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LifeWatch  by Lindelea 7 Review(s)
AspenJulesReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/2/2006
Ahhh, lovely Pippin/Beregond banter!

"'You watch yourself, Master Perian. If I have to, I'll sit on you.'

'And that's supposed to scare me?' Pippin returned. 'I'll have you know I've been sat upon by a troll, no less.'" Lovely!

And apparently the hands of a hobbit are *also* the hands of a healer, huh? LOL

Glad they're all doing better, even if Pip is driving everyone nuts already!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/21/2006
'If he'd just put the energy into healing that he puts into bedevilling he could be up in a week or a few days more,' Aragorn said.

LOL, I couldn't have said that better, myself! Loved the sweet bantering with Pippin, Merry, and Beregond. :-)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/3/2006
Poor Pippin--so wanting to be up and doing and yet not able to follow through properly. At least Aragorn is well advised as to how to deal with him. And love the recognition that Hobbit hand-holding is healing to Frodo and Sam.

Now, for Merry himself to begin healing. Not an easy thing with his exhaustion and worry for the others, though. But Aragorn handles that well, too.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/19/2006
Oh Merry! Sometimes I'm wondering how one hobbit, still recovering from a serious illness himself, can have so much energy left!
Pippin's fast recovery is due to one simple fact: Merry is there holding his hand and telling him stories. The same he does for Frodo and Sam.
The hands of the King are the hands of a healer, but they can not replace family!

Author Reply: Well, hobbits seem to be sturdier than Big Folk as a rule, don't they? I still boggle at the idea of Frodo getting up the next morning after having that sliver dug out of his shoulder/chest/wherever it had got to.

Good point about the fast recovery; I'm in firm agreement!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/19/2006
Loved the teasing between Pippin and Beregond. Wonderful chapter and Merry certainly is working himself nearly to death in all this. Sometimes I wonder if he was truly lucky to have been uninjured at the last.

Author Reply: Ah, yes, I love to think of their friendship, especially when I read the passage about their first meeting. Beregond is so open and positive and curious, he's practically a hobbit in comparison to the dour Denethor.

Good point about Merry.


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/19/2006
Well - Pippin had to try, now didn't he! Although he would have been as surprised as anyone if his minders had encouraged him to jump out of bed and get back to work. He'll resist all the way, in spite of himself. A sign he is feeling better, I suppose.

Hand-holding and story-telling are a gentle way of drawing back the sick to a familiar world - I'm not surprising it helped.

Author Reply: Hmm. Do you suppose "reverse psychology" would work in this case. "Now, Pippin, I want you *up* and *out* of that bed without delay!"

Nope. I think he'd do just as ordered and (at least try to) spring out of bed.


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/18/2006
Merry reached out his left hand, laying it atop the other two hobbits' joined hands. He began to talk in a low voice, telling one of Bilbo's old stories, as the healers worked quietly around him.
'That's how it's always been done in the Shire,' he said cheerfully. 'You get someone bad sick in bed, you hold their hand and talk at them until they get well just to have some peace and quiet again.'

So delightful! And I love Pippin trying to wear down his caregivers with the same question, over and over.

Author Reply: Ah, so very Pippish of him...


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