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The Last Age of Elves: A Precious Find  by fael bain 9 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/19/2006
Nah! Not silly - I fully understand how things 'get into' stories - things we
authors had no intention of putting in at that particular moment - or at all,
for that matter.

I liked it enough to send the title off to a friend who is an 'elf lover' - my
particular love happens to be the men of Gondor - but I still like an elf tale
now and again!

It is good - continue to have fun writing it!


Author Reply: Thanks for understanding. I hope your friend likes it, and I'm glad that you enjoyed this even though you prefer Gondorians! ;)

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/19/2006
Hi, just found this little tale and am enjoying it immensely - read through chapter 4 - but wanted to comment here...

Others might have noted that this was Legolas - I had not and felt disappointed by the A/N at the bottom of this chapter. I would have preferred discovering it thru one of the characters... or not at all...

Just a thought.

But I love it anyhow - put it on my 'notify me' list for the next chapter. I very much enjoy the twins relationship and Elrond's sadness. Very nice indeed.

Author Reply: Aii! I am such a muppet! I really didn't realise that I had done it, having already known who he is myself! I fully intended to work it into the text (which I think I did in Chapter 4), and am really sorry about the little slip-up, which has been corrected. Ugh.

Thanks for letting me know, and I hope you still continue to enjoy it in spite of my silliness!

FireReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/2/2006
I love the story so far. Poor boys... and I mean all off them.

Author Reply: Thank you very much! Yes, I do have a tendancy to torture all my characters, which is rather unfortunate for them, I admit. Yet there might be hope still, so read on!

LynReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/31/2006

Author Reply: Hiya Lyn, nice to see you again, and thank you! =)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/30/2006
Well - I have no idea how Legolas got there, but I suspect it could be a very good thing for Elrohir. I loved the description of him settling down next to the elfling to offer him the comfort of his presence. And Elrond's insistence that bathing would make him a more hygienic healer's aide.

Author Reply: I agree with you in that. Trite as it sounds, we do draw some comfort from trying to offer it to others, and I believe Elrohir has sunk so deep into his anger and grief that it would take something quite different to lift him out of it and teach him how to care for others again.
As for Elrond's insistence, if only the NHS would subscribe to that theory as well.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/29/2006
This is a very interesting story! Keep up the good work!

Author Reply: Thank you for your review! I hope you like the forthcoming chapter as much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/29/2006
Aha! Had wondered if this might be our friend Legolas! And a good wakeup call to Elrohir.

Author Reply: Indeed Elrohir needs to be jolted out of his ever-deepening misery, and who better to do this than a spirited Elfling.

galimerilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/29/2006
Nice chapter, you did wonders for my mood. I just failed a geometry final (the second half is tomorrow). This is a great pick me up, almost better than the 5 pounds of chocolate and ice cream, well actually, this was better. I hope you have fun wherever you're going. Best wishes.
Eagerly awaiting more,

Author Reply: Oh no! =( I hate maths. And I am very flattered that you think this is better than chocolate and ice cream, although if you were eating a Häagen Daz chocolate ice cream fondue I think the competition would have been fairer. ;)
I'm back now, so the next chapter will be up within the next few days.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/29/2006
Hooray, an update.
first I must apologize for not reviewing sooner, (I actually thought I did. LOL, it must be that pesky real life again). Lovely, lovely story here. The terrible twins are my favorite characters. I can't decide who I feel worse for Elladan or Elrohir, both seem to be in a lot of pain. Tell Elladan to keep hanging in there, his brother will be back. Elflings are hard to resist.

Update soon,


Author Reply: I love the twins too! For some reason they've been taken and made into really workable characters from what little we're told in actual canon.
I agree that Elflings are hard to resist, especially one as cuddly as this fine specimen here! Hopefully he won't be too much of a Mary-Sue, but the jury is out on that one. The story is focused more on Elrohir, but I do see your point about Elladan being in a lot of pain. Thanks for pointing that out, and I'll try to see whether that can be taken.

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