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For the Love of a Friend  by PIppinfan1988 6 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/4/2006
This was wonderful. You discribed his pain so well and his asking for Merry once he woke up was so in character. Not how am I or any sort of complaint, just 'where is Merry?'
I am dying to read more but for now I must try to sleep a bit or I will surely sleep at my desk at work. LOL I am using self control and not reading this one on by the way. I'm being good for the present. hehehe

Author Reply: Gosh--I think I've been asleep! How did I miss this review?? I am sorry for not responding right away. :-(

I'm glad the weekend allowed you to return to the tale--trust me; I understand your hectic scedule during the week, so please don't lose any sleep on my account. Otherwise, I may follow you from here back to W.V. to find out why you're sleepin at your desk, lol! :-)

Thanks again for reading!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/30/2006
. The aroma instantly calmed him. The residual despairing thoughts from his earlier dreams had dispersed--his heart now filled with hope and promise.

What a lovely image. Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound! You know...I wrote this same phrase in the "old" version, but in a sort of abstract way. I've had so much help and encouragement from wonderful folks such as yourself since then, though I still have a long way to go. Don't know if I'll ever get "there", but I'm having a great time along the way. :-)

I'm happy you're enjoying the story a second time around. :-) Thank you for reading!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
A wonderful start!!

I didn't see anything amiss.

Our poor dear lad at one of his most needy times. *sigh*

Well done and looking forward to more :)

Author Reply: Thank you for the feedback! I almost gave up the ghost on posting this tale yesterday, then just as I was about to click on "Edit", I found the missing words that had exploded on "impact". However, I didn't know if anything else was amiss, so that's why I asked for help in the search. You never know--I might need this assistance again, lol.

Oh, he is indeed needy--but at the same time, he is our Pippin...being Pippin. You'll see (again!). :-) Glad you're enjoying a second helping. ;-)


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
Ooo! I'm lovin' it. I know I read this early on at FFnet, but I've forgot it. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it.


Author Reply: Glad you're enjoying it--again, lol. You and a few others, I see. :-) There isn't as much as there was before--some of the old story ended up on the editing room floor, so to speak. Then again, there is some new material--like Pippin's dream imagery.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
This is a promising beginning!

I love the imagery, and Pippin's calling for his dear ones! Look forward to more, dear!

Author Reply: Thank you! The imagery was something I added this time round--Pippin's dream sequence was rather boring before. I do love to both read and write dream imagery; I can't pinpoint just why, but I do.

I hope to post more on Friday, Saturday at the latest. I see I have a nice before-bedtime story to read tonight! :-)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/29/2006
Seems properly intact now.

Oh, I can certainly understand Pippin's feelings here. Poor lad! But between Aragorn and the athelas Pippin is in excellent hands now.

Author Reply: Thank you for the feedback, Larner! It was a terrible night for posting, lol. Yes, Pippin is in the caring hands of Merry and Aragorn...but can he lie still long enough to recuperate? We shall see. :-)


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