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During a journey in the dark...  by Thundera Tiger 10 Review(s)
bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/28/2004
I must first of all say that I am really looking forward to the next installment! Your writing is much different from the other authors I normally read in that you add humor to moments that are very intense in a way that eases the tension. In my opinion, Gimli doesn't really need any reason to start singing. I think his emotions so overcame him, that he couldn't help but burst into song when he did. Just one of those instantaneous things. Hope you don't keep us waiting too long!

Author Reply: Thanks for the review and the comments. I agree that Gimli's singing was a very spontaneous and emotional thing. What I'm worried about, though, is the length of the song. But your comments combined with the comments of many others have given me some ideas for getting around that. So it should be good. As for waiting too long, I'm planning on updating sometime within the next 48 hours, so I hope you can hang on until then. Thanks again!

Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/28/2004
Yes, I've finally found the time to post a review.
It is amazing that you can write this in a way that gives me that 'fresh' feeling, like when I first read the book or saw the movie. I have never read another fan fiction author able to do that. And I've read a lot of them. I'm glad that you stay true to the book and not taking every chance to make a certain Elf and ranger get shot by a poisoned arrow or something...can't stand that. And the way you pace Legolas' and Gimli's friendship is perfect, most authors tend to rush it. These are all the more the reasons to appriciate your story.
My insides are squirming in anticipation for the next update. So hurry with the next update, HURRY! (bangs head onto computer screen) Sorry about that.
Keep up with the good writing!

Author Reply: Another book fan! Hooray!

Sorry for the delay in responding to this. I'm getting better at replies, I really am. Kind of. Anyway, at least I'm replying now, so that's something. I'm so glad you appreciate the book version of events, because I've received some pressure to veer toward the movie side. I'm not going to give in, but it's nice to know that there are readers out there who enjoy the boko perspective. Thanks for bolstering me! As for the friendship between Legolas and Gimli, I honestly don't understand how you can rush something like that. Given the animosity between their two races, this is not something that can be hurried. They have to truly see one another before they let their own barriers down. At least, that's my opinion.

IthilienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/11/2003
I love it when we get a romp inside of Gandalf’s head. Not enough authors give us that, I think. And as such, the old wizard becomes such a godly character, we never get to see that he has feelings and good humor and dread like the rest of them. Except when YOU write him. Then we get a treat.

I loved so much of this chapter that it’s hard to know where to begin lauding my praises at your insights. First, that little bit about Radagast advising Thranduil to trust in fate -- precious. And frightening. I guess it never really dawned on me to put a timeline to when Mirkwood would finally succumb to the darkness. A century is not long for either mortals or elves when it comes to guarding their home, and this really is a startling realization.

The divvying of the watch was a wonderful debate, and I love how Gandalf finally got his say and that he voiced his decision logically. He still got arguments, but hands down, he was the victor. And I especially loved how he got them all to sleep. Sing me a song, Elf-boy. But yowza, that bit about Legolas overhearing songs of longing in Rivendell -- oh, that really got to me. You know my weak spot. And that Gandalf thinks it worthy of mentioning to Galadriel – oh wow! Too bad he never got to relay that message. I wonder what might have happened had Gandalf made it through Moria alive. [ignore that plot bunny, okay?]

The battle with the Wargs was brilliant. I was practically chewing off my nails in worry. That the beasts watch them and surmise their strategy by sending in one as a sacrifice is intriguing. These are not ordinary creatures we are dealing with but cunning, sophisticated hunters. That is quite scary, you know.

But scarier still was the second attack. I knew it was too easy. (Listen to me. I act like this is all new literature to me. I know the outcome to this adventure, yet you make it so fresh. Can I thank you again for that?) Boy, am I glad we have Gandalf around. Things were looking mighty desperate there, and were it not for the wizard, I think it is safe to say the story might have taken a different turn. [kicks second plot bunny aside.]

Woohoo! Good stuff here. I’ve been missing your updates. Do you think we’ll be seeing more soon? Please?

Author Reply: Here comes a very much belated reply. Sorry about that. I really am working on these bad habits of mine.

Anyway, Gandalf scares me whenever I set out to write him, so I'm endlessly relieved that you like my version of everyone's favorite wizard. He's such a difficult character, though! How in Arda do you write a Maia? I guess the same holds true of the elves, but even so...

And keep your plotbunnies to yourself! Sheesh! Especially that one about Gandalf making it to Lorien. I actually stuck that in the story so I could get rid of it. Anyway, thanks so much for the review and I'm sorry about the slow updates and replies. Hopefully I can change that in the 48 hours or so. We'll see...

LKKReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/12/2003
Another good chapter, Thundera. I liked the inclusion of the songs. Gimli's quiet appreciation of them was a nice touch. I've always felt cheated somewhat that Tolkien never elaborated how Gimli and Legolas became friends. I hope you will continue to include these little moments that explain how they were able to become friends in Lothlorien.

The expanded fight scene was very nicely done. I'm looking forward to your next chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring Enhanced. :-)


Author Reply: I'm so bad at replying to reviews! So very bad. Sorry this is so late in coming to you, but I've resolved to do better in the future. Anyway, glad you liked the inclusion of songs. We've got a few more coming up, and as they were such an integral part of Tolkien's world, I can't leave them out. Thanks for the review!

HaiReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/8/2003
What a wonderful surprise to find an update to this story! Something I love is your stories usually have long chapters! I hope more isn't too long in coming though. Why did Merry freeze up the way he did? That "fight or flight" type thing, I don't know I heard about it once, I have never been scared enough for adrenaline to kick in very hard anyway. Who all is hurt? You mentioned Pippin bleeding, and that Aragorn seemed to be favoring one of his legs. Oh, dear do let them all be okay! I love how you have fleshed out this scene. In the books I always feel it is too short for what all happens! Do you know how long you are going to write for htis story? Through Moria? Aragorn's dream/prediction was pretty creepy! Yet another book aspect that you have used and expanded on remarkably well! It is Aragorn, right, who doesn't want Gandalf to go into Moria? I have began rereading them so I will find out eventually. You are doing so wonderfully! Thank you so much for the time you use on these! Looking forward to LOTS more!

Author Reply: Apologies for the belated reply to the review! I really ought to join a support group for things like this. Anyway, to answer your questions, Merry's response was very much in keeping with something I've experienced myself. Right before adrenaline kicks in, your body sometimes goes into shock to the extent that you can't even breathe. It's almost as scary as whatever it is that spooked you. Rather unnerving, to be honest. Moving on, I'm going to get the Fellowship all the way through Moria but I'll stop before we hit Lothlorien. I'm not sure exactly where in there I'll stop, but it will be before Nimrodel. And it is indeed Aragorn who doesn't want Gandalf going into Moria, though to be honest, the rest of the Fellowship (with the exception of Gimli) isn't too keen on the idea, either. Thanks for the reviews and the questions!

LamielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/8/2003
Oh, very very nice. I knew you'd do wonderfully with the warg fight. Gandalf's line at the end is just perfect. As far as Gimli's song goes--I think it works to do something like what you have with Legolas' songs (and I love your idea about Elladan and Elrohir making up the tra-la-la-lilly song, seems just the thing they'd do to annoy people) i.e. have a few stanzas but no need to write the whole long thing out. Focus on the impact it has on the listeners--they're emotions (particularly, I imagine, Legolas' reaction). Should work great.

Thank you so much for another wonderful story!

Author Reply: I'm very late in replying to this, and for that I apologize and hope you can forgive me. Sorry! Anyway, I like your suggestion for Gimli's song in Moria. It's kind of what I had planned already, but I wasn't sure how people would react so I did it first with Legolas's song. Thanks for the confirmation. I'll go ahead and do that. My plan for that part of the story is to tell it from the perspective of one of the hobbits, but we'll see Legolas's perspective on it, too. He's got quite a lot to think about in the dark, after all.

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/7/2003
Good story. Short songs are okay, but long songs might get obnoxious. Just be careful.

Author Reply: Believe me when I say that I'm listening to all the warnings about long songs. There are people, though, who want the entire song in. I'll try to find a balance somewhere, but thanks for the advice! And sorry about the delay in responding to this. I'm trying to improve.

EnvinyatarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/7/2003
I have been awed by your work for a long time (it was the first fan-fiction I ever read), but in this chapter you seem to go beyond even your usual high standards. I wasn't sure you would find a place for humour in this grim situation, but the image of Aragorn about to fly at Erestor over the suggestion that Anduril will live with me for a long time!

The pacing in this was excellent and the songs fit beautifully, but what impressed me most was Aragorn's vision. This was an extremely powerful piece of writing. Looking forward to more, and thanks for many hours of enjoyment.

Author Reply: Thank you! Your compliments mean a lot to me (though you probably couldn't tell due to my complete lack of response until now). Sorry about that. I'm trying to improve. As for finding humor, I believe quite firmly that there is humor everywhere. You just have to look for it. Sometimes you have to look *hard* for it, but it's still there. And thanks for the comments about Aragorn's vision! I felt as though I was straying out on a limb with those, though I really couldn't tell you why. It was just a little out of the ordinary for me, so I'm very glad you liked them. Thanks again!

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/7/2003
Wow, I am by no means disappointed by your version of the Warg attack! Reading about it alone was sufficient for a good rush of adrenaline. I now have to reread Tolkien's version, but I think your take was much darker and more intense. Merry's POV served well to convey the fear those beasts evoked, and by relating his sensation with what he felt during his encounter with the Black Riders in Bree made the entire situation even creepier.

But there are other things I really enjoyed in this chapter (well enjoyed in a slightly morbid kind of way ...). Aragorn's dream was one of them, full of dark foreboding of the events to happen in Moria. The discussion among the Fellowship about the necessity to rest even with the Wargs closing in. Gandalf's musings about Gimli's reaction to Legolas' choice of songs.

Author Reply: One of the things I wanted to do with the Wargs was to make their attack mean something. The attack didn't even make it into the movies, but it was the first time that the Fellowship had an actual battle. So I had to make it dark and scary, and to do that, I tried to do it from a hobbit perspective. Hobbits aren't going to be used to this kind of thing, which meant I could go a little darker than Tolkien. I'm glad you liked it! I wasn't sure how much I was stretching things with it. And sorry about the lack of response or updates. The update thing can be solved soon. The responses...well, I'm trying to do better!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/7/2003
I like the use of song in this chapter. It was so important to Tolkien.

This was a pretty tense chapter. The personalities of the companions come through in their reactions to the danger. Bormir, for instance, appears as the experienced, hardened warrior. Nice details about such matters as Aragorn making sure the Legolas knew his back was uncovered or Gandalf advising them not to retrieve the arrow.

Author Reply: Sorry about the delayed response from my end! It is evil of me, I know. Sorry! Anyway, I'm glad you like the use of song. I wanted to test the waters with some shorter songs before I let Gimli sing, and the response is fairly positive, which relieves me. As for the details in the battle, I'm something of a stickler for things like that. Probably has something to do with my college degree. Sometimes it can be rather cumbersome, but it does come in handy during things like this. Thanks for the review!

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