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Light from the West  by Armariel 3 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/25/2006
But he said he was willing to stay with him because...note this...“it was what Sam would have done.”

So the Tol Eressea branch of the Samwise Gamgee Fan Club continues to grow due its president spreading the news of his beloved brother. Just wait until Sam comes and see them all! :) This is also very true as I find myself doing the same thing when I get irritated by someone and I think, how would have Sam handled this? He would have just gone on loving and forgiving. I am trying to be more like him but he's set the bar very high!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Well, who was it that said, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" (Robert Browning, I think!) Book characters tend to be a bit larger than life, especially in epics, although that doesn't mean we shouldn't bother striving to emulate them, if indeed they are worth emulating. And even Sam wasn't so patient with everyone as he was with his master! So, I wouldn't be too discouraged if you don't always hit the mark.

Maybe the citizens of the BR will be wearing "what would Sam do" bracelets before long? heheh

blessings & cheer

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/24/2006
Northlight is amazing! (I suppose he would be, considering who is his mother.) And Frodo seems to be talking a lot of sense. I can see that working.

He's getting rather excited, isn't he!

Author Reply: Rather! The time will seem interminable to him, I'm sure! Guilin is in good hands, I'm sure--the wisdom and sweetness of his new-found family will be the complement to Elrond's healing skill, now that he has acknowledged and accepted his place among them by setting his doll with the others. His path won't be easy, but at least he has a light!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 12/23/2006
A good idea for dealing with Hathol there. Nice to see the doll joining his family--now for the Elf to follow suit.

And only three more days indeed!

Author Reply: I think he already has. I figure a way of dealing with fractious components of one's personality might be to embrace them, as if they were difficult members of one's own family. It's a start, at least. All the more so with a little help from one's friends.

Three more days, what's he going to do with himself all that interminable time? Eek!


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