least SOMEbody got to have swans at their wedding!

I'm sure a mayor needs good diplomatic skills, and to father 13 children one would surely need to learn to be a good lover...or, at least, it would certainly help;)

Thanks bunches Larner for reviewing!~~~{~@

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