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The Latter Days  by Elanor Silmariën 6 Review(s)
Arwen of LorienReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/19/2006
*tear* Poor Ellis! I cannot imagine how it would be if Frodo's Sam died!
*looks horrified*
Yeah! I am on chap 30! It was sweet to see Frodo and Ellie getting along!
And finally Sam is married and back with Frodo!
Oh dear, I shall be sad all over again when Frodo leaves!! Don't want this story to end! It's so darling! *Goes to read next chapter*

~FYI for Elli, (I don't think "IT" is bad luck, don't belive in such things,
It is just BAD! :{ ;)
On a lighter note.. Are you free to go to the movies today? Cause we might
go later on today. I think I will call you and Gold and try to figure that out.
*Wishes her Email worked so she wouldn't have to use SOA!
C Ya! God bless ~Arwen

Author Reply: *is horrified with you* (hint: just go to Antane's story "Love Endures" and you'll see what that would be like. Warning, only read it if you're in an angsty mood. I LOVE it!!! *grins*) YAY! Only six more chapters to go! Don't worry, dear, it won't end for a while! I've still got over a year to cover here... *is worried*

~Re: FYI... OOh! That sounds fun! I hope I can go, though I'm not sure. We're getting stuff ready for my b-day etc. I hope I can go, though. my bro and I are going on my b-day anyways, but it'd be fun to go with you. *hopes your e-mail comes back quickly* *glares at evil computers*
God bless,

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/16/2006
Yes, the understanding is wonderful.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/14/2006
Ooops, I think I accidentally deleted this update before I'd looked at it! I'm glad I found it again, this is a lovely way to begin part 2.

Frodo and Ellis have so much in common. Both have been through terrible things, and both are marked, and both are very special. Poor Ellis! To lose one so dear...*hugs him*
God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you, dear! I have liked Ellis very much since I first thought of him, and I hope there will be very much more of him. At the moment I'm a little behind on writing, because of school, but I hope to have more out very soon! So glad you enjoyed!
God bless

Faramir of GondorReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/7/2006
I sooooooooooooooo love it!(I still like the Cloak story best thou;)!!)

Author Reply: Lol! You would love that one best, wouldn't you? Thanks for reviewing!
God bless,

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/6/2006
Very sweet! I'm glad Frodo and little Ellis seem to understand one another so very well.

Author Reply: Thanks!
God bless,

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 30 on 10/5/2006
I have the door opened and am in Sam’s arms almost before Rosie knows I’m there.

"He’s far more than a brother,” I reply quietly. “He’s my heart.”

I'm glad to see this continued, my dear! What love and it's nice to know he and Ellis understand each other. Maybe Ellis will get Frodo to understand that he *is* special, very special. (It's also nice in your other story that Faramir covered Frodo with his cloak, very sweet, another person who recognizes Frodo's 'quality').

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Thanks! I was so happy when I thought of how to continue this part! I'm sure Ellis will be trying, he sees how special Frodo is. Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked my other story too, mellon nin!
God bless,

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