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Unexpected  by Madeleine 6 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/29/2008
Enjoyed the dialogue in this one, especially Eomer's reconsideration of extending Amrothos' stay in Rohan if only to spite Elphir. I also enjoyed how Amrothos started the duel! He could be so sly and funny, enjoyed how he manhandled Eofor. The pretend fainting/dizzy scene was priceless! Just loved the whole "dying swan" bit and how someone thought he should join a circus because of his highly advanced skills. It's amusing that Lothy's menfolk have to join forces just to dissuade her from doing something that she has set her mind on.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/15/2006
An diesen netten kleinen verbalen Geplänkeln habe ich immer so viel Spaß – Du hast wirklich ein Händchen für solche witzigen Dialoge. Wobei Éomer natürlich recht hat – man sollte sich in Acht nehmen, was man in Lothíriels Gegenwart so von sich gibt.

Was nun Elphir anbetrifft, der zeigt sich ja nun wieder von seiner "besten" Seite. Ich seh es schon kommen, daß Éomer über seiner Abneigung gegen den ältesten Prinzen zum jüngsten findet ...
Apropos, das wäre ja wieder typisch Imrahil, wenn Amrothos noch gar nichts von seinem Glück, sprich den Plänen seines Vaters, weiß, und danach sieht es aus. Wie ich schon sagte – das ist es, was mich bei Imrahil am meisten stört.

Oh Mann, die Vorstellung von Amrothos und Éofor war wirklich außergewöhnlich und ein Duell, das die Zuschauer wohl so schnell nicht vergessen werden! Amrothos hat wirklich einiges riskiert, um Éofor in die Schranken zu verweisen. Beeindruckend! Ebenso wie sein schauspielerisches Talent. Ich bin zutiefst beeindruckt. Aber irgendwie überrascht es mich nicht, daß er auch noch so kunstvoll in Ohnmacht fallen kann. Auch wenn ich bezweifle, daß er auf diesem Weg für längere Zeit Lothíriel von Éofor weghalten kann – anscheinend ist ihre Berufung als Heiler stärker als die Vernunft, bzw. das, was ihr Éomer über Éofors Motive erklärt hat ...

Author Reply: Es gibt mich noch!

In den nächsten Kapiteln wird Éomer noch das eine oder andere mal wünschen, er hätte bestimmte Dinge nicht zu seiner Göttergattin gesagt. She hat nicht nur das Gedächnis eines Elephanten, sondern auch eine eher eigenwillige Art Dinge zu interpretieren bzw. ihre eigenen Schlüsse zu ziehen.
Unser König muss feststellen, dass es etwa so einfach ist, mit seiner Königin zu diskutieren - und die Diskussion für sich zu entscheiden - wie einen Pudding an die Wand zu nageln.
Und was nun den Herren Éofor betrifft, für den hat Lothíriel auch Pläne!
Die nächsten drei Kapitel werden einmal aufzeigen, was Lothíriel an einem einzigen Tag so alles auf die Beine stellt - wenn man sie sich selbst überlässt.
Das Leben in Rohan als solches - und Éomers im besonderen - wird nie wieder so sein wie zuvor.
Und immer daran denken: sie ist Amrothos Schwester!

Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/11/2006
Thank you! The suspense was more than we could bear much longer. Though you put much effort into this chapter (a nice long one, too) the first reading I sped over the duels, though I noted with amusement the ‘muzzle’ comment and Lotheriel’s running commentary of the injuries and possible collateral damage done by the opponents

How unfair to only see Amrothos in a good light when compared to his eldest brother. Amrothos is a rare spark of a life filled with the joy of living. Could it be that Imrahil thinks the two youngest of his children are best suited to life in Rohan for their sakes or merely for the peace his will surely enjoy when he returns to Dol Amroth. Worse yet is Elphir, who knew him from infant to adult thinking Amrothos, with his keenly attuned senses, capable of a truly idiotic action.

Amrothos with his completely disarming manner and irritating words could no doubt have ‘talked’ Éofor into surrender, but it would have lacked the necessary physical reminder against the repetition of the transgression. A through drubbing before one’s peers as involves the memory of others in the lesson.

Without question, Amrothos is admirably suited to life among the Rohir and will demonstrate that winsome smile and charming manner as well as his wit and battle skills to the benefit of his new liege lord.

Once again thank you for another exciting chapter.

Author Reply: Back at last.

I think, Imrahil has always the best of intentions regarding his children - as long as it does not interfere with the interest of Gondor. After all, he is a reigning Prince who is responsible for all people of Belfalas. The wellfare of everyone has to come before the self-interest of any member of his family. Their birth meant quite a few privileges for Lothíriel and her brothers and they ahve to pay for those by the service to their people. How could the nobility otherwise justify its existence?

Imrahil was quite happy to be able to link the political advantages for the marriage between Éomer and Lothíriel with the personal. And for the same reason he feels Amrothos is in much better keeping in Rohan.

He has just this highly disagreeable trait of never consulting his children beforehand when he makes plans which usually turn out to be for their best.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/7/2006
You have actually made these accounts of battle in the behourd interesting - and I usually dodge descriptions of fighting! The participants have character - I can just see the one who got to take part because everyone knew that trying to stop him would be like holding back a wall of water. And Amrothos! He is gorgeous - and I just love Erchirion's judgment that he is suffering from third-son-itis. (Especially with Elphir as the first son!)

Imrahil is right - Rohan is a far better place for Amrothos to be himself. Erchirion, too, perhaps, now Elphir is a father and he is no longer needed as spare. Although I don't think Erchirion is suited to life as a travelling player. (Amrothos did quite a good dying swan if he took in his sister. And Eomer must be grateful to him for distracting Lothiriel from seeing to Eofer's injuries. Eomer couldn't have come up with anything subtle - not at this time of day.)

Excellent chapter. Love it. Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: I'm not an avid reader of endless action scenes, but I came across a book about Medieval sword fighting and simply couldn't resist. I hope I managed to desbribe the 'behourd' in a not too serious manner. After all, nothing in which Amrothos becomes involved should be taken too seriously.

And I'm afraid Éomer has to learn that he can't keep Lothíril from being interested in something for too long, if she gets certain ideas into her head.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/6/2006
I just loved the way Lothriel treated the two kings at the end,just priceless !I felt I was at the jousting you described it so vividly and it was brilliant the way you brought all the tension to such a hilarious conclusion.
It seems that Eomer is learning that his in laws have their uses!

Author Reply: That Éomer is learning that his wife's brothers - particularly the youngest one - have their uses, doesn't necessarily mean he wants them - particularly the youngest one - to stay in Rohan.
But fate isn't exactly interested in a king's opinion.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/6/2006
Hurrah for Amrothos! He's a clever and skilled combatant. And also a good actor. Eomer's life will never be dull.

Author Reply: No, Éomer life will never be the same again. But that has not necessarily something to do with his brother-in-law; rather with his wife. Next chapter Lothíriel is going to set out stirring up some trouble - unintentional, of course.

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