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Light from the West  by Armariel 3 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 27 on 8/18/2006
Ah, wonderful! And your poetry, as always, is beautiful and stunning.

Frodo as Bilbo.... Ian Holme must approve! Heh!

Author Reply: Ohhh thanks...well, I didn't think the verse of Bilbo's song was my best work, but thought it sounded like Frodo's own thoughts of longing for peace. So I guess it's not too far fetched that he should be portraying his own uncle. Yes, Ian Holme would surely approve, having played both of them!

Now to get on to the next part....


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 27 on 8/16/2006
Have you read David Edding's Belgariad? One of the characters says somewhere in that something along the lines of reviving people who are dead could be a problem because they're probably dead for a good reason - like a sword thrust through the heart. (Badly misquoted.) Poor Amras must definitely be wondering whether being brought back is a good idea - at least until the healers manage to deal with his injuries.

I think Frodo must have increased his popularity in the Island by more than a bit, though!

The play went well - but Salme and Rudharanion? Well, why not! Hopefully she'll keep him in line and chip away his residual arrogance.

Author Reply: Not familiar with it...but I did a little search and it sounds interesting (if--ahem--somewhat familiar), might look into it sometime. I used to be a horror movie buff (I'm weird, I admit it), and have seen a few movies in which the dead come back, and it's never a good thing, quite the reverse. As some tagline for a Stephen King flick goes, "sometimes dead is better." On the other hand, Lazarus didn't seem to mind being brought back, and I suppose Amras will get quickly resigned to it once he's recovered and happily married and raising a family and so forth; heaven can wait. But when he's just re-occupying his battered, not pleasant. And I dare say Frodo's standing in the eyes of the populace has increased dramatically, not that it was ever really in doubt!

Why not, indeed..."Rudy" may have a few rough edges still, but I'm sure he's redeemed himself sufficiently to warrant giving him a mate, and yes, maybe Salmė is what he needs; she has a sense of humor and can keep him from taking himself too seriously, and perhaps even keep his notoriously roving eye from straying too much!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 27 on 8/15/2006
I can scarcely express the extremity of the awe and wonder I feel at the enormity of his undertaking in order to cast down the Enemy at his pinnacle, the monumental devotion at the foundation of this unassuming small being, that he should have laid his humble life on the line for the well-being of such unworthy creatures as you and I.

Very well said! Could hardly say it better myself. And that song was very nice too. I'm glad he enjoyed himself.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: So good ol' Rudy can say something worthwhile, can he?;);) even if he does have a tendency to, um, overstate sometimes.

I may have to wrap up the story pretty soon although I don't exactly want to, since the central event in it is the writing of Frodo's story, and that, along with the dramatization thereof, has been accomplished, and I don't see what more could come just now. But perhaps some shorter pieces in the same universe will come about. Then again, maybe the Muse will say, "Oh no you don't!" and slap me with another thread, who knows! We'll just see, preciousssss........

blessings & cheer

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