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From the Shadows  by jenolas 6 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/17/2007
A beautiful reunion scene - and I loved Galadriel's revenge against Sauron... but my heart is aching at the 'implied' meaning of Boromir's words. Are the brothers to be separated again? No!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/17/2007
And is he now in his way bound to this place as are the ghosts of those who once dwelt near Amon Hen?

Author Reply: I suppose so, ad at the very least he is learning a little about his ancestors.


DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/22/2006
There seems to be quite a good relationship between Boromir and Haldir. There’s certainly a sense of respect and Boromir is clearly grateful for whatever was done for him. I love the idea that the bond between Boromir and Faramir is so strong that not only was it known in Minas Tirith, but Haldir can feel it now. And right now both brothers are struggling with a lot of mixed feelings. I can understand why Faramir thinks Boromir isn’t real – I get the impression he’s dreamt about him before as he struggled with his grief.

And his anger is very believable too after all he’s suffered and it seems even now that he might never have known the truth if he hadn’t stumbled across it. Of course, Boromir didn’t know about Denethor. What a terrible shock. Plus, Boromir knows what it’s like to be tempted by evil so it must grieve him to know how far his father went. I’m glad Faramir was able to reassure him that he wasn’t responsible for Denethor’s actions.

It was also good to see that Boromir is honest in telling his brother about his seduction by the ring. His description of what happened when the arrows pierced him is intriguing. It’s quite magical and spiritual. It seems to me that these ghosts of the past possess much honour and strength – I like the idea that they called him away from Sauron’s influence. It also sounds like there were a lot more forces than it seemed at work to make sure the quest succeeded and are now still at work. Perhaps to give both brothers the chance to see each other, to speak again, to each know the answers to their questions? I’m starting to suspect that this might be a grace granted to them for now and not the happy home-coming that Faramir thinks.

Excellent chapter! Onwards…

Author Reply: Thanks for the insightful review, Dot.

Although this is a Boromir lives fic, I wanted to steer away from the story telling aspect and try and deal a little with the characters, as I usually prefer to do in my shorter pieces.

There is a wealth of unanswered questions to explore between the brothers, and both have issues unresolved that perhaps might have been easier to deal with if they could have spoken after the war.

I have also tried to incorporate a little of the more 'mystical'historical side of Tolkien's Middle-earth, especially as applied to the alliance between the Faithful Numenoreans ( from whom our men of Gondor ... and Dol Amroth... are descended) and the Elves.

ElenyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/19/2006
A very interesting and believable twist. I guess there were some scandinavian legends about spirits of mighty warriors coming back to the almost dead bodies if they chose to continue the course of life. This could by all means happen to Boromir, especially with Galadriel's assistance. The end of this chapter, however, gives further intrigue! Very well written!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, I hope you continue to enjoy the tale!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/12/2006
Galadriel sending helpers to bring Boromir back from the brink is a good scheme. It must be terrible disconcerting for Faramir to see his brother - I think he reacted quite well to it really!

Author Reply: Yes, I like to think Galadreil is not a 'wicked elf Queen', she shows much compassion. Poor Faramir, more shocks in store!

mirthorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/11/2006
Pleased to see a Boromir lives tale - it's been quite a while. Thanks for sharing.

Author Reply: You are very welcome.

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