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Forging of the Ringbearer: Part 1: A New Life  by Frodo Baggins 5 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/7/2006
Oh no! Lotho is so evil! I could just...oh, never mind! But I don't like Sam being left alone while Loathesome Lotho is around. Frodo doesn't have a choice though. Oh, and it was going so nicely for both of them. I love the description of the riding. Ah, how I miss it sometimes! And Frodo's wisdom in keeping as quiet as he can when I just know he'd like to jerk a knot in that cousin of his, is so characteristic and makes me ashamed of my own hasty outbursts. Another cliff-hanger! You don't know what "breathe" means, my dear! LOL! Can't wait to know what happens next!
God bless,

Author Reply: Yes, Lotho is very evil. I didn't like leaving Sam alone either, but like you said, there was no choice in the matter. It would be pure foolishness for Frodo to stay there until somebody happened by, and it would also be foolish to take a lad with a prospective broken leg anywhere. So I...Frodo had to choose the lesser of three evils. :( Poor Sam. He will be alright though. I promise.
I had just ridden that day, actually. And it was on this horse that I've been dying to ride since I've started working at that stable. He had the most smooth canter. I could have done it all day. I really had fun with that chapter. And more fun to come!! :) I hope I'm not horsing you guys out. :)
Sorry, Sam...QG. I couldn't resist the little cliffhanger. You'll be relieved. Don't worry.
God Bless,
Your FrodoB

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/4/2006
Lotho is truly heartless. I'm worried about poor little Sam being left alone when Lotho is nearby. I do hope Frodo can find a healer quickly and can hurry back to help his little friend.

Elanor SilmariënReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/4/2006
*gasp* Lotho! Why the evil little..... *rrg!* How could he!?!? *calms down* Sorry. *blushes* Frodo'd better get a healer quickly! Please tell us what happens soon!
God bless,
p.s. was lovely talking with you the other day! kept me awake for homework. *grins*

Author Reply: No need to blush, Ellie dear. :) Frodo will go as fast as Gil-galad can take him. Yes, Lotho is a GRR!! LOL! I have to go hem my pants for church tomorrow. I am a true Hobbit, every pair of pants I get I have to hem. It's really a bother.
GOd Bless,
Frodo Baggins

Post Script: Oh, it was indeed lovely talking to you! We should keep up the correspondance. You're so much fun! :) FB

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/4/2006
Ah, trust Lotho Sackville-Baggins to prove to be the spiteful creature he was. Nasty git! And Sam with a possible broken leg! Frodo did well to contain himself about the child.

Author Reply: Yes, a poor example of Hobbits, that one. Poor Sam. Keep reading to find out what's wrong with him. I've learned that in front of children (and any one I guess) who are injured you need to keep a calm face, even if it is bad. It helps the situation a lot. Frodo is a very wise HObbit.
God Bless,
Frodo Baggins

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/4/2006
Finally another chapter! I had just about given up! Love Sam here, poor dear. Lotho should be arrested. What strength Frodo had not to strike back, but then that's our dear. :)

Namarie, God bless, Im mil le, Antane

Author Reply: Don't give up! I had only hit this major writer's block. I've planning a *really* do I say this without spoiling the surprise?... situation, shall we say. ;) But I finally just said to myself, "Frodo, you just need to sit down and start to write. Hopefully it will just come to you." And it did. I even got to squeeze a teeny cliff in there. :) Hehe.
Lotho should be arrested. However, you will end up pitying him (if you're anything like me) eventually. Right now, though, it's very hard to do so. Yes, Frodo is our dear. It takes a *lot* of strength to hold back biting comebacks, especially when our loved ones are harmed. You won't believe what I did to a guy who was not a desirable character when I found out he liked my sister. And I've given many a talking to to people who have insulted my sister. :) It's just in my nature to defend those I love.
I have to go now. Namarie!
God Bless,
Frodo Baggins

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